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Communications in Business
Period X
20 February 2015
Annotated Bibliography
"Bremerton School District / Homepage." Bremerton School District / Homepage. Bremerton School District. Web. 04 Feb. 2015.
This site is published by the Bremerton School District and its wonderful, professional staff. Everything on it is obviously true and intended to support the education and well-being of the staff and students in our community. The links are all valid and the images are representative of our staff, students, and community members demonstrating effective learning opportunities for all. There are no advertisements on this site, and it is published for the sole purpose of keeping the public informed of the most up to date information about the district and its decisions.
The target audience for this site are the parents, staff, and students, as well as community members. Parents can find useful information lunches, buses, and calendar events. Staff can find useful resources for professional development, substitute information, and district events. Students can see photos of student activities, sports forms, and back to school events. Community members can see school board agendas, the Performing Arts Center schedule, and volunteer opportunities.
This site is useful for creating a documentary about teaching because it provide so much information about the demographics of the district, the teaching philosophy of the district, the types of positions available in the district, Teaching and Learning Resources, and the Bargaining Agreement. These types of information provide evidence for lots of background information on this specific district to use as an example of what to look for in a district before applying for a teaching position.
"Careers and Jobs." Careers and Jobs in the US America’s Navy. Navy Recruiting Command. Web. 04 Feb. 2015.
This site is published by the United States Navy Recruiting Command and provides useful links to the many specific jobs offered by the Navy. There are no outside advertisements on this site and it is published with the sole purpose of providing information for people interested in pursuing a career in the Navy. All of the links are active and the images provided enhance the viewer's understanding of the textual information provided.
The target audience for this website are young men and women potentially interested pursuing a job or a career in the Navy. It provides information about the various career fields that are available in the Navy such as Engineering and Applied Science, Healthcare, and even Chaplin and Support positions.
The information most useful on this site for creating a documentary for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors in high school are the descriptors of the various careers and the steps it takes to join the Navy. These areas of the website provide a plethora of details for explaining in the documentary how to choose a specific job and how to actually enter into service.