Out: Nov 19, 2012
Due: Dec 3, 2012 (No late submissions)
CENG302 – Assignment #6
i. Ergonomics (6 marks)
There are 10 topics. Use the last digit of your student number to select a topic and research the capabilities of that type device.
0. Biometric Security
1. Multi-Touch Screens/Touch Pad
2. Web Cam
3. Digital WhiteBoard
4. Graphic Tablets (ie: Wacom)
5. E-Ink (ie: Sony Reader, Kindle, Kobe)
6. Digital Projectors
7. Scanner
8. 3D Printers
9. Braile Displays (ie: Pac Mate, FreedomScientific)
Research products in this class and find and cite 3 different web sites. Answer the following questions:
a. What are the most desirable technical features of your product class, ie: speed, resolution, ruggedness, accuracy, resolution, MTBF (mean time between failures) or something else. Include a description of the available
b. What is the range of costs for this type of product? Look at both inexpensive and very expensive versions. Which feature(s) add the most to the cost.
c. What type of customer would be most interested in the high end product and why would they find the high end features desirable?
d. What is the “sweet spot”, that is which product and price is going to be the most appealing to customers?
II Human Interface Guidelines (6 marks)
Pick a specific application, game or real world device that has a software interface, ie: a particular car’s dashboard display, a photocopier, a banking machine. You may not pick an application suite (ie: Microsoft Office), but you can pick an individual application (ie: Microsoft Word). You may not pick the Windows operating system as there is too much to cover and it’s too easy to find criticism on the Internet nor any Apple device.
Using any 6 different user interface guidelines from Apple evaluate your application. Make sure that you cite the guideline you are using and give evidence either for or against that guideline being supported.
Example: Apple guideline #2: The user must be in control. In Windows’s Vista every time you try to do a questionable action a warning pops up asking if you really want to do this. This is supposed to make the system more secure and gives the appearance that the user is in control. In practice I found this to be annoying and I felt less in control – the warnings themselves were uncontrollable. After much searching I finally found out how to turn them off.
III UML: Problem 2, pp 273: New Branch School District (8 marks)
The New Branch School District operates a fleet of 40 buses that serve approximately 1000 students in grades K-12. The bus operation involves 30 regular routes plus special routes for activities, athletic events and summer sessions. The district employs 12 full time drivers and 25-30 part-time drivers. A dispatcher co-ordinates the staffing and routes and relays messages to drivers regarding students and parents who call about pickup and dropoff locations. Additional Information: Teachers and summer camp directors can request the use of a bus to book groups for field trips through their office staff.
1. Identify possible actors and use cases involved in school bus operations.
2. Create one Use-Case diagram for the school bus system
3. Create a Sequence Diagram for the use case you selected
4. Create a class diagram showing the relationship between objects in the system. (This question is different from the text)
Note: This question is slightly different than the one in the book)
IIII Security. (6 marks)
The Whole Planet Travel agency is a small ten person firm specializing in personal and business travel. It has ten employees including two secretary/receptionists six travel agents, and one of fulltime manager. The senior travel agent also acts as an assistant manager. Each employee has their own computer terminal linked to a central server which serves as their database repository and link to the Internet. During the “high season” they will hire temporary help to deal with the extra load. They collect personal information on their clients including credit card numbers, dietary preferences [ hallal or kosher food, allergies] and details relating to medical insurance for travel. They do between six and 9000 “bookings” per year worth about $16 million and even book business trips for rival companies such as yours software security firm and some of your competitors. About 80% of their business consists of repeat customers.
Keeping in mind the categories of detection and prevention, minimization and recovery examine different points of vulnerability such as input, access, output and process, come up with a 6 point Security Plan that is cost effective for this company. Next to each point assign what would be an estimated cost and indicate whether it is recurring (weekly, monthly or annual) or nonrecurring.