Study Guide for Beowulf

Beowulf / Our hero. A brave young lad looking to find fame and fortune. He is an ideal character. If Beowulf does it, it’s good.
Hrothgar / The king of Denmark. He is a kind and generous ruler who has led his country wisely for fifty years.
Herot / Hrothgar’s palace: the “greatest of all mead-halls.” The mead-hall is where the Anglo-Saxon met to drink, sing and receive treasure.
Grendel / The wicked evil monster who has been harassing the Danes for a dozen years.
Grendel’s mother / The monster’s mom.
Higlac / Beowulf’s lord and ruler.
Wiglaf / One of Beowulf’s kinsmen and followers.
geat / A person who lives in Geatland: a countryman of Beowulf.
Dane / A person who lives in Denmark: a follower of Hrothgar.

“The Wrath of Grendel”

While Grendel is growling down in the darkness, what’s going on up in Heorot?

What are we told about Grendel’s lineage?

How many men does Grendel kill on his first visit to Heorot?

For how long had Heorot been deserted?

What did some people resort to do to deal with Grendel’s attacks?

“The Coming of Beowulf”

What do the Geats do when they see land? When they finally land?

Why does the coastguard allow the Geats to land, and then decide to bring them directly to Hrothgar?

What credentials does Beowulf have as a battler of monsters?

What condition or limitation does Beowulf place on his encounter with Grendel?

What does Beowulf expect will happen to him if Grendel is victorious?

“The Battle with Grendel”

When Beowulf’s men try to help him, they are useless. Why?

How is Grendel about to make his escape from Heorot?

What souvenir of his battle with Grendel does Beowulf present to the Danes?

“The Monster’s Lair/Battle with Grendel’s Mother”

If things don’t work out well, what does Beowulf ask Hrothgar to do for him?



How deep is the lake?

What saves Beowulf at numerous times (especially at a crucial time)?

Describe the scene at the lakeside just before Beowulf returns.

What souvenir does he take back from this battle?

“The Last Battle”

Even though Beowulf admits he is now old, what is still the same about him?

What is he going to have to do differently?

What are Beowulf’s men instructed to do?

When Beowulf fights for the first time “with fate against him”, how does he respond?

How do Beowulf’s comrades respond in Beowulf’s hour of need?

What does Wiglaf think that he can possibly do?

“The Spoils/Farewell”

What does Wiglaf find in the dragon’s lair?

What does Beowulf ask to be done after his death?

What finally becomes of the dragon’s treasure?