1 | Page Council Meeting June 2, 2015


Minutes of the Regular Council Meetingof the HeneferTown Council heldJune 5, 2015in the Council Meeting Room at 150 W. Center Street, Henefer, Utah.

Roll Call: Randy C. Ovard, EarleenPaskett, Joyce R. Housley, Richard N. Butler, Kay H. Richins, Brent G. Ovard, Eric Fristrup, Jenni Wayment and Kyle Wayment.

Mayor Ovard opened the meeting at 7:10 PM and the opening prayer was offered by Joyce R. Housley. Randy C. Ovard led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of May 5, 2015 were reviewed. Corrections suggested were, page one (1) paragraph four (4) change the spelling of Reese to Rees. Suggested changes to the water rates, page two (2), paragraph five (5) 2,5000, should be changed to 25,000. The second paragraph on page one, delete the word were, and change the spelling of weakly to weekly on page two (2) paragraph four (4) explaining Tristen Northrup’s duties. Brent Ovard requested that more background information be added to page three (3) paragraph one (1) it was changed to read:

“They were paid for the property in 1993 with three (3) acre feet of water out of the Hoytsville ditch. The Utah Division of water Rights would not allow a transfer of the water right to Mountainland Livestock because a municipality cannot divest itself of the water right. The town agreed to pay the equivalent of the water right,($8,000 to- $8,500) which they can then use to purchase water from Franklin Creek. The Robinsons and Dawsons would like to purchase a share of water out of Franklin Creek, and they felt that the money paid to them by the town could go towards that purchase. Mayor Ovard told the Robinson and Dawson families that they would have to work out an arrangement with someone who owns shares in Franklin Creek. Henefer Town would write the check to the Robinson and Dawson family and they would need to deposit it in their account, and then pay for whatever water share they were able to buy. Richard N. Butler made a motion to pay the Robinsons and the Dawsons between $8,000 and $8,500 to compensate for the water right that was unable to be transferred in payment for the land used for the waterline in Franklin Canyon.”

Joyce R. Housley made a motion to approve the minutes of May 5, 2015 after the corrections were made. Richard N. Butler seconded the motion.. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Richard N. Butler, Joyce R. Housley, Kay H. Richins. NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none

Mayor Ovard explained that the bus garage has been cleaned. Everything has been moved and it is ready for a bus to be garaged there.

Kay H. Richins made a motion to open the Public Hearing for the Amended Budget for 2014-15 and the Original Budget for 2015-16. Brent G. Ovard seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Richard N. Butler, Joyce R. Housley, Kay H. Richins. NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none


No one from the public attended the meeting. The Council discussed the budget changes from the previous draft. Election expenses were added and several other small tweaks that changed the first draft. Kay H. Richins asked if Class C Road money could be used to place a crosswalk across from the new church. Utah State Department of Transportation will have to be contacted to get permission, so the Council will look into the matter. Brent G. Ovard made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Richard N. Butler seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Richard N. Butler, Joyce R. Housley, Kay H. Richins. NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none (See Attachment)


Mayor Ovard read resolution number 2015-206. (add resolution) and asked for a vote to accept the resolution. Richard N. Butler made a motion to accept resolution 2015-206 amending the 2014-15 budget and adopting the 2015-16 budget. Kay H. Richins seconded the motion. Vote AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Richard N. Butler, Joyce R. Housley, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none

Mayor Ovard called for a motion to open the Public Hearing to discuss amending the fee and rate schedule to raise the utility water rates. Joyce R. Housley made a motion to open the public hearing. Kay H. Richins seconded the motion. Vote AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Richard N. Butler, Joyce R. Housley, Brent G. Ovard, Kay H. Richins NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none


There was no representation from the public at the meeting. Richard N. Butler told Mayor Ovard that the only input he had received was a suggestion that instead of raising rates the past due accounts should be collected. Councilman Butler assured the questioner that past due accounts are under control.

The Council felt that the rates suggested by Richard N. Butler should be approved. Those rates are:

$25.00 for the first 15,000 gallons

.75 per thousand from 15,000 to 25,000

1.25 per thousand from 25,000 to 50,000

1.75 per thousand from 50,000 to 100,000

3.00 per thousand over 100,000

A resolution will be written for the July 7, 2015 council meeting and presented for approval.

Richard N. Butler made a motion to close the public hearing. Brent G. Ovard seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Richard N. Butler, Joyce R. Housley, Kay H. Richins. NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none


Mayor Ovard told the Council that the water leak near Barbara Halls home is still being worked on. Kory Richins is running a new line into the house and hopefully that will solve the problem.

Kyle Wayment appeared before the council to ask for suggestions for an Eagle Scout project. Some of the suggestions given were painting the eves and gable ends at the small building at the sewer ponds, planting trees at the new Heritage Park on Main Street, or Painting the fire hydrants (or a least a part of them) in town. There could be some safety issues with ladder use at the sewer ponds so Kyle thinks he will choose painting the fire hydrants. The Town will furnish the paint and brushes.

Cheryl Preator and Joel Riches will paint the tables at John’s Park. The paint and brushes have been purchased by the town.

Eric Fristrup met with the Council to finalize the 4th of July Celebration schedule.

Breakfast – Town Council prices $20 family $5 single $3 child

5 & 10 K race - Mallory Preece and Ashley Richins (there will only be a prize for 1st place, all other prizes will be drawn )

Bike-a-thon – Blake and Kristen Schroeder (there will be no T-shirts for participation)

Flag Raising – Henefer 2nd Ward

3 on 3 Basketball – Cliff Rasmussen and Steve Dallin

Local Entertainment – Jessica Mosher (between 9:00 and 10:30 AM)

Bingo – Yance and Rozanne Staples (11:00 AM)

Booths – Angela Ferry ($20.00)

Creamies or some kind of fruit bar for the free ice cream activity.

Parade – Kevin and Vicki Joiner (will ask LaNae and Everett to be Grand Marshal)

Eric will have the Young Men from both Wards to set up and take down the booths (the town will pay them for the time)

Dinnerwill be a fund raiser by Jamie Vernon for her son Donavon Jacobs . The dinner will be Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Baked Beans, coleslaw and watermelon for $8.50 per plate, hot dogs, chips, watermelon and a drink for kids at $5.50 per plate. Brownies can be purchased separately for desert. They would like to start dinner at 6:00 P.M. and end at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Ovard asked EarleenPaskett to check with the auditor to see if was legal for the Town to make a donation to Donavon.

Entertainmentwill be “Party Rock Project”

Sound will be by Atkinson Sounds

Eric will order the T-shirts and also the food.

The Preator’s are finishing up John’s Park, they are waiting for the sand to be delivered. They will put in a cement coving around the sand. An electrical cable was found and will be rerouted, and a sprinkler pipe was also broken and will need to be replaced. They hope to have it finished by the first part of July. The Preator’sdo not want a plaque that says in memory of Brooke, but the family always called her B and the suggested a plaque that says: “B-Happy” “B-Playful” “B-Kind” “B-Considerate” “ B-Memorable”. The Council agreed with a plaque or sign with those sentiments.

Joyce R. Housley will pick up the flowers for Main Street on Thursday, June 4. The flower bed at the Town Park needs to be weeded by Friday, so Tristen Northrup will have to be notified.

Wyatt Woolstenhulme presented a letter to the Council to be hired for odds and ends jobs that will need to be done this summer. The Town always pays some of the youth to help with extra jobs that are not covered by the summer hire. Joyce R. Housley made a motion to accept Wyatt Woolstenhulme to help with extra jobs this summer. Kay H. Richins seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Richard N. Butler, Joyce R. Housley, Kay H. Richins. NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none

Open Meeting Training Information was sent out to each Councilmember. All Councilmembers confirmed that they had read and understand the material. This is documenting that Open Meeting Training has been done for the year.

Flowers will be removed from the graves on June 10th by the youth. A poster will be put in the Post Office to let people know. The Town will serve pizza and punch to those youth who come to help.

Joyce R. Housley told the Council that Christian Northrup will put the signs at John’s Park to notify people to clean up after their dogs.

Mayor Ovard told Kay H. Richins that on the railroad bridge there is a crack about three quarters of the length of the bridge. It will need to be sealed. Kay H. Richins will take care of the problem.

Brent G. Ovard said that he has been asked to represent small cities on a board dealing with the property within city jurisdiction. The cities will be responsible for the cost of fires that start in the jurisdiction of the municipality. He has been asked to attend a meeting every Monday evening. He will attend the first meeting and then decide whether or not to continue.

Kay H. Richins made a motion to adjourn. Richard N. Butler seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.

______Earleen T. Paskett Clerk Randy C. Ovard Mayor

BILLS ORDERED PAID: Ace Disposal Inc., $148.57, Ace Hardware, $60.41, Alan Fawcett Electric, $2,217.20, All West Communications, $194.10, Badger Screen Printing, $2,135.20, Big Door Entertainment, $1,500.00, Caselle, $500.00, Chemtech-Ford Laboratory, $111.00, Christian Northrup, $135.59, Christian Northrup, $53.48, Christian Northrup, $12.02, Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., $77.66, Garden Gateway, $2,650.00, Grumps, $168.45, HoeHoeHoe Services, $150.00, Honey Bucket, $279.00, Kent Trussell, $315.00, KR Excavation, $1,520.00, KR Excavation, $4,550.00, Moreton & Company, $325.00, Mountain Alarm, $72.00, Riches, Robin, $80.90, R&S Distributing, $127.37, Robert P. Richins, $1,000.00, Nicholas & Company, Inc., $207.22, Ogden Lawn & Garden, $28.93, Questar Gas, $154.86, Rain Retail, $588.00, Richins, Stockton, $243.00, Rocky Mountain Power, $1324.68 Sheldon A. Smith & Associates, $303.00,Staker Parson, $1,943.25,SummitCo. News, $123.24, Summit Co. Public Works, $1520.00, Summit County Public Works, $24.00, Summit Mercantile,$13.80, Utah Department of Commerce, $11.79, Wyatt Woolstenhulme, $265.50, 4G Events, $250.00, Zions Bank Credit Card, $1,041.51, Richard N. Butler, $200.00, Jill Fawcett, $651.20, Joyce R. Housley, $200.00, Christian V Northrup, $1,080.00, Tristen Northrup, $900.00, Arlin S. Ovard, $525.00, Brent G. Ovard, $200.00, Randy C. Ovard, $550.00, EarleenPaskett, $1,100.00, Kay H. Richins, $200.00, Scott D. Richins, $340.00, Rozanne Staples, $l100.00.

Adopted Budget Form for: / Name / Henefer Town
Cities, Towns & Counties / Fiscal Year Ended / 6/30/2016
Basic Form Instructions
Definitions: Current Budget Year: The budget year in which a local government is currently operating. Ensuing Budget Year: The next upcoming budget year, also known as the “incoming” budget year
Part I / General Fund Revenues
Ensuing Year
Prior Year / Current Year / Approved Budget
Source of Revenue / Actual Revenue / Estimate / Appropriation
(a) / (b) / (c) / (d)
General Property Taxes - Current / 34,900 / 38,600 / 38,800
Prior Years' Taxes - Delinquent
General Sales and Use Taxes / 76,000 / 80,000 / 84,000
Franchise Taxes
Transient Room Tax
Assessing and Collecting - State-wide Levy
Assessing and Collecting - County Levy
Fee-in-Lieu of Property Taxes / 6,173 / 5,200 / 6,100
Penalties and Interest on Delinquent Taxes
Other (specify):
Licenses and Permits
Business Licenses and Permits / 855 / 1,000 / 1,000
Non-business Licenses and Permits
Building, Structures, and Equipment / 7,749 / 7,500 / 7,600
Marriage Licenses
Motor Vehicle Operation
Cemetery - Burial Permits
Animal Licenses
Other (specify):
Name / Henefer Town / Fiscal Year Ended / 6/30/2016
Part I / General Fund Revenue - Continued
Ensuing Year
Prior Year / Current Year / Approved Budget
Source of Revenue / Actual Revenue / Estimate / Appropriation
(a) / (b) / (c) / (d)
Charges for Services
General Government
Court Costs, Fees, and Charges (Clerk)
Recording of Legal Documents (Recorder)
Zoning and Subdivision Fees
Sale of Maps and Publications
Auditor's Fees
Surveyor's Fees
Treasurer's Fees
Public Safety
Special Police Services
Special Protective Services
Corrective Fees (Jail)
Streets and Public Improvements
Street, Sidewalk, and Curb Repairs
Parking Meter Revenue
Street Lighting Charges
Sewer Charges
Street Sanitation Charges
Refuse Collection Charges
Sale of Waste and Sludge
Weed Removal and Cleaning Charges
Parks and Public Property
Cemeteries / 22,256 / 15,000 / 18,000
Miscellaneous Services
Other (specify): Recreation / 8,877 / 8,411 / 8,500
Fines and Forfeitures
Other (specify):
Name / Henefer Town / Fiscal Year Ended / 6/30/2016
Part I / General Fund Revenue - Continued
Ensuing Year
Prior Year / Current Year / Approved Budget
Source of Revenue / Actual Revenue / Estimate / Appropriation
(a) / (b) / (c) / (d)
Intergovernmental Revenue
Federal Grants
General Government
Public Safety
Highways and Streets
Cultural - Recreation / 49,000
Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes
State Grants
State Shared Revenue
Class "C" Road Fund Allotment / 47,236 / 40,000 / 40,000
Liquor Fund Allotment / 694
Grants from Local Units
Other (specify):
Miscellaneous Revenue
Interest Earnings / 125 / 125 / 125
Rents and Concessions / 2,470 / 2,133 / 2,200
Sale of Fixed Assets - Compensation for Loss
Sale of Materials and Supplies
Sales of Bonds
Other Financing - Capital Lease Obligations
Other (specify): / 49,633 / 1,954 / 1,000
Contributions and Transfers
Transfer From:
Transfer From:
Transfer From:
Transfer From:
Transfer From:
Loan From:
Loan From:
Contribution from Private Sources / 5,000
Beg. Class "C" Road Fund Bal. to be Appropr. / 100,000
Beg. General Fund Bal. to be Appropriated / 36,352 / 1975
TOTAL REVENUES / 310,968 / 236,275 / 309,300
Name / Henefer Town / Fiscal Year Ended / 6/30/2016
Part II / General Fund Expenditures
Ensuing Year
Prior Year / Current Year / Approved Budget
Expenditure / Actual Exp. / Estimate / Appropriation
(a) / (b) / (c) / (d)
General Government
Administrative/Legislative / 172,016 / 70,000 / 65,500
Commission or Council
Legislative Committees and Special Bodies
Ordinances and Proceedings
City and Precinct Courts
Juvenile Court
District and Circuit Courts
Law Library
Executive and Central Staff Agencies
Boards and Commissions
Central Purchasing
Data Processing
Administrative Agencies
General Governmental Buildings / 7,034 / 8,000 / 8,000
Elections / 200 / 4,300
Planning and Zoning / 3,000 / 5,500 / 5,500
Education and Community Promotion
Other Professional Services Inspections / 5,955 / 6,000 / 6,000
Bank Charges / 575 / 575
Name / Henefer Town / Fiscal Year Ended / 6/30/2016
Part II / General Fund Expenditures - Continued
Ensuing Year
Prior Year / Current Year / Approved Budget
Expenditure / Actual Exp. / Estimate / Appropriation
(a) / (b) / (c) / (d)
Public Safety
Police Department
Fire Department
Corrections (Jail)
Protective Inspections
Other Protective
Agricultural Inspection
Animal Control and Regulation
Flood Control
Emergency Services (Civil Defense)
Other (specify): Liquor / 694
Public Health
Health Services
Other (specify):
Highway and Public Improvements
Highways / 21,698 / 24,000 / 20,000
Class "C" Road Program / 20,712 / 1,000 / 100,000
Sewage Collections and Disposal
Shop and Garage
Repair and Maintenance
Other (specify):
Parks, Rec., and Public Property
Park and Park Areas / 22,323 / 65,000 / 22,500
Park Lighting
Recreation and Culture / 20,031 / 20,500 / 20,500
Cemeteries / 17,121 / 35,500 / 17,000
Other (specify):
Name / Henefer Town / Fiscal Year Ended / 6/30/2016
Part II / General Fund Expenditures - Continued
Ensuing Year
Prior Year / Current Year / Approved Budget
Expenditure / Actual Exp. / Estimate / Appropriation
(a) / (b) / (c) / (d)
Community and Economic Development
Community Planning
Community Development
Urban Redevelopment and Housing
Economic Development and Assistance
Economic Opportunity
Other (specify):
Debt Service
Principal and Interest
Other (specify):
Transfers and Other Uses
Transfer To:
Transfer To:
Transfer To:
Loan To:
Loan To:
Loan To:
Use of Restricted/Reserved Fund Balance
Class "C" Road Funds
Judgments and Losses
FEMA Reimbursement of Flood Costs
Other Flood Costs
Other (specify):
Budgeted Increase in Fund Balance / 20,384 / 39,425.0
TOTAL EXPENDITURES / 310,968 / 236,275 / 309,300

NameHenefer TownFiscal Year Ended6/30/2016

Part VIIEnterprise or Internal Service Fund:Water

Ensuing Year

Prior YearCurrent YearApproved Budget



Operating Revenue

Charge for Services 96,441 98,000 98,000

Interest Earned 186 200 200




TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 96,627 98,200 98,200