
Advertising and Marketing Communication Sequence

Department of Communication

Advertising Media Strategy

ADVT3305 Section 001 & 002

course Syllabus

Spring 2012

Updated 1.16.2012

I. Instructors

Professor: Tom L. Ingram, BBA MBA PhD

Office: Fine Arts 118

Office Hours: T,W,TR, 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m., or by appointment

Phone: (817) 272.2163

Fax: (817) 272.2732


MacLab: (817) 272.5761 - OIT operated Dept. of Comm. support computer labs are on the 4th Floor.

Department of Communication Main Office: FA-118 Main Phone: (metro) (817) 272-2163

Professional in Residence: Mr. Rudy Bechtel, BA MA MBA

Office: FAB.331

Office Hours: TTR 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. or by appointment

Phone: (817) 272.2163


Personal Cell: 817.401.7531

FA.Lab: (817) 272.5761 - OIT operated Dept. of Comm. support computer labs

II. Required and Recommended Texts and Readings

Required Text:

  1. Media Flight Plan 5th Edition, by Martin and Coons (2006) Deer Creek Publishing, Provo Utah, ISBN 0-9632515-8-9 (Note: Only new shrink-wrapped editions will be able to be registered for the online software.. If your use a Mac,, use with Firefox and not Safari. Please register your software online ASAP.

2. The 2012 Thumbnail Media Planner: Media Costs and Data, a professional reference, by 2020 Marketing Communications LLC, ISBN 13: 978-1468092677

3. UTA Bookstore purchased subscription to Lynda.com. This is a subscription to online software training. (Do not do anything on this until you receive separate instructions. A specific direction sheet will be provided.)

3. A good, fairly recent Intro/Principles of Advt, Brand Promotion, and/or IMC text for reference.

Online Reading:Advertising Age, Ad Week, and The Wall Street Journal and

Journal of Integrated Marketing Communication

Suggested: Quick Study Reference Card for Excel and Marketing

Additional Suggested Reference Books for writing (newer editions may be available):

1. A Pocket Style Guide, # Spiral-bound: 288 pages

Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's; 5th edition (January 14, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0312452756

ISBN-13: 978-0312452759

2. When Words Collide

Publisher: Wadsworth Pub Co; 6th edition (April 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0534562116

ISBN-13: 978-0534562113

3. The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law

Publisher: Basic Books; Forty-second Edition edition (July 28, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 046500489X

ISBN-13: 978-0465004898

4. A Grammar Text:

The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation: An Easy-to-Use Guide with Clear Rules, Real-World Examples, and Reproducible Quizzes (Paperback)

Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 10 edition (December 14, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0470222689

ISBN-13: 978-0470222683

Course Objective: to acquaint the student with the basic processes and series of decisions related to the management of the marketing communication and advertising media planning function. Course focuses especially on marketing communication and advertising with respect to the target market, medium, timing, impact, and integration into the total marketing process.

Course Prerequisites: All course prerequisites are strictly enforced. Each student is responsible for knowing which university catalog you plan on graduating under. If you do not have all the prerequisites you will be asked to take the course at a latter time. If you do not, other action will be taken. The catalog requirements of a “C” in Intro to Advertising (A2337) and Math Statistics (Math1308), plus another 3 hours of college math.

Catalog Description

ADVT3305.ADVERTISING MEDIA(3-0)Decision-making in selection and use of advertising media. Evaluation of media alternatives in terms of marketing communication objectives and strategy, audience analysis, media-market research, cost, and editorial/program content. Media plans are developed consistent with Integrated Marketing Communication and branding programs. Prerequisite: JOUR 1345, ADVT 2337, and ADVT math requirement (six hours to include MATH 1308 with a grade of C or better, and three hours of College Algebra or higher).

Course Outcomes:

  1. Students will be able to perform basic proficiency with media arithmetic, math and applied statistics.
  2. Students will be able to identify and use the specialized language of media planning as applied to contemporary integrated brand and marketing communication management.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to solve media case situations.
  4. Students will produce a contemporary integrated media plan using the online media resources.
  5. Students will demonstrate the ability to manage media budgeting problems.

III. Determination of Grade

I. Quantitative Evaluation II. Qualitative Evaluation

Point Total

Exam I 100 pt'sA = 900 pt'sAttendance Policy: Be here. There

Exam II 100 pt'sB = 800 pt'sare certain aspects of learning that

Exam III 100 pt'sC = 700 pt'sonly occur in the classroom.

Exam IV 100 pt'sD = 600 pt’s This %, coupled with any other

Md. Plan 1100 pt'sF = Below 600 in class activity is the “All Other”grade.

Md. Plan 2100 pt’s

Md. Plan 3 100 pt’s

Lynda.com 100 pt’s

DailyAsmt's100 pt's

And Quizes

Attendance 100 pt's

Total 1000 pt's*

C. Strong Suggestions for Successful Course Performance

Reading and Participation

1.Read all the assigned material BEFORE you come to class, and be prepared to discuss it in class. In lecture and discussion, your instructor will not cover all the material in the assigned text chapters. It is important that you ask questions on topics that are unclear to you.

2.There will usually be participation exercises. Some are individually completed, but many are group oriented. You must come to class to participate in these interpersonal and media literacy exercises.

3.After each class, look over the assigned readings and your notes AGAIN. This takes very little time, and it will assist you in learning more efficiently so you won’t have to cram for the exams.

4.Engage your fellow students and your instructor both in and out of class. Students learn more from active engagement than from passive listening to lectures.

5.ALWAYS make a copy of your course work for yourself (or keep a copy on your computer) in case the original is lost or misplaced. Keep all your work on file until you have received the final grade for the course.

D. Quantitative Evaluation

1. Exams: Complete information on testing will be made available prior to the examination. All exams are cumulated and the format of each exam will be discussed prior to the exam.

2. Please note: The course policy is that there are no make-ups for these Exams. If you think your situation is special, please see the Professor. The Professor will then make a managerial decision. Requests for exceptions should truly be special circumstances to be considered. Requests for consideration must be filed via email with 24 hours of the exam time. This provides a time and date stamp. Requests are not automatic and should not be expected. It is a managerial decision.

If you are allowed a make-up, the retest date is, Monday, 30-April, 2012 at 1 p.m. This is the only re-test date and time. Your re-test score will be reduced by one letter grade. Again, it is a managerial decision.

E. Qualitative Evaluation

1. Class Attendance

There are certain aspects of learning the content of this course that will occur in the classroom. This includes your own learning and your contribution to the group through your opinions, experiences, and insights. Completely attending each class session will contribute to the "All Other" points. It is strongly recommended that each student keep a log of his or her class attendance. You must be present when roll is taken to get credit for attendance.


2. In-Class or Daily Assignments

The course policy is that there are no make-ups for daily assignments, in-class participations, presentations or projects. This is strictly enforced. Attendance of other’s presentations is also part of your grade. If you think your situation is special, please see the Instructor. The Instructor will then make a managerial decision. Requests for exceptions should truly be special circumstances to be considered. Requests for consideration must be filed via email with 24 hours of the assignment / presentation. This provides a time and date stamp. Requests are not automatic and should not be expected.

IV. Management and Policies

Management of the Course

Every attempt is made to effectively manage pre-professionals in this course as a group while recognizing the individual. Guiding managerial decisions are The University of Texas System Regent Rules, University of Texas at Arlington Handbook of Operating Procedures, and the overriding concept of the “reasonable man”.

You will be expected to exhibit appropriate pre-professional performance and behaviors consistent with the University of Texas at Arlington, the rtising Program and the overall Communication Professional Community.

Everyone has "life issues." If you think your situation rises to the level of needing relief from the policies, contact us directly. We will make a managerial decision. Please do not expect an exemption. We are concerned with both your pre-professional educational advancement and behaviors. Requests for exceptions should truly be special circumstances to be considered. Requests for consideration must be filed via email with 24 hours of the exam time. This provides a time and date stamp. Requests are not automatic and should not be expected.

Very simply, listen to your manager and do what is expected.

General policies for this course are presented below.

1. Please turn all cell phones, pagers, and any and all audible devices off.

2. No make-ups. If you believe your situation is special, please see the Professor.

3. Last day to drop with an automatic "W": 30-March, 2012

4. If you come to class after roll is taken, no class credit will be earned for the day. If you leave class, unexcused, before the end of class, no class credit will be earned. The class is from 11:00 a.m. until 12:20 a.m. by my watch.

5. In part, the "Class Attendance" portion of grade is based upon the percentage of your completed attendance and participation. “Cruising” into and out of the classroom environment is unprofessional and will not be accepted.

6. No daily assignments will be accepted late.

7. Assignments will only be accepted in class (Unless otherwise noted).

8. Assignments will only be accepted from the student whose name is on the coversheet.

9. Daily assignments that do not conform to the requested standards will not be accepted.

10. All assignments must have correct coversheet and information to receive any credit.

11. Academic honesty is expected and administered according to university policy.

12. In accordance with university policy, students have sole responsibility to drop a course.

13. Special learning situation (ADA), it is your legal responsibility to notify the Professor.

14. You are required to have, monitor, and share your UT Arlington student Email. That is the only address your professors can address.

15. You might find that this course requires a lot of work and, more specifically, a lot of reading. Please decide early whether the course will meet your needs for this semester. If it won’t, please withdraw early so that others may have the option of re-enrolling. Check your semester schedule for final drop deadlines.

16. You will be treated as a "Pre-Professional". Your behavior should reflect that treatment.

17. Take pride in your work; decide right now to have a good semester.

18. Any problems see us! We will try to work with you as long as you will do your part.

19. You must be an enrolled student, in good standing with the university, to attend class.

20. Due to the topics discussed and to facilitate classroom management, at no time will underage children be allowed in the classroom. You may request a visiting guest authorization to attend if done prior to the start of class. Again, no children. This is a managerial decision.

Electronics Policy

The appropriate use of communication technology is accepted in this course. However, prior approval of the use of electronics is required. Please read carefully.

1. The use of a cell phone by a student is unacceptable during lecture, lab, or group work.

2. The use of computers or other mobile media (yours or the university's) to do anything other than take class notes, locate class dictated data or other professor approved access is unacceptable.

3. You may request an indulgence by the professor if you need a special situation exception. (i.e.: child is ill and you are waiting from a call from a physician.) There may be occasions when the professor will request this indulgence from the class.

4. At no time during lecture, lab, or group work, is it acceptable to send or receive a text, place or receive a telephone call, be on any form of "social media", that includes "face-space" etc. and “covertly” checking Email on cell phones or other devices.

5. "Ear Buds", Head Phones, or "Blue-Tooth" type accessories are never acceptable.

Decisions have Consequences

If you choose to violate the electronics policy expect the following:

1. First Violation: a warning and may be asked to leave class.

2. Second Violation: you will be asked to leave class and forfeit that day’s points and 10 points off the top of the class participation grade.

3. Third and any subsequent violations: you will be asked to leave class, surrender all class participation points and receive an additional course letter grade reduction.

V. Assignments

1. Cover Sheet

A. Production

Please use usual business-style writing and format. All assignments (in or out of class) should have a coversheet and be stapled in the upper Left Hand Corner.Please, no folders or other ways of binding or attachments (unless specifically requested as part of that assignment). Please use 12pt. Times New Roman, Palatino, Book Antiqua, (or near equivalent) as your font. Use headings. Use single spaced paragraphs and double space between paragraphs. Use the spell checker, proof and read before you turn in your assignment.

B. Coversheet

All assignments should have as their first page a coversheet. The coversheet should be as follows:

(Staple, upper left hand corner)

Top 1/3 of Page, centered

Title of Assignment

Assignment #

Middle 1/3 of Page, centered

Presented to:

Dr. Tom Ingram


Rudy Bechtel MBA

Advertising and Marketing Communication

The University of Texas at Arlington

Bottom 1/3 of Page, centered

Presented by:

Your Name

(or additional team member's names)

Advertising Media Planning

Advt3305.001 & 002

Due Date of Assignment (mm/dd/2010)

C. Assignments and instructions will be given in a variety of ways and potentially be executed both in and out of class. Again, this makes student attendance and participation critical to accumulation of these points.

D. Due Dates, Times and Format

Simply put, just do what the client (in this case the Professor) asks and these are relatively easy points to accumulate.

  1. General MFP Workbook Assignments
  2. You should make photocopies/scans of the your workbook exercise pages for turn-in assignments. (We will not accept pages torn from your workbook).
  3. All work must be clean, organized, and show appropriate work for credit.
  4. Be sure to keep your own copy.
  5. A special warning. Unless otherwise directed, please use this format.
  6. Be sure to attach the appropriate coversheet.

Other directions will be given as appropriate.

VI.Course Schedule

A tentative course schedule will be provided.

VII. Blackboard

Some components of the course may be delivered through Blackboard. More directions will be given concerning this.

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