Hygiene and Safety Needs of Preschoolers

Purpose Statement

This conference is designed:

§ For teachers and leaders responsible for providing a clean, safe, and secure teaching environment at church for preschoolers, birth through kindergarten.

§ To provide the latest information—as well as basic, standard precautions on

hygiene and safety procedures to safeguard preschoolers at church.

Conferees will be challenged to follow the biblical example of Jesus as He gave attention to the needs of children.

Before the Conference

Focal Wall, Room Setup, and Decoration Ideas

Display tables in front of the focal wall. Prepare posters for the focal wall and other places in the room. (See preparation step 1.)

Arrange chairs in front of the focal wall. Place handout in chairs. (See preparation step 2.) Prepare Bible verses to attach to the top edge of two chair backs. (See preparation step 4.)

Attach a tear sheet to the focal wall. (See preparation step 5.)

Use one of the tables to display some of the resources suggested on Hygiene and Safety Resources for Church Preschool Programs (Item 2) handout. (See preparation step 6.)

Arrange other resources on tables. Display the Read to Me Bible for Kids (HCSB®) with a Bible marker located at Mark 10:13-16.

Audio/Visual Needs

§ CD player

§ Bible Teaching for Kids Music and More CDs

Preparation Steps—Resources to Collect and Prepare

1. Prepare and attach to the conference room focal wall and at other locations in the room any of the following posters you wish to make. Print the following words on poster board:

§ “In everything set. . .an example by doing what is good. . . show

integrity, seriousness and soundness. . . .” (Titus 2:7, NIV).

§ “But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way” (1 Cor.

14:40, NIV).

§ Be an EXAMPLE in protecting preschoolers with the latest in hygiene

and safety procedures.

2. Print Is My Church Meeting These Hygiene and Safety Needs of Preschoolers? (Item 1) handout in conferees’ chairs before the conference begins.

3. Print the following handouts and place the copies near the front of the room for ease in distribution at indicated times during the conference:

§ Hygiene and Safety Resources for Church Preschool Programs (Item


§ Hygiene Is Important (Item 3a,b)

§ Protect Children at Church (Item 4)

4. Type or print by hand the following Bible verses on two strips of paper and tape the strips to the top edge of two chair backs:

§ “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little

ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward” (Matt. 10:42, NIV).

§ “In everything set. . .an example by doing what is good. . . show

integrity, seriousness and soundness” (Titus 2:7, NIV).

5. Attach a tear sheet to the focal wall along with a felt-tip marker (or use a white board and marker). Print large letters vertically along the left side of the tear sheet: E X A M P L E. You will use these letters to form an acrostic during the conference. The acrostic becomes the basic outline of the conference content. (See procedure step 4.)

6. Prepare tables for displaying some of the resources listed on Hygiene and Safety Resources for Church Preschool Programs (Item 2) handout. One table display might include (but not limited to) the following resources:

§ Bible Teaching for Kids curriculum for preschoolers), copies of

teaching and ministry files from a recent quarters’ Music and More Enhanced CD dealing with hygiene or safety, or other related articles and information sheets from leader guides and leader packs

§ Teaching in Christian Weekday Early Education (Nashville: LifeWay,

1999), pp. 197-219 (Attach a tab or marker at these pages.)

§ Teaching Preschoolers: First Steps Toward Faith (Nashville: LifeWay,


§ Healthy Young Children: A Manual for Programs (4th edition),

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) publication, 2002.

§ Model Child Care Health Policies (4th edition), NAEYC publication.

§ Booklets from the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma Web site

(www.bgco.org), Oklahoma Baptists Protecting Children and the booklet from the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina Web site (www.ncbaptist.org), Protecting Our Church and Children.

7. Arrange on a table resources relating to child abuse protection, including (but not limited to) the following resources:

§ Church Mutual Insurance “Protection Series” and free videos.

§ Reducing the Risk II Kit, Christian Ministries.

§ Safe Place: Guidelines for Creating an Abuse-Free Environment, Marv


§ Safe Sanctuaries: Reducing the Risk of Child Abuse in the Church, Joy


8. Display the Read to Me Bible for Kids (HCSB®), with a Bible marker located at Mark 10:13-16.

9. Prepare five large gift bags. Print assignment cards and place in (or with) each bag. Gather the items for each group (listed on the assignment cards); place items in bags with assignment cards. Also place in the first three bags the appropriate procedures as found in Hygiene Is Important (Item 3) handout.

§ Group 1 – Assignment: Read the hand-washing procedures on the

handout (Item 3) and examine items in the bag. Be prepared to demonstrate and/or summarize for the group the latest information on hand-washing.

Items in the bag: hand-washing procedures from the handout, liquid antibiotic soap, paper towels, container of alcohol-based hand rub, and other items relating to hand-washing procedures.

§ Group 2 – Assignment: Read the disinfecting procedures

on the handout (Item 3) for toys and equipment. Examine the other items in or with the bag and be prepared to demonstrate procedures for disinfecting toys.

Items in (or with) the bag: disinfecting procedures from the handout, three plastic dishpans, a plastic dish drainer, an empty bleach container, measuring tablespoon, several clean wash cloths, several baby toys, and an empty plastic spray bottle.

§ Group 3 – Assignment: Read the diaper-changing procedures on the

handout (Item 3). Use accompanying items to demonstrate the procedure for changing a diaper.

Items in the bag: diaper-changing procedures from the handout, baby doll (to serve as the “baby” being diapered), two disposable diapers, waxed paper, disposable gloves, facial tissues, container of diaper wipes, a plastic bag, bottle of alcohol-based hand rub, and a baby toy (for baby to enjoy during the process).

§ Group 4 – Assignment card: Examine the first aid kit and the

playground mini-kit. In a show-and-tell style, give a report on these kits.

Items in or with the bag: assembled first aid kit and a mini-kit for use on the playground. (Use Red Cross recommendations as a guide for assembling the first aid kit.) For the playground mini-kit, provide a small pack on a waist belt containing items like tissues, small zip-lock bags for disposing of used tissues, packets of antiseptic wipes, small bottle of alcohol-based hand rub, disposable latex gloves, and adhesive-strip bandages.

§ Group 5 – Assignment card: Examine the security items which

may be used for children’s arrival and departure times. Bring a show-and-tell report on various security procedures for churches.

Items in the bag: collection of various security items a church may use, including sign-in sheets, cards, claim checks, matching tags, and information on electronic systems.

10. Attach to the wall near conferee seating a tear sheet labeled Leading Out. Place a felt-tip marker nearby.

During the Conference

Procedure Steps

1. As conferees arrive and take their seats, ask them to look at the handout in their chairs (See preparation step 2). Encourage them to begin responding privately to the evaluation sheet (Item 1).

2. Welcome conferees and ask for volunteers to locate strips of paper taped to the backs of two chairs. Invite volunteers to read aloud the Bible verses on the strips of paper. (See preparation step 4). After the verses have been read, thank conferees for attending this conference on hygiene and safety needs for preschoolers.

3. Ask conferees to turn to a neighbor and share one of the precautions on the evaluation sheet (Item 1) which is done in their room at church to meet the hygiene and safety needs of preschoolers. After a minute or two, invite a volunteer to share a response with the larger group.

4. Direct attention to the letters E X A M P L E which you have printed vertically on a tear sheet attached to the focal wall (or a white board). Say: “Jesus’ attention to the needs of children is our EXAMPLE.” Explain that this acrostic will guide discussion during the session so that teachers and churches can become examples of providing the best for preschoolers.

E – Evaluate

§ Print the word Evaluate to the right of the letter E on the acrostic

tear sheet.

§ Say: “The list of hygiene and safety precautions (Item 1) will help

you EVALUATE the needs of your church. Let’s take a moment to

discuss areas of hygiene and safety which need the attention of

churches.” Briefly discuss the evaluation sheet (Item 1) and encourage conferees to take this back to their churches and discuss needs with other teachers and leaders.

X – eXamine

§ Print the word eXamine to the right of the letter X on the acrostic tear


§ Direct attention to the table displaying helpful resources with the latest

information on hygiene and safety. Choose several of the resources to

EXAMINE with conferees, indicating those you consider the most

helpful in providing information. Indicate several resources which might

be considered “standards of care” in protecting children. These might


Teaching in Christian Weekday Early Education, especially pp.


Teaching Preschoolers: First Steps Toward Faith, pp.49-57, pp.

101-102, and p.128

Governmental standards including state child care center

licensing standards; child abuse reporting procedures; emergency and disaster preparedness resources

Information available through preschool/children’s associates at

state Baptist conventions

§ Distribute Hygiene and Safety Resources for Church Preschool

Programs (Item 2) handout. Take 10-15 minutes to “walk through” the handout with conferees, indicating the resources and Web sites which provide the latest information for them. Take time for questions, as needed.

A – Adopt

§ Print the word Adopt to the right of the letter A on the acrostic tear


§ Tell conferees that churches need to ADOPT policies which outline

hygiene and safety procedures to protect preschoolers. Indicate that good policies which are consistently implemented also can protect teachers and the church body from charges of negligence.

§ Direct conferees’ attention to several of the resources on handout

(Item 2) distributed previously for help in formulating policies—Model Child Care Health Policies, Oklahoma Baptists Protecting Children, and Protecting Our Church and Children: What Church Leaders Must Know. (See preparation step 6.)

§ Tell conferees about a future resource designed specifically for

policies—Developing Policies Which Protect, Enhance, and Inspire.

M – Model

§ Print the word Model to the right of the letter M on the acrostic tear


§ Say: “Let’s take some time today to focus on ways you can MODEL

the latest hygiene and safety procedures in your room and church. Several groups will actually model or demonstrate procedures while other groups will share information.”

§ Guide conferees to turn chairs slightly to form five groups. Take a gift

bag and the accompanying hygiene and safety items to each group. Encourage each group to complete the assignment in the bag and choose one person to demonstrate or report to all conferees. Tell groups to work quickly and be ready for reports in three to four minutes. As group work begins, move quietly to the groups to help conferees understand and stay focused on the assignments.

§ When time is up, ask for the attention of conferees and call for a

demonstration and/or report from each group. As groups give feedback, add helpful information or clarification on the latest recommended procedures, as needed.

Group 1: Demonstration and report on recommended

hand-washing procedures.

Group 2: Demonstration and report on recommended

disinfecting procedures for toys and equipment.

Group 3: Demonstration and report on recommended

diaper-changing procedures.

Group 4: Show-and-tell report on the first aid kit and on the

playground mini-kit.

Group 5: Show-and-tell report on the security items and

procedures for arrival and departure of preschoolers

from their rooms at church.

§ At the end of reports, ask group representatives to return the

assignment bags and related materials to a place in the room you designate. As this is being done, distribute Hygiene Is Important (Item 3) handout.

P – Protect

§ Print the word Protect to the right of the letter P on the acrostic tear


§ Say, “Let’s take a moment to talk about how to PROTECT children at

church from child abuse.” Indicate that although our primary goal is to protect children and reduce the risk of child abuse, the protective procedures also can safeguard teachers and the church.

§ Distribute Protect Children at Church (Item 4) handout. Highlight

concepts on the handout.

§ Direct conferees’ attention to the display table and to helpful resources,

such as:

Church Mutual Insurance “Protection Series” and videos.

Reducing the Risk II Kit, Christian Ministry Resources.

Safe Place: Guidelines for Creating an Abuse-Free

Environment, Marv Parker.

Safe Sanctuaries: Reducing the Risk of Child Abuse in the

Church, Joy Melton.

L – Lead

§ Print the word Lead to the right of the letter L on the acrostic tear


§ Tell conferees that teachers can take the lead in making

preschoolers safer in their rooms and in their churches. Invite conferees to brainstorm ways they can make a difference in their church settings. Ask a volunteer to jot down ideas which are shared, using a marking pen and the tear sheet labeled Leading Out.

§ Feedback from conferees might include the following:

1. Make personal commitment to use recommended hygiene

and safety procedures with preschoolers.

2. Enlist the cooperation and assistance of church leadership,

parents, and health care professionals in the church.

3. Work with teachers and leaders at church to evaluate policies

and procedures, then present changes or additions for church approval.

4. Stay informed and up to date on hygiene and safety concerns

and assist in training others.

5. Ask leaders to consult with the church insurance agent to

confirm that appropriate measures are being taken to protect children.

6. Commit the safety of preschoolers to prayer as you seek to

be a blessing in the lives of children.

E – Encourage

§ Print the word Encourage to the right of the letter E on the acrostic tea