1.  The Old English period: general characteristics and cultural achievement.

2.  Old English poetry: the epic of Beowulf. Themes and form.

3.  Old English poetry. The elegies: The Wanderer, The Seafarer, The Dream of the Rood. Religious poetry: Caedmon and Cynewulf.

4.  The Gothic Renascence. Social change and changing intellectual paradigms. Philosophical ideas and artistic achievements.

5.  Medieval English romances: King Horn, Havelok the Dane, Bevis of Hampton, Sir Orfeo.

6.  Medieval lyrical genres. The ballad tradition.

7.  The Arthurian legend: Geoffrey of Monmouth, Wace, Layamon, Sir Thomas Malory.

8.  The Alliterative Revival. Social context and general characteristics.

9.  The Alliterative Revival. The Pearl poet: works, themes, and poetic form.

10.  The Alliterative Revival. William Langland. Piers Plowman. Textual versions, themes, and form.

11.  Geoffrey Chaucer. The French period: the allegorical vision poems.

12.  Geoffrey Chaucer. The Italian period: Troilus and Criseyde.

13.  Geoffrey Chaucer. The English period: The Canterbury Tales.

14.  Medieval drama: liturgical drama and Mystery plays. Dramatic structure and theatrical conventions.

15.  Medieval drama: the Morality plays. Themes, characters, and form.

General Guidebooks
(available at the British and American Studies Resource Centre, Sofia University)
Mincoff , Marco / A History of English Literature / SV 820.9 MIN
Wallace, David et al. (eds.) / The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature / SVR 820.9001 CAM
Loewenstein, David et al. (ed.) / The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature / SVR 820.9003 CAM
Ford, Boris (ed.) / The New Pelican Guide to English Literature / SV 820.9 FOR
Bolton, W. F. et al. (eds.) / The Sphere History of English Literature / Professor Mincoff Memorial Library
Sanders, Andrew / The Short Oxford History of English Literature / SVR 820.9 SAN
Head, Dominic / The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English / SVR 820.3
Kermode , Frank
Godden, Malcolm / The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature / SV 829.0920
Pulsanio, Philip et al. (eds.) / A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature / SV 829.0922
Brown, Peter (ed.) / A Companion to Medieval English Literature and Culture / SVR 820.9001 COM
Veldhoen, N. H. G. E. / Companion to Early Middle English Literature / SV 820.900120 VEL
Trapp , J. B. / Medieval English Literature / SV 820.8001 TRA
Beadle, Richard / The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre / SV 792.0942
Mitchell , Bruce / An Invitation to Old English and Anglo-Saxon England
Myers , A. R. / England in the Late Middle Ages / 3SV 942.2 MYE
Literature on specific topics
(available at the British and American Studies Resource Centre, Sofia University)
Achim Bednorz / The Art of Gothic: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting / SVR 700 TOM
Allport, Gordon W. / Studies in Medieval English Romances / SV 820.9001
Beadle Richard / The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre / SV 792.0942
Boitani, Pietro et al. (eds.) / The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer / SV 821.1 CAM
Brewer, Derek / A New Introduction to Chaucer / SV 821.1 BRE
Brown, Peter (ed.) / A Companion to Chaucer / SV 821.1 COM
Chambers , E. K. / English Literature at the Close of the Middle Ages / SV 820.8 CHA
Chute, Marchette / Geoffrey Chaucer of England / SV 821.17 CHU
Donoghue, Daniel / Old English Literature: A Short Introduction / SV 829.0922 DON
Ford , Boris / Chaucer and the Alliterative Tradition / SV 820.9 FOR
Gransden , Antonia / Legends, Traditions and History in Medieval England / SV 942.03 GRA
Harris , John Wesley / Medieval Theatre in Context: An Introduction / SV 792.09 HAR
Hussey , S. / Chaucer: An Introduction / SV 821.1 HUS
McGrade, A. S. / The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy / 3SV 189.22
Pearsall, Derek Albert / Arthurian Romance: A Short Introduction / SV 809.93351 PEA
Richardson, C. / Medieval Drama / SV 822.109
Stenton, Doris Mary / English Society in the Early Middle Ages (1066-1307) / SV 942.02 STE
Vasta, E. / Interpretations of Piers Plowman / Professor Mincoff Memorial Library
Wickham , Glynne / The Medieval Theatre / SV 792.094 WIC

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