Ephesians 5:18-21

Under Control


1. Is there anything in your life that controls you other than Jesus Christ?

2. In Ephesians 5:18-21 Paul talks about that control which should be a continuing fact in every

believers life. Are you controlled by the Holy Spirit?


A. The Contrast 18a be not drunk with wine…be filled with the Holy Spirit

1. In the context, being filled with the Spirit is connected with understanding the will of

the Lord v. 17 and what is wise. Being drunk is never God’s will and is stupid!

2. There is something deeper here, not merely social but theological:

*The great god of Greek mythology was Zeus. He gave birth to a son, Dionysius, who

became the god who controlled the earth. He began to develop a religion…the

religion of ascendancy. This religion taught that human beings could arise to a level

of divine consciousness brought about by ecstasy and emotion, induced by drinking

wine. In this state man could commune with the gods. It was characterized by wild

music, dancing, madness, ecstasies and sexual perversion…all induced by

drunkenness. Dionysius became known as the god of wine. Bacchus was his Roman


*This was again Satan’s counterfeit. Be not drunk with wine where in is debauchery…

excess…uncontrolled dissipation. “Your background was a place where you

communed with the gods through drunkenness, but I’m saying to you, if you want to

really communicate with God…be filled with His Spirit.

3. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the key, the Energy of the worthy walk. It is the

key to all home relationships. Unless we are energized by His Spirit, we can never walk

in humility, unity, separated from sin, and we can never walk in love, light and wisdom.

*It Is A Command…be filled with the Spirit is not a suggestion or option.

*It Is Continuous…to be kept continuously filled is a moment by moment continuous


B. The Control 18b Be filled with the Holy Spirit

1. Filled means controlled. Pleroois more than when someone pours water into a glass,

although that may be part of the word.

A)Filled is used in the word filling a sail with wind, thus carrying the ship along. God wants to be moved along by the Holy Spirit. Moved by the Spirit (II Pt. 1:21)

B)Filled means permeation, like salt permeating meat to flavor and preserve. God wants to permeate our lives so everything we think, say or do reflects Him.

C)Filled means total control. Like, filled with sorrow…filled with fear..anger..faith..filled with Satan means it is no longer under his control but under the total control of that which dominates him. This is the most important sense of the word.The Christian can be compared to a glove. Until the glove is filled with a hand it is powerless and useless. The glove does not direct the hand. The hand directs the glove.

2. When SELF dies and yields to God’s Spirit we are filled. This choice comes 100s of

times a day. Everything is to be under His control! Be continuously controlled (this is

not a momentary emotional experience)...it’s a way of life!

Are you controlled by the Holy Spirit?


We see the fruit of the Spirit in Gal. 5:22, 23.

  1. It Affects Our Melody 19 A Spirit filled life produces music. Have you lost your song?

When controlled by His Spirit something happens in you. The music God gives is not the music of the world. There is a new song. We are new creations. We have a different song.

  1. Among Whom Do We Sing? To yourselves…to the Lord It is to be used in our worship and corporate celebration. Music is not designed ‘to reach the lost’. Music may draw a crowd, or touch emotions. The Gospel must be lived and proclaimed!

Our music is primarily an expression of a Spirit controlled life, and is not really intended for the world!

  1. From Where Does Our Song Originate? In your hearts or with our hearts. Our music cannot be like the world, because our God is not like their gods. Music is not for evangelism of the lost. If your heart isn’t right, there will be no song or our song will be hypocritical and fleshy. Our music should be different than the world’s music

because music is a reflection of what’s in our hearts. If your heart isn’t right, the song doesn’t please God…no matter how beautifully it is presented.

  1. To Whom Do We Sing? To the Lord…This is why the purpose is not evangelism. It is not to draw a crowd or entertain. Although both may be true.

How do we know if your music is acceptable to God?

A) Is it offered to the Lord as a gift of praise?

B)Do the words rightly reflect God‘s thoughts, attitude and revelation?

C)Is the way in which the music is presented honoring to God? There ought to be a distinctiveness to our music…so that it is clearly offered to God.

  1. With What Is Our Music To Be Made? 3 vehicles are mentioned:

A)Speaking…is the movement of the tongue, which is any sound at all. Any soundoffered to the Lord from a Spirit controlled heart glorifies God.

B)Singing is to sing with our voice. You may not have a good voice, but that doesn’t matter. God has given us an incredible tool for praise…our voice!

C)Making melody…melody means, to pluck or play and instrument. God can be praise in any type of instrumental music if the heart is right. Even though there are no words or message, just the rhythm and harmony can be to Him great praise!

  1. How Are We To Present Our Music? 3 venues are given:

A)Psalms can be Old Testament psalms or psalms that speak of nature and the works of God.

B)Hymns are songs about Him…A Mighty Fortress…How Great Thou Art…And Can It Be, etc.

C)Spiritual Songs are songs that relate to us and our experiences. These songs are sung by believers that express personal joy and testimony. Saved, Saved…Wonderful Grace of Jesus…When We All Get to Heaven, etc.

If the heart is right…it pleases God!

  1. It Affects Our Manners 20 Spirit filled people are grateful. Always giving thanks… Thanks is the ultimate act of personal worship. Thanks ultimately crucifies SELF…God is always at work! Thanksis able to see beyond the pain to the plan of God.
  1. When Are We To Be Thankful? Always…"You don’t know my circumstances.” “You don’t have my lousy job.” “You don’t have my husband or wife.” Why give thanks? God is in control. It is a command to give thanks(I Thes. 5:24).
  2. In What Are We To Be Thankful? All things…At all times, in the misdst of everything, God is always at work. There are positives in the midst of negatives. Only a Spirit controlled person can do that. Are you never satisfied?
  3. How Are We To Be Thankful? In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ…Name speaks of character. Thankfulness is consistent with who He is and what He has done. Lookat the Cross. It’s not about you!
  4. To Whom Do We Give Thanks? Unto God and the Father…this speaks of His sovereignty and our relationship. A Father who knows best...there is a God and it isn’t you. Everything that reaches us is filtered through the hands of a God who loved us so much He sent His Son to die for us. Nothing touches us without passing through His hands.
  1. It Affects Our Motivation 21 Are you yielding up your right?
  1. What Are We To Do? Submit which means we yield up our rights in love.
  2. To Whom Do We Submit? One another (Phil 2:4-6).
  3. In What Way Do We Submit? In the fear of God…out of reverence to Him.

Does anything control you other than Jesus Christ?Have you lost your song?

Are you thankful or are you never satisfied?Are you yielding up your rights?