Farnsworth Public Library

Meeting Minutes


October 25, 2016

1.Meeting called to order by Jim Lacourciere at 6:00 PM

2.Roll Call

Present: Kim Bronikowski,Jim Lacourciere, Kristin Laufenberg, Bobby Jo Lipp, Mary Grace Murphy,

Ron Rauscher, Debi Schroeder, Kitty Werner,Mike Werner

Excused Absence:Jenny Holmgren

3. Approval of Agenda

M/S/C M. Murphy/M. Werner

4. Approve September 27, 2016 Board Meeting minutes with two additions/corrections.

M/S/C B. Lipp/K. Werner

5. Discussion/Action/Recommendation on the following:

6. Director’s Report & Updates

a. Director’s Report

Kristin Laufenberg reported to the Board of Trustees, via email, as Library Director, she has

completed the following, from September 25, 2016 to October 21, 2016

1. Set up Banned Books Week display. Worked on library’s phones. 2. Changed outdoor

sign. 3. Ordered books from Amazon & Baker & Taylor. 4. Attended Admin. & Personnel

committee meeting. 5. Attended board meeting. 6. Prepared and mailed billed notices.

7. Planned upcoming continuing education library tour. 8. Attended NFLS continuing

education trip to Milwaukee. 9. 9/30 to 10/7 Vacation days 10. Hosted Kids and K9s.

11. Caught up on mail, emails, etc. after vacation. 12. Reconciled September credit card bill.

13. Wrote and distributed Tuesday Tabloid. 14. Worked on new library website.

15. Met with ADT to set up installation date for security cameras. 16. Added audio book

shelves and rearranged audio books with Cordula. 17. Aided patron with reference

question. 18. Prepared for upcoming teen and New View programs. 19. Made September

benefits reports. 20. Hosted Chad Lewis program. 21. Planned November teen and adult

events. 22. Created November newsletter. 23. Attended NFLS web committee meeting

online. 24. Placed Demco order. 25. Attended Friends meeting.

26. Prepared for upcoming board meeting. 27. Attended WOCO radio show.

28. Hosted New View Halloween program. 29. Library closed for continuing education

library tour; visited Neenah, Appleton, and Kaukauna libraries.

During the meeting, Kristin elaborated on her email report.

The November newsletter was sent out prior to the weekend and this meeting. There will be two big

events in November: candle-making for teens and wreath-making for adults. Other regular events like

Storytime, LegoMania and a movie will continue. Kids and K9s will be discontinued due to low

attendance over the past few months. The Library will have all of our Halloween events at the end of

this week. (Thank to everyone who is volunteering or brought us some candy.)

The Library hosted New View last Thursday, at the first of what we hope to make a monthly event.

We had a Halloween party for eight clients and one New View Employee, and I think everyone had a

great time including, myself. They will be coming back every month and I have invited another library

patron for whim I think the program would be a good fit.

Our continuing education trip last Friday was a great success. We visited Neenah, Kaukauna, and

Appleton public libraries and even squeezed in a stop to Howard, on the way home, to visit Krissy

(Stoeger). Everyone came home with a lot of ideas and inspiration.

I will be attending the Wisconsin Library Association annual conference for the rest of this week.

Jim thanked Kristin for the information.

b. Bills Submitted Dated October 4 , 2016 and October 18, 2016

M/S/C M. Werner/R. Rauscher to approve and pay all bills submitted

c. YTD Income & Expenditures

Jim recommends the 2016 YTD documents to be treated as information.

7. Committee Reports

a. Administrative / Personnel

The Committee met on September 27, 2016and plan to meet again to continue the discussion.

b. Building / Grounds

Nothing to report at this time.

. c. Finance

Will address the 2017 budget later in the meeting.

9. Correspondence/Public Input

No G-mail or other correspondence to report

10. Discussion/action/recommendation on the following:

a. Recurring

i. Friends Happenings

a. The Friends of the Library Fall Book Salewas held from Friday, October 7th until Saturday,

October 22nd. The Friends raised over $350.00.

b. Karl and Sheila Ballestad were voted “Friends of the Year.”

c. Next meeting is November 16th.

d. Quilt Raffle tickets are available until December 16th.

b. Old Business

i. Security cameras

a.Kristin met with ADT on October 12th to set up an installation date for the security cameras.

b. ADT will install the cameras the first week of November.

c.New Business

i. Revised 2017 Budget

M/S/C M.Werner/ R. Rauscher to accept the revised 2017 Budget Proposal presented by Kristin

11. Adjournmenttook placeat 6:33PM M/S/C M. Murphy/B. Lipp

Minutes respectfully submitted by secretary, Debi Schroeder

November’s Board of Trustees Meeting is Tuesday, November 22, 2016at6:00 PM

December’s Board Meeting is cancelled for Tuesday, December 27, 2016at 6:00 PM