Minutes for August 11, 2014

HIS Library

1.  Lisa called the meeting to order with a quote: “It’s not what happens to you in life that matters. It’s how you handle the things that happen.”

2.  Reports of Officers:

a.  BGS-Tanhya voiced a concern about needing help with lunch duties.

3.  Principal Reports:

a.  LMS-Cross country has started; Locker information will be ready at open house; Picture day will be on 9/9.

b.  HIS-Open house will be on 8/18 from 6-7 p.m.; parent/teacher sign-ups will be available at open house; Picture day will be on 8/28.

c.  BGS-Monday is Pre-K orientation from 12:30-1:30 p.m.; Picture day will be 8/26; Open house is on 9/16.

4.  Treasurer’s Report-PTA account balance as of 6/30 is $57,442.60.

a.  Unpaid bills equal $232.61; motion to approve/second/approved.

5.  New Business:

a.  We have a new District Manager; Jacqueline Nowicki; We are now back on track and membership cards should be in for open houses.

b.  Open House-Need volunteers to be available for our PTA tables.

c.  Head Checks-We will now be doing this two times per year.

d.  Box Tops/Target/GFS/Shoparoo Letter-these will go out at open houses.

e.  Volunteer Forms-go out on 8/19; due back on 8/29.

f.  Room Parent Forms-go home on 8/19; due back 8/25

i.  First room parent meeting is on 9/2 at LMS at 5 p.m.

ii. Room parents need to be very aware of food allergies to avoid kids being left out of certain snacks.

iii.  Teacher Liaisons need to talk with teachers about which parties they will have.

g.  Fall Spiritwear-sales being on 9/19; due by 10/3.

h.  Tiger Intramurals-Girls basketball forms will go out on 8/22; due back on 9/5.

i.  Mini Grants:

i.  Butterfly larva kit; appeals to 21+ children; $24.99.

ii. Apple Project; 6 sets of 24; $48.99.

iii.  Motion to approve $73.98 for mini grants/second/approved.

j.  Dr. Decman will be at the September 2nd PTA meeting to present the County Sales Tax Proposal.

k.  PTA Website-All forms will be available online.

l.  PTA Insurance-Total of $425; motion to approve/second/approved.

6.  Motion to adjourn/second/approved.