Woodrow Wilson Elementary

8:25 School Begins

8:25-8:30 Attendance, Flag Salute

8:30-9:30 Language Arts - Houghton Mifflin

9:30-10:10 Writing

10:10- 10:25 Recess

10:25-11:25 Math

11:25-12:10 Lunch

12:10-12:40 ELD/Journals

12:40-1:30 Social Studies/Science

1:30-1:40 Recess

1:40-2:50 Centers, Guided Reading, Art, PE

2:50 Dismissal

*We visit both the library and computer lab one day a week for 30 minutes each.

Language Arts

We have adopted the Houghton Mifflin Reading Program. It includes:

§  Literature Selections

§  Phonics and Phonemic Awareness

§  Spelling

§  Writing

§  Grammar/Mechanics

Language Arts lessons are planned to meet the common core standards and are structured to develop reading fluency, writing, oral speaking, listening, critical thinking, and problem solving skills.

The children in the class are at all different developmental levels. I will be assessing each child’s individual abilities and teach to their needs through differentiated instruction within:

*Literacy Centers

*Guided Reading Groups

*Step-Up to Writing


Spelling words will be taken from the literature/phonics selections in the Houghton Mifflin Reading Program. We will begin spelling lists/ tests on the second week of school. The words will be listed on the website under Homework. These words and the phonics skill are to be practiced every night in order to prepare for the spelling test on Friday. The students will be given two extra words on the test that focus on the phonics skill we covered that week.

A Note About Spelling

My goal is for first grade students to use phonics skills to spell words, and to enjoy writing without the anxiety of spelling every word perfectly. As the year progresses, you should expect to see your child transition into standard spelling.

Sight Words

First graders are expected to master reading the First Grade CNUSD sight words by the end of the year. In order to master a list, your child must be able to read each word in three seconds. When your child has mastered the list, please sign and return the list to school. When your child passes, I will send home the next list.


The Corona-Norco school district uses a program called Step Up to Writing. Your child should be able to write a complete paragraph by the end of the year. We will be covering three types of writing which include opinion, narrative, and explanatory/informative text. Step Up to Writing incorporates a color system that was explained on Family Friday. Writing will be taking place every day and will include interactive as well as independent writing. I will also be assessing their writing skills once a month through the use of writing prompts. The data collected will be evaluated by the first grade team. We have developed several rubrics which include the three text types that will be used to assess the children’s progress.


We will be using the CCSS and adopted Envision Math program this year. I will develop math concepts through guided practice of hands-on manipulatives (ex: counting bears, unifix cubes, tangrams, number lines, etc.) as well as assigning independent practice worksheets.

Units of Study

§  Problem Solving

§  Geometry

§  Place Value

§  Time

§  Fractions/Measurement

§  Addition & Subtraction Facts to 20

Social Studies

Units of Study: rules and laws, history of American symbols, American heritage, continents, oceans and where we live, the marketplace, transportation, life 100 years ago, and Native Americans.


Units of Study include the five senses, nutrition, solids/liquids/gases, oceans, living things, weather, and the four seasons.

Computer Education

General uses, keyboard skills, educational games, and word processing are part of the computer program. The children will visit the school computer lab once a week for 30 minutes, as well as have access in the classroom. It is highly encouraged that you begin to explore the internet and many of the useful and engaging websites with your child.

Music, Drama, & Art

Children listen to music, sing songs, and participate in rhythmic activities. They learn to appreciate music in a variety of ways. Selected stories and rhymes are “brought to life” through dramatizations as well.


All clothing, backpacks, and lunch pails should be labeled with your child’s name. Many children do not remember what they bring to school. Please help them (and us) by labeling everything.

Physical Education & Recess

Large and small muscle coordination is developed through movement activities and games. Physical Education is a part of your child’s mandated and state required fitness program. They practice a variety of skills such as, but not limited to: skipping, hopping, jumping rope, basic drill stretches/exercises, and running. It is for this reason that you share any health concerns or limitations with your classroom teacher. The Hundred Mile Club is an activity you may want your child to participate in. The first grade classes will be participating every other Tuesday morning.


First grade classes have one 15-minute snack/recess break each day with one 45 minute lunch period. The break schedule is as follows:

10:10-10:25 a.m. snack/recess

11:25-12:10 lunch/recess

Your child may bring a small snack from home to eat during the am snack period. Suggestions for snack time include: fruit, water, raisins, carrots, and other nutritious snacks your child can open on his/her own. During the lunch period your child can bring a lunch from home or purchase a lunch from the cafeteria.


If your family would like to contribute any of the following, it would be greatly appreciated.

q  Tissue

q  Clorox Wipes

q  Prizes for Prize Box

q  Expo Markers

q  Computer paper

q  Crayons

q  Pencils

q  Glue sticks


Homework will be posted on the website every Friday and should be turned in the following Friday. Homework is a practice of the concepts taught in the classroom. Homework activities include:

§  15-20 minutes of daily reading

§  Spelling

§  Sight word lists

§  Math

§  Writing(SUTW format)

§  Oral Language presentations

Please assist your child in making sure all activities are completed.


An academic will be given in the following areas: reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and oral language. An effort grade will be given for handwriting, behavior, fine arts, computer education, homework, and physical education.


1.  Come to school every day on time, ready to learn

2.  Be respectful of others, keep hands, feet and objects to yourself

3.  Raise your hand for permission to speak and leave your seat.

4.  Listen carefully and follow all directions the first time.

5.  Clean up after yourself.

Please feel free to contact me any time you have questions or concerns this year. You could send a note, call the office, or e-mail me. If you would like to reach me by e-mail, my address is . I will do my best to get back to you within 24 hours. Thank you for your partnership as we strive to make this year a success for your child. I am looking forward to a rewarding year!

Sincerely, Ms. Barbour


Ms. Barbour