Partners in Education Institute Application
The Kennedy Center
Applications must be received no later than October 31, 2013.
The Kennedy Center Partners in Education program is accepting applications through October 31, 2013. The entry point for the program is a four-day Institute which will be held Wednesday, April 25 through Saturday, April 26, 2014 at the Kennedy Center. The Institute will bring together up to 14 two-person Teams (one representative of an arts institution and one representative from the neighboring school system) who are interested in creating or expanding programs in professional learning in the arts for teachers.
The Institute will examine a variety of educational events for teachers developed and refined at the Kennedy Center since 1976. These workshops focus on either teaching about the arts, or teaching other subject areas through the arts.
During the Institute, each Team develops a plan that specifies how the partners will work together to establish or expand professional learning programs in the arts for teachers in their communities. Teams receive a detailed planning guide to assist them in the development of their program. Institute participants see professional development workshops in action and study how they are designed, implemented, and evaluated. Participants also will attend a performance at the Kennedy Center. As part of an organization’s selection into the program, the Kennedy Center will pay for participants’ round-trip transportation, training, meals, materials, performance ticket and follow-up consultation.
Call (202) 416-8806 with any questions and visit the Partners in Education website:
Application Checklist
Application includes support letters signed by the Executive Director of the arts organization and Superintendent of the school district
Application includes the original and three copies (excluding the brochures and Annual Report)
Application includes résumés for all Team Members
Both Team Members are able to attend the required four-day Institute (DATES)
Executive Director of arts organization is able to attend first two days of the Institute (DATES)
Executive Director and Superintendent understand that initial participation in Partners in Education is a two-year commitment
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Partners in Education program facilitates educational partnerships between arts organizations around the nation and their local school systems. Representatives from these organizations work together as Partnership Teams to establish or expand professional development programs in the arts for teachers. Partners in Education focuses primarily on arts integration, rather than arts discipline-specific professional development.
Partnership Teams consist of one or two representatives from the arts organization (the Executive Director and/or a senior staff member responsible for education) and a representative from a local school system (a senior-level administrator responsible for professional development).The team participates in an Institute that provides models and planning strategies for professional development programs in the arts for teachers. Beyond the Institute, the program provides follow-up consultation and professional learning at annual meetings to assist teams in their continued development.
The Institute is the beginning of the Partnership Team’s participation in the program and a two-year commitment.Teams are accepted to the Institute based on their application. The next Institute will take place April 23 – 26, 2014at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.
The Institute Application consists of three parts:
* Applicants in proximity to existing Partnerships Teams are asked to contact the Partners in Education office prior to submitting an application. A list of teams can be found at
This application should be completed by the Executive Director/President of the arts organization or the Superintendent of Schools. The signed original and three copies should be sent to:
National Partnerships - Education
The Kennedy Center
P.O. Box 101510
Arlington, VA 22210
Applications must be received no later than October 31, 2013.
The Arts Organization Letter of Commitment should be from the Executive Director/President and describe:
- the organization’s mission statement and the role of education programming within that mission;
- the organization’s goals for education and how participation in the Institute will support those goals;
- the organization’s commitment to working with its school system partner to initiate or expand professional development opportunities for teachers;
- the names and titles of the individuals that will represent both the arts organization and the school system at the Institute;
- why the named individuals are the most appropriate representatives; and
- the resources available for this partnership.
The School System Letter of Commitment should be from the Superintendent and describe:
- the school system’s goals and how participation in the Institute will support those goals;
- the need to initiate or expand professional development opportunities in the arts for teachers, to assist them in teaching the general curriculum through the arts and/or teaching about the arts;
- the school system’s commitment to working with its arts organization partner to initiate or expand professional development opportunities for teachers;
- the names and titles of the individuals that will represent both the arts organization and the school system at the Institute;
- why the named individuals are the most appropriate representatives; and
- the resources available for this partnership.
- Partnership Teams consist of one or two representatives from arts organization and a representative from the school system. Beyond this, representatives cannot be considered.
- Please include the résumés (not job descriptions) of each representative.
- Please input text into the gray boxes below.
- Note that official Team Members from the arts organization and school system are required to attend the full four-day Institute as well as the first two Annual Meetings.
- Executive Directors are required to attend the first day and a half of the Institute but are welcome to attend the full four days. Executive Directors do not need to attend Annual Meetings but are welcome to do so.
The primary representative from the arts organization should be a full-time senior staff person responsible for education (e.g., Director of Education). In the case where there is not a senior staff person, the Executive Director should be the representative.
Name: Title:
Work Phone:
Name: Title:
Work Phone:
The representative from the school system should be a senior staff member from the central administration who is able to assist the school system in designing and implementing new or expanded professional development programs for teachers (e.g., Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent, Director of Staff Development, Instruction, and/or Curriculum).
Name: Title:
Work Phone:
Use additional pages as needed to answer longer questions.
- Please include copies of the 2012-2013 season brochure and most recent annual report, including an audited balance sheet for the most recently completed fiscal year.
- For each of the following categories, state the approximate number of different productions presented during your organization's 2012-2013 season.
MusicTheater Dance
OperaOther (specify: )
- Are there months of the year in which your organization does not offer events?
- If your organization provides arts education programs for teachers, briefly describe the current budget, number and types of events, number of staff, number of volunteers, number of teachers served, and how long these programs have been offered.
- If your organization provides arts education programs for students (Pre-K through grade 12), briefly describe the current budget, number and types of events, number of staff, number of volunteers, number of students served, and how long these programs have been offered.
Use additional pages as needed to answer longer questions.
- Provide the following information for the school system partner:
School System Name:
Number of Elementary StudentsNumber of Middle School Students
Number of High School Students
% Students Receiving Free or Reduced Lunch
% Students Living in:
Urban Setting
Suburban Setting
Rural Setting
% Students Identifying As:
African American
Pacific Islander
Number of Elementary Teachers
Number of Middle School Teachers
Number of High School Teachers
Number of Elementary Schools
Number of Middle Schools
Number of High Schools
Number of Title I Schools
Median Income in School District Community
- How many teachers employed by local school systems (public and private) are within one hour’s travel distance from the arts organization?
- What professional development programs in the arts (type and number) are currently offered to teachers by the school system? Please include course descriptions/brochures.
Use additional pages as needed to answer longer questions.
- Describe the community your organization serves (e.g., population, ethnic and socioeconomic demographics, local economy, urban, suburban, or rural setting, any historical perspective on the role of the arts in your community, etc.).
- What other arts resources/organizations serve your community (e.g., teaching artists, resident companies, other local presenting organizations, artists-in-education programs, arts councils, etc.)?
- Have you collaborated with any of these organizations? If yes, for what purpose(s)?
What additional information might help us better evaluate your application?
Partners in Education
Financial Information
The Kennedy Center
There are two phases of participation in the Partners in Education program and the financial responsibilities for Partnership Teams change as they move from one phase to the next. Throughout a team’s participation, the costs involved in the programming of events in the team’s home community are the responsibility of that team.