Education 484
Introduction to Multimedia
and Web Authoring
Instructor: Rick Phelan
Office Hours: by appointment
Telephone: 707-524-2847
Class Meetings: Tuesday 4:00 - 6:40 PM /

Course Description

This class focuses on the use of technology to improve teaching and learning in schools and colleges. Using a variety of multimedia authoring and web design tools, students will learn to convey information and ideas with technology. Tools will include: PowerPoint, iMovie, and assorted web based productivity tools.

Readings, discussions and activities will strive to complement and develop skill areas outlined in California's Standards for the Teaching Profession. Teaching and learning projects that are innovative and consistent with exemplary instructional practices will be considered in theory and practice. This course meets the Level II computer use required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the clear credential.

Course Prerequisites

Students must have a basic knowledge of Mac and/or Windows operating systems and be able to easily perform common computer file and disk management operations.

Prerequisites for this course are CS 101 or appropriate experience with general Macintosh or Windows computer use. Assessment of students' general computer use knowledge will include the following:

  • ability to create, edit and save files in a word processing program.
  • ability to delete, move and copy files in the Mac Finder or Windows File Manager.
  • ability to use email and a Web browser

Course Goals

  • Analyze best practices and research on the use of technology and design lessons accordingly.
  • Use technological resources available inside the classroom or in library media centers, computer labs, local and county facilities, and other locations to create technology-enhanced lessons aligned with the adopted curriculum.
  • Effectively use technology for whole class, small group and individual instruction.
  • Implement policies surrounding copyright and plagiarism in the classroom
  • Use technology in lessons to increase students' ability to plan, locate, evaluate, select, and use information to solve problems and draw conclusions.
  • Monitor and reflect upon the results of using technology in instruction and adapting lessons accordingly.
  • Use technology to support differentiated instruction (all learners are able to access information and express ideas including those who are English language learners and those who have special needs).

Activities and Grade Equivalents

10% Class Attendance/Active Participation

10% Online Quizzes

35 % Discussion Forum Postings

45% MultiMedia & Web Authoring Projects

  • Internet Hotlist
  • WebQuest
  • PowerPoint Jeopardy Game
  • Front-End Research Station


A (100-95%)B (86-84%)C (76-74%)

A- (94-90%)B- (83-80%)C- (73-70%)

B+ (89-87%)C+ (79-77%)D and F = same breakdown

Course Requirements

Class Participation and Attendance
This is an activity-based course and your presence at each and every class is very important. I understand that some obligations occur that cannot be avoided as well as other emergencies. If you are absent due to a scheduled obligation, I expect to be notified in advance. If you are absent because of an unexpected situation or emergency, a phone call will be expected when possible. If you are absent more than twice it will be reflected in your grade. It is up to you to find a partner that will be responsible for taking notes and collecting materials if you are absent.

Online Quizzes

Each online module has an associated multiple choice quiz in the class Interactive pages. Quizzes allow students to check their understanding of the module’s themes.

Online Discussion Postings

35% of the class grade for Computer Uses in Education is based on Discussion Area postings. These postings are done in the Interactive Area of the class web site in the "Discussion Forums."

To earn full credit students must respond to each online module's question in the appropriate Discussion Forum (questions are provided at the beginning of each online module). In addition each student should read at least 15 postings and make at least two replies per forum to other classmates postings.

Exemplars for evaluating material in the discussion area:

  • Mechanics of Posting: The posting contains complete sentences, well organized ideas, language which is grammatically correct, and content free of spelling errors.
  • Participation in Discussion: The posting provides comments and new information in a regular and equitable manner. The respondent interacts with a variety of participants.
  • Content of Posting: The posting reveals a solid understanding of the topic as evidenced by thoughtful responses and questions.
  • Critical Thinking Evidenced by Posting: The posting offers a critical analysis of an existing posted idea or introduced a different interpretation to an existing idea.

Class Projects

Students will complete a number of projects through the semester experimenting with multimedia and web authoring tools. Students will assemble their projects on a jump drive or other storage media and analyze products through different lenses/rubrics. There will be a total of four projects including: Internet Hotlist, WebQuest, PowerPoint Open House or Jeopardy Game, and Front-End Research Station.