NAME______GRADE ______PERIOD #______
Quarter 3~6 Choir Vocabulary words and definitions. (Use to study for quizzes) Quizzes will cover the following words:
Quiz #1 & 2 = Words 1-10
Quizzes 3 & 4 = Words 11-20
Quiz #5 = #21 (Circle of 5ths ~Flat keys only)
1. Whole Step-The combination of two successive half steps. (Do to Re, Re to Mi, etc.)
2. Half Step-The smallest distance (interval) between two notes on a keyboard; the chromatic scale is composed entirely of half steps. (Do to Di, Re to Ri, etc.)
3. Dot-A symbol that increases the length of a given note by half its value. It is placed to the right of the note. ●
4. Mezzo Piano-(mp) A dynamic that indicates to sing or play medium soft.
5. Piano (p) –A dynamic that indicates to sing or play soft.
6. Mezzo Forte - (mf) A dynamic that indicates to sing or play medium loud.
7. Forte (f) – A dynamic that indicates to sing or play loud.
8. Pianissimo (pp) - A dynamic that indicates to sing or play very soft.
9. A cappella - -A style of singing without instrumental accompaniment.
10. Meter –A way of organizing rhythm.
11. fermata- A symbol that indicates to hold a note or rest for longer than its given value. ( )
12. Ritardando – A tempo marking that indicates to gradually get slower. (Rit.)
13. Dimenuendo (dim.) –Gradually getting softer.
14. Tempo-Terms in music that indicate how fast or slow to sing or play.
15. Crescendo (cresc.) –( ) A dynamic marking that indicates to gradually sing or play louder.
16. Descrescendo ( )-A dynamic marking that indicates to gradually sing or play softer.
17. Tonic Chord-A chord built on the home tone, or keynote of a scale. In a major scale, this chord uses the notes do, me and sol, and it may be called the I (“one”) chord, since it is based on the first note of the major scale or ‘do’.
18. Dominant Chord-A chord built on the fifth note of a scale. In a major scale, this chord uses the notes sol, ti and re, and it may be called the V (“five”) chord, since it is based on the fifth note of the major scale, or sol.
19. Natural-A symbol that cancels a previous sharp or flat, or a sharp or flat in a key signature. (♮)
20. F Major Scale-name the notes & syllables of scale & the tonic & dominant chords.
do re mi fa sol la ti do do mi sol sol ti re
21. Circle of 5ths- Memorize the Circle of 5ths (flat keys only) and the order of Flats (♭) on the treble staff. (We will go over this information in class and you will receive a study guide to study for your test)