Reviewed on 2/23/2017

[PBD([1][MFH2]Title:SREA Roster Report
Effective date:08/31/2009
Lead author:Lucy Dickson
Authorizing Official: Tracy A. Shahan, PhD, MBA / Approval date: 07/15/2011
Reviewed by: Annie Walker-Abbey, Mary Nuss, Autumn Hutko, Keyonna Earle, Lucy Dickson / Review date: 07/05/2011

1.Purpose:This procedure contains instructions for transmitting review meeting attendee and payment information to NIAID’s Committee Management Office (NIAID CMO).Payment information is conveyed via the QVR SREA Roster Template Report for pre-teleconferences and review meetings.Reviewer information is extracted from IMPAC II to QVR into Excel worksheets and is modified by the Extramural Support Assistant (ESA) assigned to the meeting.

2.Scope:Scientific Review Officers and ESAs.The Scientific Review Officer (SRO): 1) Ensures that the ESA fills the report columns thoroughly; 2) Verifies the accuracy of reviewer attendee and payment information; and 3) Emails the verified SREA Roster Report to NIAID CMO by selecting NIAID CMO from Outlook’s Address Book.NIAID CMO’semail is .Emailing the report to NIAID CMO ensures that the Committee Management Officer, Mary NussDavid Alperin, or one of her his staff members, will respond to your email when Mary David is on leave.

NIAID CMO downloads the roster for all meetings.NIAID CMOwill also download grant review meeting minutes that have been signed electronically by the Chairperson and the SRO from IMPAC.Paper contract review meeting minutes signed by the Chairperson and SRO must be delivered to David Alperin or Bola Odunuga. Mary Nuss or Macie Warren.

Key contacts:Tracy Shahan, PhD, MBA, Chief, Program Management and Operations Branch (PMOB); David AlperinMary Nuss, NIAID Committee Management Officer; Bola Odunuga, NIAID Committee Management Office; Lucy Dickson, MA, Program Analyst.

3.Related instructions: Instructions for setting up a pre-review teleconference meeting workgroup in IMPAC so that it codes reviewers correctly in the SREA Report are located at: R:\SRP-DEAS-SHARED\Standard-Op-Procedures\PreMtg-Teleconf-IMPACII Coding.doc


SREA Roster Report / Roster / Minutes
Pre-review Teleconference / SRO-verified SREA Roster Report
e-mail to: NIAID CMO (). / Workgroup Roster
(NIAID CMO will download) / No minutes required.[MFH3]
Grant Review / SRO-verified SREA Roster Report
e-mail to: NIAID CMO () / ReviewMeeting Roster
(NIAID CMO will download) / MeetingMinutes signed electronically by the Chairperson and the SRO (NIAID CMO will download.)
Contract Review / SRO-verified SREA Roster Report
e-mail to: NIAID CMO () / ReviewMeeting Roster
(NIAIDCMO will download) / Electronic Paper meeting minutes signed by the Chairperson and the SRO must include the action taken at the meeting.Deliver to David Alperin or Bola Odunuga Mary Nuss or Macie Warren in the Committee Management Office.

Part A:Follow These Steps to Obtain the SREA Roster Template Report for Any Meeting

  1. The assigned ESA to the meeting should go to QVR at
  1. Click on Person Searchtab.
  1. In the Review History Section for the field, Study Section, enter the abbreviation of the standing committee (MID, MIDB, AITC or AIDS) or ZAI1 and click List. Select the correct SEP number and press ACCEPTSELECTIONS.
  1. For grant meetings, select the correct Council(e.g., 2011/05).For contract meetings, leave the Council field blank.
  1. For Meeting Start Dates, enter the date in the field, Meeting Starts on or after, that is the actual date of the meeting.
  1. Enter the SRO’s last name.
  1. Next, click on Search, press Select All and then Download/Report.
  1. Click on SREA ROSTER TEMPLATE (SREA-ROSTER) under Person Reports.

9.Radio buttons for both the pre-meeting teleconference and the review meeting should appear since both the pre-review teleconference and review meeting should have the same special emphasis panel (SEP) number or chartered meeting acronym. Select the appropriate radio button for either the pre-review teleconference meeting or[MFH4] the review meeting. You can tell these meetings apart because the date of the pre-review teleconference meeting is always prior to the date(s) of the review meeting. [MFH5]Each meeting has a unique Agenda Sequence Number.

  1. Save the report to another location on your computer.
  1. Open the report.

Part B: Calculating the Honorarium for Reviewers Attending a Pre-review Teleconference[MFH6]

(Also see Honorarium Guidelines)

1.The ESA runs the SREA Roster Template Report for the pre-review teleconference after the teleconference has taken place and the SRO has heard back by e-mail from all absent reviewers about whether or not they listened to the pre-review teleconference CD. If a reviewer did not participate in the pre-review teleconference or listen to the CD, their name should NOT be on the roster for the pre-review teleconference. [MFH7]

2.Open the file and allow the macros to run. The Excel macro security setting should be “‘enable all macros.”

3.Open the SREA Roster Template Report for the pre-review teleconference.[MFH8] You will see the following tabs on the bottom of the report: a) Instructions b) SRO Draft, c) Final-SREA, d) Lookup List Values, e) Report Criteria and f) Data. Click on the SRO Draft tab:

4.The ESA should:

a.Make sure that a “1” is entered on the SRO Draft worksheet in the # of Days Attended column if the reviewer attended the pre-review teleconference OR listened to the pre-review teleconference CD and sent an e-mail to the SRO confirming this. [MFH9]

b.Enter a “0” for the # of Days Attended for federal reviewers who attended the pre-review teleconference or listened to the pre-teleconference CD,[MFH10] since reviewers who are federal employees do not receive payment from NIH’s Secure Payee Registration System (SPRS).

c.Make sure that pre-review teleconference reviewers are coded in the Attendee Class column as “Outside Opinion/Mail Reviewer.”[MFH11]

i.Make any changes needed to Columns B through F, and G through J.

ii.The yellow columns show data downloaded from the Committee Management IMPAC module.

iii.The blue columns require input ONLY if the condition applies, e.g., declines honorarium.

iv.Enter comments in Column J, Exceptions/Comments, as needed. The SRO gives the ESA information to complete Column J. Comments not appropriate for any other column should go in Column J.

5.Save this information to the worksheet by pressing Save .

6.Press [Click Here to update Final-SREA worksheet]. This calculates the amount to be paid to each reviewer on the Final-SREA worksheet. If further changes need to be made to the SRO Draft worksheet, this button must be pressed again to update the Final-SREA worksheet.

7.The ESA should then e-mail the updated SREA Roster Report to the SRO for verification.

8.The SRO is responsible for making sure that the ESA fills all columns thoroughly and for checking all information on the SRO Draft and Final-SREA worksheets for accuracy.

9.The SRO verifies accuracy by placing a checkmark in the box in Column A on the Final-SREA worksheet next to the statement, “This information has been verified by the SRO and is ready for payment.”


Part CB:Calculating Payment for Reviewers for Review Meetings

(Also see Honorarium Guidelines)

  1. If a reviewer did not take part in the meeting, remove the reviewer from the roster prior to running the meeting SREA Roster Template Report.
  2. Make sure that reviewers are coded correctly in IMPAC CM before running the SREA report.

Attendee Role Codes: R-Regular


M-Outside Opinion/Mail Reviewer


  1. The ESA should follow Part A, Steps 1 – 910, to obtain the SREA Roster Template Report for the review meeting.
  2. Open the file and enable the macros to run.(The Excel macro security setting must be “enable all macros’).The worksheets in this workbook file are:a) Instructions; b) SRO Draft; c) Final-SREA; d) Lookup List Values; e) Report Criteria and f) Data.
  1. Click the SRO Draft tab. Verify the reviewer information.The reviewers listed must match the meeting roster.
  1. Make any changes and entries needed in Columns B though J as required. (Scroll to the right to view the entire report.) Note that a Yin Fed Emp and aYin Serving as Fed Empmeans that the reviewer may require a Travel Order.
  1. Remove a reviewer’s name from Column A and all corresponding information in Columns B through J if the reviewer did not attend the review meeting. Information in Columns B through J for mail reviewers is recorded as if they attended the review meeting.
  1. The blue columns require input only if the condition applies, e.g., if the reviewer is local (L=local with lodging; L/N=local without lodging), or declines the honorarium (D/A=Declines All Payment; D/H=Declines Honorarium), etc.
  1. The SRO gives information to the ESA to complete Column J, the Exceptions/Commentscolumn. SROs must identify and explain any reviewer travel or attendance issues in this column. Examples of comments that should appear in Exceptions/Comments:
  • Reviewer drove to the meeting.
  • Reviewer declined honorarium (and enter the reason why the reviewer doesn’t want to be paid).
  • Reviewer bought own ticket.
  • Reviewer is a federal employee serving on personal time. (This is only for VA employees who can claim university appointment time to claim payment through SREA as opposed to a government travel authorization.)
  • Reviewer is a mail-in reviewer.
  • Reviewer works at BARDA as a contractor (will get paid).

Comments not appropriate for any other column should be placed in the Exceptions/Comments column.NIAID CMO has requested that we put more details in the Exceptions/Comments column in in order to help reimburse reviewersaccurately and to reduce the number of calls to reviewers for clarification. The SRO must ensure that the ESA fills all columns on the SREA report thoroughly.If you are sending NIAID CMO additional information about a reviewer in your email along with the SREA Report, that additional information should also be noted in the Exceptions/Comments column for that reviewer.

  1. The ESA enters the number of days the reviewer attended the meeting on the SRO Draft worksheet in the # of Days Attended column when the reviewer attended the meeting or was a mail reviewer.

a.Enter a “0” for the # of Days Attended for federal reviewers who attended the review meeting or who served as mail-in reviewers since they do not receive payment from SPRS.

b.If there are any receipts from reviewers, please note it on the SREA Roster Report in the Exceptions/Comments column.

  1. Save all information entered to the worksheet by pressing Save .
  1. Press [Click Here to Update Final-SREA worksheet] located in Column A. This action uses data from the SRO Draft worksheet to calculate payment on the Final-SREA worksheet. If further changes need to be made to the SRO Draft worksheet, this button should be pressed again to update the Final-SREA worksheet.
  1. The SRO must check all the information appearing on the SRO Draft and Final-SREA worksheets for accuracy and completeness. The SRO verifies its accuracy by checking the box in Column A on the Final-SREA worksheet next to the statement, “This information has been verified by the SRO and is ready for payment.”

Part DC:What to E-mail to NIAID CMO for Reviewer Payment (for Pre-review Teleconferences and Review Meetings)

  1. After the SRO verifies the SREA Report for the meeting, SRO should press the e-mail icon in the toolbar directly above the Final-SREA worksheet.
  1. When the e-mail dialog box pops-u, select the radio button. “Send the entire workbook as an attachment.” Press [OK]:
  1. The following e-mail header will appear along with the SRO-verified SREA Roster Report:
  1. The SRO sends the e-mail with the attached SRO-verified report to the NIAID CMO (). The SRO must indicate whether the meeting was a pre-review teleconference or [MFH13]a review meeting and indicate the SEP number or standing Committee Name, Meeting Date and the Council (for a grant review meeting). In the body of the e-mail, the SRO must also request that NIAID CMO download the roster for the meeting from IMPAC. Please note:
  1. Minutes are not required for a pre-review teleconference[MFH14].

b.If the SREA Roster Report is for a grant review meeting, the SRO must request that NIAID CMO download the minutes that have been signed electronically by the Chairperson and the SRO from IMPAC.

  1. If the SREA Roster Report is for a contract review meeting, the paper minutes that were signed by the meeting Chairperson and the SRO must be delivered to either Mary Nuss or Macie Warren in NIAID’s Committee Management Office after the SREA Roster Report for the meeting has been e-mailed to NIAID CMO ().
  1. NIAID CMO now has a record that it received the SRO-verified SREA Roster Report for the pre-review teleconference.The SRO now has an electronic record of the report being e-mailed to the NIAID CMO for payment.

  1. Deliver any reviewer receipts from the review meeting to David Alperin Mary Nuss or Bola Odunuga after the SREA Roster Report for the meeting has been e-mailed to NIAID CMO.




*Reviewer on multiple SEPs paid $200/day for each SEP with no maximum per SEP.

*Reviewer is on 2 SEPs on the same day, reviewer will receive $200 maximum for that day.


$200/day, no maximum number of days

No minimum number of hours required to be paid $200 for a particular day

Reviewer will not be paid more than $200/day regardless of daily meeting duration (i.e. > 8hrs)

Teleconference Reviewers $200/day, no maximum

Mail-in Reviewers: $100 (1-3 assignments) / $200 (>3 assignments)


(1 FOA/1 SEP with consecutive or nonconsecutive days or 1 FOA/multiple SEPs)

$200/day, no maximum

No minimum number of hours required to be paid $200 for a particular day

Reviewer will not be paid more than $200/day regardless of daily meeting duration (i.e. > 8 hrs)

Mail-in Reviewers: $100 (1-3 assignments) / $200 (>3 assignments)

Internet Assisted Meeting (IAM) (e.g., R13)

2-5 days; Flat honorarium = $200 (regardless of number of days or hours/day)

Internet Assisted Review (IAR) (e.g., LRP)

2-5 days; Flat honorarium = $200 (regardless of number of days or hours/day)

Status / Date / Name / Nature of Modification
Initiated / 08/31/09 / Lucy Dickson
Modified / 06/08/11 / Autumn Hutko, Keyonna Earle / Part A step 5 modified, step 6 added
Modified / 6/15/11 / Lucy Dickson / Updated SOP with changed honorarium, added a link to new instructions for creating a pre-teleconference workgroup in IMPAC, updated screenshots.
Modified / 7/5/11 / Annie Walker-Abbey / Minor corrections made after reading to ensure that the SOP captures some points from the Informing and Reporting training module

11/14/2018Postmtg_SREA Roster Report.Doc

[PBD([1]Pleas eupdate the document with this information:

From: Alperin, David (NIH/NIAID) [E]
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2016 10:45 AM
Subject: SREA Reviewer Payment

Hi Everyone,

Below is the link to register for the SREA Honoraria and Reviewer Payment System.

Once registered you will be able to look up the status of reviewer payments for your meetings.

David Alperin

Director / SREA Administrator

Office of Committee Management

NIAID Service Center

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

National Institutes of Health

5601 Fishers Lane

Room 4G30

Rockville, MD 20892-7922


FAX: 301-402-0989


[MFH3]we do not enter this anymore- remove

[MFH4]to be removed. Not sure if I can remove them, so I just highlight them as comment

[MFH5]this one too

[MFH6]Also it seems that some information under this part is repeated in Part C, if yes we need to remove Part B as a whole

[MFH7]this needs to be removed

[MFH8]to be removed

[MFH9]to be removed

[MFH10]to be removed

[MFH11]Do we need to remove this completely?

[MFH12]The text box above, to be removed

[MFH13]To be removed

[MFH14]we need to remove this

[MFH15]The text box above need to be revised