Stage 3: Learning Objectives

1.Students to demonstrate understanding of ‘disability’ as a term

  • HSIE CUS 3.4 – Cultural diversity
  1. Students to demonstrate understanding that language can influence how we perceive people
  • HSIE CUS 3.4 – Cultural diversity
  • PDHPE INS 3.3 – Supports rights of others
  1. Students to demonstrate understanding of a range of disabilities – sensory, hidden and physical
  • HSIE CUS 3.3 – Global language
  1. Students to demonstrate understanding of a range of communication strategies that people with disabilities use
  • HSIE CUS 3.3 – Global language
  1. Students to demonstrate insight regarding the experience of having a disability
  • Religious Education S3.1, S3.2 & 03.2 – Self and others
  • PDHPE IRS 3.11 – Sensitivity and relationships
  • PDHPE V2 – Respects the right of others to hold different values and attitudes from their own

Stage 3: Curriculum Links

Religious Education

  • S3.1 Students will demonstrate that they are aware of their responsibility to live according to the values of Jesus. Students will demonstrate that they can:

E.g. explain the consequences of living according to the values of Jesus

E.g. analyse their own actions according to the values of Jesus

  • S3.2 Students will demonstrate that they are able to speak out ways in which they can live as Christians:

E.g. explain the call to live as Christians to bring about the Reign of God

E.g. investigate ways in which they can live as Christians to bring about the Reign of God

  • O3.2 Students will demonstrate that they are able to accept responsibility to reach out in justice to others as Christians. Students will demonstrate that they can:

E.g. identify ways in which people of God reach out, and fail to reach out to others

E.g. evaluate ways in which they can reach out or fail to reach out, in justice to build unity


  • INS 3.3 Acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of cooperative situations:

E.g. expresses and acts appropriately on concern for others

E.g. demonstrates actions that support the rights and feelings of others

  • IRS 3.11 Describes roles and responsibilities in developing and maintaining positive relationships:

E.g. models behaviour that reflects sensitivity to the needs, rights and feelings of others

  • V2 Respects the right of others to hold different values and attitudes from their own:

E.g. appreciates the similarities and differences between themselves and others

E.g. shows sensitivity to the needs, rights, feelings and efforts of others

E.g. shows concern for the welfare of others

E.g. questions forms of discrimination against people on the grounds of their race, sex, marital status, sexuality or disability


  • CUS 3.3 Describes the different cultural influences and their contribution to Australian identities:

E.g. investigates examples of global language e.g. computer terminology, Esperanto, Braille

  • CUS 3.4 Examines how cultures change through interactions with other cultures and the environment:

E.g. recognises examples of stereotyping, sexism and racism