Children & Young People Directorate
School Meals Service
Method Statements
Procurement Team
4th Floor
Laurence House
London SE6 4RU
020 8314 8133
September 2014
InstructionsThis template MUST be used to in response to the specific submissions requested in support of your bid
Step One : Please amend the “Header” of this document stating your Organisation Name and the Project Name.
Step Two : One submission has been set out per page. Please answer the submission within this document. Please do not change the formatting significantly.
Please try to avoid uploading supporting information in respect of your submissions. If supporting information is necessary (for example sample menus) then please upload via the secure portal.
Step three: When complete, the document should be saved and uploaded as part of your response
Quality & Service
- Supply Chain Management
- Infrastructure Support
- Service Development Plan
- Performance Monitoring Process
- Quality Assurance Management.
- Compliance with DfE and LBL food-based standards
- Process for Menu Development
- Tenderer's Intended Core Menus
- Systems Support
- Increasing Meal Uptake
- Training & Staff Development Plan
- Marketing & Promotions
- Food Waste & Resource Minimisation Plan
- Value for money proposals for schools
- Communication
- Mobilisation & Transition Planning
- Business Review Process
- Resource Statement & Structure
- Service continuity
- Social Value Initiatives.
- Approach to Sustainability.
- Business case development
Quality & Service
Supply Chain Management1)Describe your approach to Supply Chain Management. In particular your response should set out:
- How the services provided will represent value for money and will continue to provide value for Money during the life of the contract.
Please set out your response here…
Infrastructure Support2)What physical infrastructure do you have in place that would support the contract such as offices, equipment and vehicles? In particular please set out what your proposals are in for accommodation and whether existing Council accommodation would be needed and any particular proposals for this?
Please set out your response here…
Service Development Plan3.Please outline the process you will adopt to producing an annual Service Development Plan
4.State your service development proposals for the first year of the contract.
5.Please detail what, if any, capital expenditure you are prepared to self fund to improve the facilities and how this would be of benefit to the client’s food service operation.
Please set out your response here…
Performance Monitoring ProcessAs defined in the Tender Specification, it is intended that agreement should be reached between the Authority and the successful Contractor during a defined period of contract mobilisation on the Standards of Performance by means of an open and equitable monitoring system. A system has been proposed within the tender documentation:
6.Set out your proposals for how you will track and monitor the performance of the contract against the criteria within the Performance Monitoring System. Detail any additions or improvements you would wish to add for the betterment of the Agreement.
Please set out your response here…
Quality Assurance Management7.The Council wish to understand the current Quality Assurance initiatives your company has in place and how these would benefit the contract in the following:
a)Improved systems and management controls
b)On-going development of staff, the products and the overall business
c)How you will monitor performance against the specification throughout the contract term.
Please set out your response here…
Compliance with DfE Food based standards8.Detail the process/system you intend using to comply with the DfE Food Based Standards
9.From reviewing the Lewisham Food and Catering Services Standards confirm how best practice can be achieved and if any price per meal increase is required to meet these standards.
10.Show examples of the nutritional information that will be shared with the Authority to demonstrate compliance
Please set out your response here…
Process for Menu Development11.Detail the process that you will adopt to ensure menus are continually appealing and meet pupils needs both for Primary and Secondary Schools.
12.State how you will provide flexibility in the Core Menu to comply with specific dietary and food preference needs at Special Schools
13.Set out how Halal could be introduced either per School or throughout the contract with any previous experiences evidenced. Additionally, provide a copy of your Halal meat certificate to signify authenticity and compliance
Please set out your response here…
Tenderer's Intended Core Menus14.Provide your intended 3 week nutritionally compliant Core Menu for Primary Schools
15.Provide a similar menu for Secondary Schools.
16.Provide a fully costed hospitality menu.
Please note this should be your intended Core Menu and not an indicative sample as this will be the launch menu provided by the successful contractor
Please set out your response here…
Systems Support17.Describe your current management, accounting and other systems proposed to be utilised within the contract. In particular your response should set out:
- How these services would improve the recording of meal numbers, uptake data and reporting information;
- How the services provided will represent value for money and will continue to provide value for Money during the life of the contract.
- How this system could be used to measure user satisfaction.
Where support is not provided by the Bidder or is sought from the Council the Bidder should highlight from which body such support will be given.
Please set out your response here…
Meal UptakeThe Authoritywishes to increase meal uptake across all participating schools so that the meal service becomes a whole school experience
18.Whilst it is anticipated pupil headcount will rise over the contract term, outline the initiatives you will deploy to increase meal update. Highlight and recent successes and best practice.
Please set out your response here…
Training and Staff Development Plan19.Set out your intended training and development plan and how the Green Man Training Centre will be utilised to meet these needs and for your Company in general.
20.Please provide the rationale for the introduction of the London Living Wage and any experiences gained elsewhere in its introduction.
Please set out your response here…
Marketing and Promotions21.Set out how you will promote the food services and make the menu offering attractive for all. LBL are keen to make the service inclusive and popular, especially at Secondary Schools so the response should encourage collaborative working with Schools in this respect. Please provide an indicative marketing plan for Year 1 as part of your response.
Please set out your response here…
Food Waste & Resource Minimisation Plan22.Please outline your Food Waste and Resource Minimisation Plan clearly stating how waste will be monitored, measured and reported to the Authority.
Please set out your response here…
School Engagement
Value for money proposals for schools23.The schools will like to understand how value for money will be achieved under the new arrangement. Demonstrate your ideas on how the contract will deliver value and communicate how this can and will be achieved.Please provide a brief overview of the steps you will be undertaking to mobilise the contract
24.What are the key elements of your proposals to ensure that your proposals will improve the services currently provided to the Schools and the Council.
Please set out your response here…
Communication25.Describe in detail your strategy and proposals for successful stakeholder engagement across a range of key stakeholders in a local area, e.g. Local Authority, Schools, supply chain partners. Use examples to support where possible
Please set out your response here…
Company & Support
Mobilisation and Transition Planning26.The mobilisation and transition period is considered to be critical to the success of the contract. As such, please provide a high level mobilisation plan which covers at least the following
a)a plan leading to commencement of the contract.
b)a plan for the first year of the contract.
c)the resource will you provide as support to the contract to mobilise, implement and transition this project.
d)key personnel, their skills, experience and input into the mobilisation and transition stages.
e)the on-going involvement of key personnel in the contract.
Please set out your response here…
Business Review Process27.In accordance with the Tender Specification please detail your intended Business Review Process. This should include the frequency of meetings and sample agendas for each participationSchool and Authority.
Please set out your response here…
Resources Statement & Structure28.The Tenderer shall provide details of the resources that will be deployed in providing the Service as specified, taking into account the character and diversity of Schools within the Borough and the high standard of service required. The statement should include information on the number of area/support management required to manage the contract
29.Provide a statement detailing which Schools will be allocated to each area/support manager
30.Outline the reporting structure to the Authority.
Please set out your response here
Service ContinuityIt is envisaged that there will be some staff turnover/absences during the term of the contract.
31.You are required to provide your staffing and resourcing proposals to ensure service continuity.
Please set out your response here…
Social Value
Social Value InitiativesUnder the Public Services (Social Value) Act, all public bodies in England and Wales are required to consider how the services they commission and procure might improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of the area.
32.In relation to the guidelines in this Public Services (Social Value) Act, please set out the proposed Social Value initiatives for introduction into this contract.
33.The Authority looks to adds value through relationships and working within the community. What action will you see the Contractor taking to maintain and strengthen these links? In particular (but without limitation) Participants should highlight:
a)Any initiatives or collaborative working experience that would benefit the contract.
b)Ideas to ensure the profile of the catering services is positive and public.
- Bidders are requested to complete the Economic Development Local Labour and Business Scheme questionnaire () as part of their response. If successful, this will be used as part of the Performance Monitoring Scheme.
Please set out your response here…
SustainabilitySustainability in this contract relates to stimulating uptake of the services, maximising wellbeing and protecting our environment, without affecting the ability of future generations to do the same.
- Please set out your approach to sustainability and how this will benefit the LBL School Meals contract over the contract term and beyond.
Please set out your response here…
The Green Man Training Centre
Business Case Development- Please prepare an annual Business Plan for your approach to operating the Green man Training Centre. This should include all initiatives to benefit not only the catering staff, but the local community, apprenticeship opportunities, private hires, school use etc. A supporting financial summary should be prepared to illustrate how this facility will positively contribute to the catering services.
Please set out your response here…
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