List of Resources

Think Tank #1: Prepare Students

Definition of Liberal Education: Ten qualities of what it means to be liberally educated and how those qualities connect people with individuals, communities and throughout the world. Excerpted from Cronon, Willliam J. "HIV, Health, and Liberal Education." In: Wm. David Burns, Ed. Learning for Our Common Heatlh: How an Academic Focus on HIV/AIDS Will Improve Education and Health. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities, 1999.

Closing the College Achievement Gap: Collective effort across nineteen university systems to close the college achievement gap. By Doug Lederman

Response to "A Vision of Students Today": Response of students to a short video summarizing some characteristics of students today - how they learn, what they need to learn, their goals, hopes, dreams, what their lives will be like, and what kinds of changes they will experience in their lifetime. Created by Michael Wesch in collaboration with 200 students at Kansas State University.

Think Tank #2 More Graduates:

Reaching Higher with College Completion: This working paper is a supplement to the Commission’s Reaching Higher: Strategic Directions for Higher Education in Indiana adopted in June 2007. The working paper was prepared to elicit further discussion and define action items for moving forward with strategic directions on college completion. Developed by Indiana Commission for Higher Education.

Adding It Up: State Challenges for Increasing College Access and Success: Profiles each state to gauge readiness to meet the demand for a more educated population. While states vary greatly in their current and projected performance in producing a college-educated population, all states must address educational and demographic challenges to compete in the world that is taking shape. Produced by The National Center for Higher Education Management Systems and Jobs for the Future for Making Opportunity Affordable

Closing the College Achievement Gap: Collective effort across nineteen university systems to close the college achievement gap. By Doug Lederman

Student Success in College: Puzzle, Pipeline or Pathway?: Examines factors that impact ability of students to obtain a degree and what can be done to better support student success in college. By George D. Kuh, Chancellor's Professor and Director, Indiana University, Center for Postsecondary Research

ACT Policy Reports: Study points to a gap between what high schools are teaching students in their core college preparatory courses and what colleges want incoming students to know.

The Education Trust: Organization that works for the high academic achievement of all students at all levels, pre-kindergarten through college.

The Lumina Foundation for Education: An Indianapolis-based, private, independent foundation, strives to help people achieve their potential by expanding access and success in education beyond high school.

National Student Survey on Engagement: Series of policy briefs based on in-depth examination of 20 Project DEEP schools that have higher-than-predicted graduation rates and effective policies and practices for working with students of different abilities and aspirations.

National Resource Center - Survey Findings: National survey of first-year seminar programming in American higher education.

National Resource Center- First-Year Resources: Database containing syllabi for and research on first-year seminars.

Status of Girls in Wisconsin: Report profiling the lives of young women and girls in Wisconsin along key demographic, social, and economic dimensions. Alverno College Center for Research on Women and Girls,

Think Tank #3 High-Paying Jobs:

Competitive Wisconsin, Inc: Nonpolitical consortium of agriculture, business, education and labor leaders work together to improve the economic climate of Wisconsin in order to encourage the expansion of existing businesses and enhance the possibility of developing and attracting new business:

Tapping a Hidden Resource: Academic R&D in the UW System: Article on the need of the UW System to release research-oriented professors from teaching in order for more R&D centers to emerge. by Tom Still, President of the Wisconsin Technology Council

Behind the Scenes of the State Budget Debate: Some actual progress: Article highlights initiatives int eh Wisconsin state budget like angel investment that will help move the state’s economic development forward. by Tom Still, President of the Wisconsin Technology Council

Think Tank #4 Stronger Communities:

Community Service Learning in the California State University System: CSU provides unique campus programs through system-wide coordination for service learning and civic engagement.

Campus Compact- Five Themes on Indicators of Engagement: Created to help campuses achieve broader institutionalization of civic and community engagement.

Clearinghouse & National Review Board for The Scholarship of Engagement: Provides a variety of services to campuses and programs in order to support efforts related to scholarship of engagement.

Think Tank #5 Resources:

Dealing with the Future Now: Principles for Creating a Vital Campus in a Climate of Restricted Resources: By, Alan E. Guskin, Co-Director and Senior Scholar, Project on the Future of Higher Education, Distinguished University Professor, University President Emeritus, Project on the Future of Higher Education, Antioch University

Think Tank #6 Operational Excellence:

Governor Doyle Creates Business Council: Article on announcement of $1 Million to Support Effort Council in order to Connect Regional Economic Development Efforts Across the State

Common Systems Roadmap: Common Systems Review Group’s roadmap for improving quality, increasing access and reducing cost per student through technology investments. University of Wisconsin System.


Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States, 2006: Report on the state of online learning in U.S. higher education. Supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and based on responses from over 2,200 colleges and universities. By I. Elaine Allen and Jeff Seaman

Dealing with the Future Now: Principles for Creating a Vital Campus in a Climate of Restricted Resources: By, Alan E. Guskin, Co-Director and Senior Scholar, Project on the Future of Higher Education, Distinguished University Professor, University President Emeritus, Project on the Future of Higher Education, Antioch University

Charting a New Course 2004, UW Board of Regents: Report on a year-long study by the Board of Regents in collaboration with students, faculty and staff, campus and system administrators and others to address the needs of Wisconsin’s future. Report examines additional efficiencies and revenue streams, new technologies to enhance service to students and the state, and legislative changes to achieve those missions.

Achieving Excellence: Accountability Report, UW System, 2006-2007: Report on UW System’s progress toward its goals for specific student and institutional outcomes the ways in which the University of Wisconsin provides positive campus environments that promote learning and student achievement.

Integrated Technology Strategy (ITS): Policy solution at California State University to leverage the size and resources of the system through collaboration.

Getting Lean: Lean management as an effective tool for business schools to reduce costs, improve

quality, simplify processes, gain market share, stabilize or grow employment, create better curricula, and better satisfy customers. By Bob Emiliani

Think Tank #7 Collaborations:

Living the Wisconsin Idea: Extending the UW Colleges Liberal Arts Mission to the Boundaries of the State and Beyond. Commission on Enhancing the Mission of the UW Colleges. Report on Commission’s work to examine ways in which the 13 freshman/sophomore campuses of the UW Colleges can more directly serve the needs of students and the communities where those campuses are located.