Your number one rule with this web quest is that you absolutely may not simply copy/paste answers from the website into the word document.Copying and pasting is plagiarism, therefore, if you do this on any question it will result in an automatic zero for this assignment.
1. Read the questions in each step (so you know what to look for), read the information on the website, and then type the information you learn in your own words.
2. When you have finished answering each question, save your work and submit it to me via Google Docs.
Name ______
Period ______
Transcendentalism Web Quest
(43 pts.)
"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Think about the quotation listed above while you answer the following questions in this webquest.
Step one: Gain a basic understanding of Transcendentalism (18 pts).
is Transcendentalism?
- What authors are associated with this movement?
- What century did this movement take place in?
- The Transcendentalists stood at the heart of The American Renaissance-- the flowering of our nation's thought in ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, and ______in the period roughly designated from ______-______.
- What area of the U.S. did this movement begin in?
- Emerson attempted to define the philosophy in simple terms as "What is popularly called Transcendentalism among us, is Idealism; Idealism as it appears in 1842." But it is much larger and more complex than that. How is it described further along in this paragraph?
- What was the Transcendentalist club?
- How/why/where did it develop?
- How difficult was it to become a member of this club?
- Who called the first-ever meeting of this club?
Step two: Explore several figures from the Transcendentalist movement. (20 pts.)
Write 5 to 6 sentences in regards to what you learned about each author. Take your time reading each of the web pages before writing your summary; we will be reading literature from these four authors in class.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (5 pts.):
- Henry David Thoreau (5 pts.):
- Walt Whitman (5 pts.):
- Emily Dickinson (5 pts.):
Step 3: Transcendental Art (5 pts.)
- Your mission is to find a piece of artwork (painting/photography/etc) that represents Transcendentalism in some way. Copy/paste the artwork into this document and explain in at least 2 sentences how this art represents Transcendentalism.