Cardinal George
Archdiocese of Chicago August 24, 2014
Dear Cardinal George,
1. The Grand Bargain—Always Seek the Win-Win Way.
“With the help of Monoclonal Antibodies, should they be needed, and the help of GOD, which will ALWAYS be needed, there is still much GOOD that you can accomplish both here and around the world.” --Kimball Ladien, MD, “Choose Love,” letter to Cardinal George, 7/3/14.
I am glad that you finally took my advice about going to the University of Chicago. Perhaps you are also now ready to take the beloved Ralph’s advice of helping to achieve a positive win-win outcome to this case. But, “In all ways, acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct thy path.” (Proverbs 3:6)
Very soon you will be ending your tenure at the Archdiocese of Chicago. But whether your legacy is one of honor or shame is still entirely up to you and your actions over the next several days and weeks.
Soon, proof positive as to Cardinal Bernadin’s $3M payoff to buy Steve Cook’s silence about their long-term affair will be well known throughout Chicago and the World. But this will be only symbolic of the over 30 years of shame and deliberate cover-ups of abuse on the part of the Church of the Pharisees and Praetorian Guards orchestrated in no small part by John O’Malley. Again, the “shame" is NOT being gay. The SHAME is the over 30 years of COVER-UPS of ABUSE of POWER. It is time for this to END.
You can choose to be part of the Church of Pharisees and Praetorian Guards with O’Malley, Bill Grogan and, possibly, Jeff Grob and Dan Smilanic or you can choose to be part of the Church of Christ and Love with Pope Francis and the vast majority of the faithful around the World. Simply put, you can do in the Right Thing and SETTLE THIS CASE and fire O’Malley and Grogan (with or without Grob and Smilanic) or you can simply share in their shame and leave it to Pope Francis to do what you should have done long ago. The choice is yours to make. But the time to choose is NOW.
In my enclosed “Grand Bargain" proposal for Pope Francis, I offer you both a way to be genuine HEROES to the Church and the World by taking a true LEADERSHIP role in ENDING ABUSE of Power wherever it may be. But, to be a true example to others, you must clean your own house FIRST.
The Church of the Pharisees and Praetorian Guards represent those who have always sought to maintain power for power’s sake. They are the very people who KILLED Christ in the first place and would do so again without a moment’s hesitation. Christ threatened their “power" then. Christ threatens their power NOW. The more we SEEKTHELIGHT and the Win-WinWay, the more we STRENGTHEN the ChurchofChristandLove.
My enclosed “Carrots, Sticks and Win-Win Outcomes" letter to SNAP summarizes the “Grand Bargain” of offering GEIP, IF-PREVENT, Super-EPIC and Safe Haven to Pope Francis and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation in return for positively resolving ALL cases of abuse within the Church and becoming true LEADERS in the PREVENTION of Abuse of Power at ALL levels of society moving forward. You might even want to call it the “LOVE THY NEIGHBOR" campaign-- just as Christ preached some 2000 years ago. What it thought--actually PRACTICING what you PREACH! What a thought indeed. It might help to truly change the World. This could be your new mission in life should you choose to listen to HIM.
2. A Genuine Legacy of LOVE—Visualizing World Peace—The Fifth Tool.
“If you want Peace, work for Justice.”— Pope Paul VI, Peace Day, 1/1/72.
If you re-read my enclosed Easter, 2013 letter to you, you will see that it was the WRONGFUL DEATHS of Sylvia’s and my two friends from Wicker Park in the same week in 1970 (Larry, in a gang -related incident in the “old neighborhood" and George, a half a world away in Viet Nam) that led me to commit my life to the cause of World Peace. There has never been a day since they were first uttered that I have not had Pope Paul VI’s words written down and hanging somewhere in my home. If God has granted you the gift of “extra” time, then NOW is the time to ACT and put that gift to work.
Simply put, you, Pope Francis and I are not getting any younger. My “four tools” of IF-PREVENT, Super-EPIC, Safe Haven and GEIP can do a great deal to help “save" the World. But without the fifth and greatest “tool” of all, LOVE, the World has not been truly SAVED.
You have devoted over 50 years of your life to the Church. You have done many good deeds. But it is time to put these lessons learned to good use and leave a true Legacy of LOVE for you, Pope Francis and the World.
In my enclosed letter to Jason Berry, I suggest two Frontline sequels to his “Secrets of the Vatican."The first follow-up Frontline would focus on the implementation of both IF-PREVENT and Safe Haven for the monitoring and PREVENTION of abuse anywhere throughout the world, especially within the Church.
The second Frontline would focus on “Saving the World--The Royal Road to Stockholm.” If your health allows, I would ask Pope Francis to appoint you as a “Special Ambassador for Peace.” Jimmy Stethopolous could assist you in talks with various religious and political leaders around the world for the implementation of IF-PREVENT, Super-EPIC and Safe Haven in return for the gifting of GEIP to provide their country with a clean, renewable energy source that could save individual countries Billions of dollars annually while greatly helping to bring Justice and well-being to their People in the process.
Implementing these “four tools plus one" would be very much consistent with the message you preach in your wonderful book, “God in Action.” If God has truly saved you for a reason, this would be a good reason indeed. You wrote the book,now should be the time to see you, as well as God, in ACTION.
If Ralph were still “with us" in body, I have no doubt whatsoever that he would have already convinced you, Jeff Grob and Dan Smilanic to DO THE RIGHT THING in this case simply because it was the Right Thing to do. But the spirits of Ralph and Sylvia and even John Paul II and so many more are very much with you, if only choose to listen. Again, listening to HIM will show you the way in all things.
I reached out to you and Ralph over 2 ½ years ago now precisely to PROTECT the Sisters and the Church. It was Ralph, himself, who finally, in utter frustration, said that I would have to “Sue the Sisters and the Church in order to get their attention.” In the spirit of Ralph, Sylvia and so many others, Let us finally “make something very GOOD out of something very Bad.” Alone, we can accomplish little. Working TOGETHER we can SAVE the World. Let these be goals truly worthy of us all.
In Peace and Love,
Kimball Ladien, M.D. KLCardGeorgeGrandBargain24Aug14
“Grand Bargain” Proposal for Pope Francis
1. Cardinal George, Dan Smilanic, Jeff Grob, the Sister/Owners of Presence, Sister Mary Imler, John O’Malley and Bill Grogan (“chief ethicist!”) All read and answer “12 Ethical Questions” NOW.
2. If Cardinal George and the Sisters agree that the actions of SJAIL are UNETHICAL as well as VIOLATIONS of Canon Law, then they will TELL Chris Sheean to put the civil case on HOLD and enter into MEDIATION consistent with CL1446 including a full investigation into the WRONGFUL DEATH of Sylvia and the WRONGFUL TERMINATION of Dr. Ladien consistent with CL 1717.
3. Cardinal George to present “Carrots, Sticks and Win-Win Outcomes" proposal to Pope Francis as part of the “Grand Bargain" originally discussed at the SNAP National Convention in Chicago on 8/1/14. Simply put, Pope Francis would agree to accept the gifts of GEIP, IF-PREVENT, Super-EPIC and Safe Haven in return for settling ALL abuse cases within the Church. A “Truth and Reconciliation"-style commission would mediate the settlements with funding coming from GEIP. The alternative to SETTLING these cases is for SNAP and others to potentially join a Motion for a SPECIALPROSECUTOR to investigate over 30 years of RICO-style OBSTRUCTIONOFJUSTICE cases involving the Church and others.
4. Once Pope Francis agrees in principle with the Grand Bargain, Dr. Ladien will share the equation and simple principles underlying GEIP with Cardinal George consistent with the confidentiality agreement as described in the initial gifting proposal to Pope Francis and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
5. Cardinal George will then assist with the sharing of GEIP with Pope Francis and Bill and Melinda Gates prior to the formal signing of an agreement gifting GEIP to Pope Francis and the BMGF.
6. Bill Gates will be asked to have Microsoft assist in the development and implementation of IF-PREVENT, Super-EPIC and other cyber tools.
7. Presence Healthcare Organization will assist in the implementation of IF-PREVENT and Super-EPIC demonstrations in the medical context.
8. The Chicago and Joliet Archdiocese will serve as the first demonstration sites for the implementation of IF-PREVENT and Super-EPIC for the monitoring and, ultimately, Prevention of abuse cases within the Church, working with Jeff Anderson, Marc Perlman and SNAP in setting up these programs.
9. The Chicago and Joliet Archdiocese will also support the implementation of Safe Haven demonstrations within Chicago and Joliet to PREVENT abuse moving forward including supporting implementation of daycare and afterschool programs within schools and other Catholic facilities (e.g., Churches, etc.) as appropriate. Drug and alcohol rehab programs (e.g., AA, NA, halfway houses, etc.) can also be supported with funding through GEIP as described in the “Bipartisan Strategic Plan” (enclosed).
10. Strong efforts will be made to involve the PARENTS of these children in the providing of literal Safe Havens within these communities and the implementation of prevention-oriented support groups and parenting classes for at-risk youth and their families. The teaching of religious values within the these contexts is both supported and, in fact, highly encouraged as ways of strengthening the positive role of Churches within these communities. Church attendance is also encouraged.
11. The Church will also be asked to support the implementation of David’s Law and Sylvia’s Law as well as Safe Haven in Illinois and other states around America as a model for other Countries.
12. Pope Francis will then, God willing with the assistance of Cardinal George, Jimmy Stethopolous and others within the Church as well as the BMGF, reach out to Third World countries to assist in the implementation of Safe Haven, IF-PREVENT and Super-EPIC programs in return for the gift of GEIP. (Cardinal George would, in essence, be acting as a “Special Good Will Ambassador for Peace” consistent with the discussion in his book, God In Action.)
13. Simultaneously, Pope Francis, again potentially with the assistance of Cardinal George, Jimmy Stethopolous and others within the Church, will reach out to religious leaders around the World to get their agreement to support the implementation of Safe Haven, IF-PREVENT and Super-EPIC within their religious orders and support their implementation throughout the countries in which they operate. (This would include Fatois from the Ayellatolahs to ISIS, Hamas and Al Qaida to resolve issues peacefully)
14. Pope Francis, with the assistance of Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett and others will reach out to Bill and Hillary Clinton and others concerning negotiations with the US, EU, Russia and China for their assistance in resolving conflicts around the World in return for the Implementation of GEIP, IF-PREVENT, Super-EPIC and Safe Haven in these countries.
15. The last scene of the second Frontline proposed to Jason Barry, “Pope Francis and GEIP—Saving the World—The Royal Road to Stockholm" summarizes the “final" step in the “Grand Bargain.”
It is thus that “something Profoundly GOOD may finally come of something Profoundly Bad” indeed. Let these be goals truly worthy of us all.
In Peace and Love,
Kimball Ladien, M.D.
Ethical? Table 1. Questions of Ethics
- Sylvia tells seven people within five minutes that she wants her husband, Dr. Ladien, to stay with her and the nurse manager orders the witnesses NOT to sign an affidavit to this effect.
- Witnesses all ordered to write “peer reviews.” NONE of these mentioned Sylvia’s repeatedly stated wishes for Dr. Ladien to stay with her or even the fact that her attending physician had given verbal orders for her husband to be able to stay with her without a sitter. (DFORBO)
- Summary Suspension of Dr. Ladien when he was NEVER a physical threat to anyone (“imminent” or otherwise) and especially in consideration of the DeliberateFalsificationOfRecordsByOmission (DFORBO) as noted above. (First retaliation against Whistleblowing defending Sylvia.)
- Barring Dr. Ladien from seeing Sylvia without cause or due process in Flagrant, Deliberate and Reckless violation of IDPH and even SJH grievance guidelines.
- Failure to even produce IDPH/SJH grievance guidelines for over sixmonths (four months AFTER the death of Sylvia!). IDPH guidelines still NOT followed over one year later. (DRORBO)
- Recklessly changing Sylvia’s POA when she was clearly of Diminished Decisional Capacity without seeking a Declaratory Judgment when St Joseph Administration and Its Lawyers (SJAIL) knew full well that this action would and did DIRECTLY lead to Sylvia’s WRONGFUL DEATH. (Intentional and Knowingly Fatal Reckless Abuse of Power—InK-FRAP = M1 > RAP = M3.) (cf. T3)
- Blocking the start of Sylvia’s monoclonal antibody (Rituximab) treatment for almost one month by Deliberately and Recklessly interfering with Dr. Ladien’s access to Sylvia’s treatment team.
- Failure to honor Sylvia’s multiple Advance Directives from when she was of Full Decisional Capacity (IQ – 185) to be FULL CODE and for Dr. Ladien to be her POA.
- Again summarily suspending and blocking Dr. Ladien’s access to Sylvia when he accurately warns Sylvia’s primary doctor as well as SJH Administration and Its Lawyers that, in addition to gross malpractice, they can All be charged with MANSLAUGHTER if Sylvia dies and has not been made FULL CODE. (Cf. Michael Jackson’s doctor--except he tried to revive Michael and apologized (T3)) (This is the Second Retaliation against a Whistleblower for warning of Sylvia’s imminent death.)
- Watching Sylvia slowly drown to death on her own secretions over a period of several days without turning down her morphine drip or protecting her airway (both ABC Standards of Care) and without seeking a Declaratory Judgment KNOWING Full Well DEATH will result (InK-FRAP).
- Sisters taking more than three months to “decide” whether to meet with Dr. Ladien or not. Then
- “Revoking” Dr. Ladien’s privileges at SJH without due process, a “fair” hearing or even notice that such an action was being taken in direct violation of an agreement to place all such actions on hold until AFTER Dr. Ladien had spoken DIRECTLY with the Sisters concerning these matters.
Please give Y/N answers to the above questions as a “pretest” and then, again, as a “posttest” after reading the enclosed material. Please Print Out, Date, Sign and SAVE copies of pre- and post-tests for interrogatories and discovery should they prove necessary. This is NOT optional if this goes to Court.
Name Phone Number Dates: Pre-test Post-test