Preparing a Perle IOLAN

to run the Questra Service Agent.

1)Installing the correct firmware.

Perle IOLAN units ship from the factory with standard SCS/SDS/STS firmware. In order to prepare the unit to run the Questra SA, the correct firmware must be loaded onto the unit.

  1. Download the most recent firmware from the page below. Please ensure that you select the firmware that matches the IOLAN model.
  1. Downloading new firmware to the IOLAN requires a TFTP server. A free TFTP server for Windows can be found at:
  1. Attach a terminal or terminal emulation software package to the console port of the IOLAN. For Desktop modules, you must ensure that you have booted the unit with the console switch in the correct position ( refer to the Perle Quick Start Guide ). Perle supplies an admin cable adapter for this purpose. The comms parameters need to be set at 9600, N, 8, 1
  2. Ensure that the IOLAN is connected to a LAN and has subnet access to the TFTP server. Ensure that the firmware to be installed is on the TFTP server
  3. Cycle power on the IOLAN. As the unit begins its boot cycle, there will be console messages displayed on the terminal. Press CTRL-S repeatedly until the boot cycle is interrupted and a menu is displayed.
  4. Select T for TFTP transfer. Enter the IP address of the TFTP server and a temporary IP address that you wish to use for the IOLAN. You will also be asked to provide the filename of the firmware.
  5. After the transfer is complete, you will be asked if you wish to erase the partitions. You must reply Yes to this.
  6. When completed. Re-boot the IOLAN.

2)Setting an IP address on the IOLAN

The procedure in step 3 will require the IOLAN to have an IP address and if the computer used to load the SA on not on the local network, it will also require a default gateway. With Version 2.0Q of the IOLAN firmware, the default is to enable DHCP. If this is acceptable proceed to step 3. If DHCP is not available or if a static IP address is required do the following:

  1. From the console port ( in step 1) login to the unit
  2. User ID:admin
  3. Password:superuser
  4. At the prompt issue the SC command. This will bring up a menu from which IOLAN IP parameters can be set. From this main menu select SERVER settings.
  5. When completed, reboot the IOLAN and note the IP address it is using.

3)Downloading the Questra Service Agent.

  1. Telnet to the IOLAN ( using its known IP address )
  2. Login using userID admin and password superuser
  3. Enter the “ash” command to bring up a shell
  4. Create the /opt/questra
  5. Mkdir /opt/questra
  6. Change directories to Var
  7. Cd /var
  8. Issue the following tftp command
  9. Tftp –g <filename> -h <hostip>
  10. Return to the Questra directory
  11. Cd /opt/questra
  12. Extract the SA
  13. Tar –xvf /var/<filename>
  14. If you have included your config files in the service agent tar file, you can simply reboot and the agent will start as a daemon. If you have not, you must use the TFTP client to download the config files to the /opt/questra/etc directory. Note the “qsa” script expects the main config file to be /opt/questra/etc/qsaConfig.xml