Classroom Newsletter
Week of October 31-November 4, 2016

Ms. Ballinger-Gr. 2

Ketterlinus Elem. School 67 Orange Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084

PH 904.547.8540

Odyssey of the Mind Teams
Eleanor and Karly are engaged in collaboration, communication, problem solving, and higher-order thinking skills when they meet with their teams each week, after the school day is done. Interested? There will be another opportunity to join in third grade. Plan ahead!
Prep Band
Sascha was selected to participate in Mr. G.’s prep band. This requires extra time and practice during the week, but Sascha has taken on the challenge.
Accelerated Reader (AR)
Students are expected to record their AR points (and MFIAF level) each morning as they complete the AVID agenda/planner for the day. This is their responsibility, and allows students to monitor their own progress toward goals.
These students have taken and passed one or more AR tests this week and showed growth in points from Mon. through Thurs.: Reagan, Anthony, Amy, Navi, Sophie, Gabrielle, Karly, Brenton, Alijah, Cecilia, Adrianna, Elijah, and Sascha.
Math Facts in a Flash (MFIAF)
These students have grown by one or more levels this week: Anthony, Sophie, Brenton, and Cecilia. Brenton is now in MULTIPLICATION, and Anthony is close (in subtraction review). Practice and perseverance are key to their success.

Class Dojo: Empathy, Ch. 3

We’ve watched a video series about the importance of empathy. You can watch it, too, at and ask your child these questions.

1. How can we recognize when we’re in The Maze and try to stay out of it?

2. What does it mean to put yourself in someone else's shoes?

3. Ask a grownup in your life about a time they had to practice staying out of The Maze. What steps did they take?

November Scholastic News

The homework issues of Scholastic News during the weeks of Oct. 31 and Nov. 7 are unique because they tell two sides of the same story: What happened when the Pilgrims and Wampanoag first met in 1620? The first issue (10/31) is from the point of view of the Pilgrims, while the second (11/7) is from the Wampanoag.

Scholastic’s editor worked with Richard Pickering and Darius Coombs (who is himself a Wampanoag) of Plimoth Plantation in Massachusetts to build these two issues. Both address standards including LAFS.2.RI.2.6 (main purpose of text) and 2.RI.4.10 (read and comprehend informational texts).

Your child can find out more about Pilgrim and Wampanoag life 400 years ago at and

Thanks for checking Class Dojo daily. Remember, the newsletters are posted each week on my page. Go to and click on my name from the menu on the top-right. Share this with family members, near and far, to keep them up-to-date on what’s happening at school. Encourage them to complete the online access form, too. An approved application is needed to enjoy lunch with your child and to attend other daytime events.

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