Te Tipua School Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Monday March 23rd 2015 - 5.30pm – in Room 2

1. Meeting Protocol

1.1 Present

Jason Smith, Nicole Weir (staff rep) Cheryl Marychurch (Principal) Garth Shanks, Duncan Falconer, George Stevenson, Fred Sprenger, Sharon Hillis (minute secretary)

1.2 Apologies

1.3 Declaration of interests.

G Stevenson, F Sprenger, and D Falconer are members of the Te Tipua School Transport Society Committee.

2. Strategic Decisions

2.1 Selection of BOT member

It was voted and moved to approach Eleanor Miller to fill the board vacancy subject to her eligibility. If Eleanor could not be due to her eligibility or her willingness then Karen Goodwin would be approached.

It was moved to co-opt Fred Sprenger on with the purpose of building projects within the school as he is a builder and the board would value his continuing expertise.

J Smith/G Shanks ALL IN FAVOUR

2.1.1 Policies for Review

Policy Number 4 Classroom Release Time

The classroom release policy was updated with some minor recommendations and ratified. J Smith/D Falconer ALL IN FAVOUR

Policy Number 3 employment and Personnel

Employment & Personnel policy was undated with relevant changes and Procedures attached were left as is J Smith/N Weir ALL IN FAVOUR

2.2 Action Sheet

2.2.1. 10 Reasons we are proud of our school.

All staff and senior students have completed ’10 reasons we are proud of our school.”BOT have been asked to complete 1.

2.2.2 Personnel

The following Staffing was agreed to:

To employ Calum Johnstone to the end of Term 4 2015 subject to assured staffing been guaranteed from MOE.

To continue to employ Cheryl Schreurs to the end of Term 2 2016 as a specialized teacher working with 1 IWS student.

To continue Robyn Thomas’ contract to the end of Term 4 2015 to work with 1 IWS student and the Early words Programme.

Staffing for Term1 2016 will be reviewed after September 1st roll return.

G Stevenson/F Sprenger ALL IN FAVOUR

2.2.3 Trail Bike Ride

All good to go for Saturday 28 March.

2.2.4 Principal Appraisal 2015

First meeting with Appraiser on September 16th.

2.2.5 ERO Visit

ERO has planned their review for 2 June 2015. They will be in the school to explain process on 15 May 2015 at 12.30 to all BOT members.

The board will meet to do documentation on Monday 20 April 2015 at 4pm.

2.2.6 PAT/ Spelling/STAR

Cheryl presented to the board the results of the PAT & STAR results.

2.2.9 Property Update on Library and Resource Room

There has been 3 companies who have expressed their interest for the remedial building work on library and building the new resource room and electrical upgrade. The tenders should be out in a week to those companies.

2.2.10 Event review for swimming

Cheryl presented to the board the review which was done by staff of our 2 weeks of swimming. BOT comments: Changes by teachers to organisation were more effective and children were able to hear instructors and having 3 instructors was great.

2.2.11 Network for Learning

We have received notification that we should have our ultra fast internet should be up and going towards the middle of Term 2.

2.2.12 Payments by parents of students in state integrated schools chart

After discussion it was decided to ask Year 7 & 8 families who are attending Longford Intermediate for Manual to give permission for students to attend and make them aware there will be fees to pay for materials used at Manual.

2.2.13 After discussion it was decided to review the picking up of 2 students just inside the Hedgehope school zone at the next meeting.

BOT are happy to continue to fund the Gifted and Talented programme.

The Roll Return was sent to the ministry on 1st March 2015 through Edge and by mail.


3.5 Staff Report – tabled

4. Monitoring - School Resources - NAGS 4/5/6 & Finance – NAG 4

4.1 Finance Report:

4.1.1 2011 Bank Accounts/Monthly Reconciliations and Schedule of Accounts:

i. Account Balances: As at 2nd February 2015

00 - Non Profit Account: $ 13,740.48

25 – Simple Saver: $ 85,271.97

17 – Online Saver School House: $ 5,252.10


00 Account: 1st April Quarterly Op Grant will be deposited. January and February accounts out.

25 Account: Transport for February paid

17 Account: Rent for Schoolhouse

We will transfer $5000.00 from house account to Savings

ii. Reconciliations and schedule of payments, including internet banking transactions (as detailed in the reconciliations) from School Support for: December, January and February accepted.

G Shanks/D Falconer ALL IN FAVOUR

5. Property

5.1 Fire Evacuation emergency drill was done within the school on March 19th. 45 seconds to evacuate whole school and 1 minute 30 to complete taking roll. Protocol was discussed.

5.2 Fencing around the school was discussed as Cheryl alerted the board of a special needs child who may try to escape. Cheryl has talked with Special Ed who are following up.

5.3 Argest building WOF is due for sign off in May.

5.4 Trampoline maintenance deferred until builders are here with a digger.

5.5 Health and Safety Rep reported to BOT re hazards. BOT praised Health & Safety rep for bringing photos of hazards as well as recording in the hazard register.

5.2 Minutes of Previous Meeting Accepted.

5.2.1 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed as a true and correct record.

G Stevenson/F Sprenger ALL IN FAVOUR

5.2.2 Correspondence: A letter was received by the school’s cleaner requesting changes to her hours of work. The BOT decided that the holiday clean is to remain as part of the permanent cleaning position however LWOP is granted as per requested.

J Smith/F Sprenger ALL IN FAVOUR

6. Meeting Closure

6.1 ERO documentation meeting date is Monday 20 April at 4pm

Next meeting is Monday 11 May 2015

ERO meeting is Friday 15 May 2015 at 12.30pm



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