1. SinqobiliMaghena was the first female chief of the Ndebele tribe.

2. The French President Charles de Gaulle carried out a foreign policy independent of the Soviet Union and United States.

3. In 1963 France rejected a partial nuclear test ban treaty that had been signed by the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States

4. Charles de Gaulle’s vision of a Europe free from superpower domination lived in on the formation of the European Community.

5. In 1957 France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg joined together to form the European Community.

6. The 1957 signing of the Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community.

7. The main goal of the European Community was to dismantle tariffs and other barriers to free trade.

8. The Soviet Union expelled Yugoslavia from the Soviet bloc in 1948 because of its insistence on following an independent course in foreign affairs.

9. The Yugoslavian leader Josip Broz refused to follow Russian directions in foreign policy and was eventually expelled from the Soviet bloc in 1948.

10. An active policy of de-Stalinization was begun in 1956 by Nikita Khrushchev.

11. Imre Nagy announced Hungary’s withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact in 1956.

12. Alexander Dubcek’s “ Prague Spring” promised “socialism with a human face.”

13. The “Prague Spring” was an attempt by Alexander Dubcek to create “socialism with a human face.”

14. The Brezhnev Doctrine was also known as the Doctrine of Limited Sovereignty.

15. In 1959 Mao Zedong signed the treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance with the Soviet Union that was similar to the “unequal treaties” forced on China by the Europeans back in the 19th century.

16.By the mid-1960’s the Chinese were accusing the Soviets of being revisionists.

17. The Strategic Arms Limitations Talks were signed in 1972 between the Soviet Union and the United States.

18. The term Vietnamization was supposed to mean turning theVietnam War over to the South Vietnamese

19. The Paris Peace Accords of 1973 ended the U.S. phase of the Vietnam War.

20. The Soviet Union discovered its “Vietnam” in Afghanistan

21. Muhammad Najibullah was the Soviet favorite left in charge of Afghanistan when the Russsians pulled out.

22. The government of Muhammad Najibullah, who had been put in place in Afghanistan back in 1986, was finally overthrown in 1996 by the Taliban.

23. The Watergate scandal brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon.

24. The Institutional Revolutionary Party has ruled Mexico for much of the 20th century.

25. Juan Peron, a nationalistic militarist who was nonetheless popular with the poor, ruled Argentina.

26. Argentina in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s was ruled by military dictators who caused the “disappearance’ of thousands.

27. The situation wherein national boundaries were artificial conveniences that did not correspond to economic or ethnic divisions was most common in Africa.

28. In 1948 the system of apartheid was put into place by the Afrikaner National Party in South Africa.

29. The leader of the African National Congress was Nelson Mandela.

30. In 1960 sixty-nine blacks were slaughtered in South Africa in the Sharpeville massacre.

31. Mobutu SeseSeko was the dictatorial leader of Zaire.

32. MmobutuSeseSeko’s coup, in which he killed Zaire’s first prime minister, was supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

33. The Egyptian leader who both masterminded the surprise attack on Israel but also facilitated the peace process with the Israelis was Anwar Sadat.

34 The founder of the Palestinian Liberation Organization was Yasser Arafat.

35. Peace treaties that advanced the notion of limited Palestinian self-rule were signed in 1993 and 1995 by Yitzhak Rabin

36. The U.S. backed government of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlazi in Iran was overthrown by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

37. From 1980 through 1988 Iran was involved in a bloody war with Iraq

38. Deng Xiaoping brought free market reforms to China.

39 The Indian leader who attempted to control the massive population growth in India by ordering involuntary sterilization was Indira Gandhi

40 Who were the four little tigers.