Lab Web Site

Each computer/microscope is associated with a Web site where you will upload your data. These are created using iWeb, a simple web page generation program. The sites are set up in advance to make it easy to get started, but don’t hesitate to customize your site to your preferences. All of the sites are interlinked, so you can see others sites as well as the main site for the course.

1.  Start iWeb by clicking on the icon in the dock.

2.  On the left are pages and as you click on them you go to the indicated pages. The hyperlink buttons are turned off by default.

3.  You can make new pages (File/New Page) or use old ones that are already there. If you make a new page, you will need to create a link somewhere else to get to it. To do that, put the text or icon you will use as a link, highlight it, and then in the Inspector, go to the Links tab. There you can indicate what it will link to.

4.  To add text to a page, go to the menu: Insert/Text box and type the text in the box. You can format the text with the Inspector.

5.  To add images or graphs, you can either use Insert/Choose and navigate to the file, or you can drag and drop directly from the Finder.

6.  Once you have finished, save the site changes (File/Save).

7.  When you want to post them for the world to see, File/Publish Entire Site or Publish Site Changes (this is faster as it only updates what you have changed which appears red in the page list on the left).

8.  You can access the page from anywhere to show your friends and familty. The Main site is at,_Cell_Biology_Lab__h1_.html

and from there you can link to any of the 6 lab computers and copy the address of yours if you wish. They are all something like:

and for each it would be Cellbio# depending on which computer you are on.