Annex 4
Call for Proposals for Grant Agreements for Implementing CEPOL Courses,SeminarsConferences and Online Coursesin 2017 under CEPOL Framework Partnership Agreements
30 June 2016
5August 2016
SIGNED FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTFramework Agreement signed by both parties is in place.
Application form per activity/set of activities, duly completed, dated and signed by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant.
If applying in consortium – originals or their copies of partnership forms for each consortium member.
Declaration on honour forms regarding exclusion and selection criteria
Financial proposal for residential part and, if applicable, also for the online part, in a separate envelope, one for each activity, duly completed and signed by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant.
Each activity/set of activities application is submitted in its own sealed individual envelope with the activity number indicated on the envelope. The envelope contains completed application form in one original and two copies, one set of original or copies of Partnership Forms (only in case is applying as a consortium) and a separate envelope containing the financial proposal
1.1 Application is submitted by (tick as applicable):
Individual Framework Partner
Consortium of Framework Partners
1.2Identity of the applicant (not a private person)
Organisation name in English:
Organisation name in original language:
NOTE: If the application is submitted by a consortium, the applicant whose details are given here will act as the consortium leader. Details of consortium members should be given under point 1.7.
1.3Framework PartnershipAgreement Number CEPOL/FPA/2016/
1.4Authorised signatory legally representing the organisation.
As on the sent application form for Framework Partnership
Has been changed to:
1.5Address (of registered office)
As on the sent application form for Framework Partnership
Has been changed to:
1.6Contact details for the person who should be contacted in case of any questions regarding this application:
1.7Identity of co-applicants (in case of a consortium)
Co-applicant (Member)1
Organisation name in English:
Framework Agreement Number CEPOL/FPA/2016/
Co-applicant (Member)2
Organisation name in English:
Framework Agreement Number CEPOL/FPA/2016/
Co-applicant (Member)3
Organisation name in English:
Framework Agreement Number CEPOL/FPA/2016/
(Add additional members as necessary)
Application for a Grant Agreement for organising a course, seminar or conference.
Please tick one box only.
Keep only the row with activity you are applying for and delete the other rows.
Residential part / Online partApply for / Ref. / Title / Type / Max. grant[1] in EUR / Week of implementation / Max. grant in EUR / Quarter of implementation
1/2017 / Policy Cycle 2018-2021 – Workshop for Driversand Co-Drivers / Workshop / 20,700 / Week 36 / n/a
2/2017 / Organised crime facilitating illegal immigration / Course + Online Course / 17,250 / Week 13 / 11,000 / Q2
3/2017 / Combating facilitation of illegal immigration - EU external border policy / Course + Online Course / 17,250 / Week 25 / 11,000 / Q3
4/2017 / Financial investigation in relation to the facilitation of irregular migration / Course / 17,250 / Week 37 / n/a
5/2017 / Hotspots – regional focus on migration / Course / 17,250 / Week 20 / n/a
6/2017 / Policing the impact of migration - Public order, hate crime, integration / Course / 17,250 / Week 19 / n/a
7/2017 / Migration flows – combating OCGs on Western Balkans routes / Seminar / 17,250 / Week 46 / n/a
8/2017 / Migration flows – combating OCGs on Mediterranean routes / Seminar / 17,250 / Week 42 / n/a
9/2017 / Financial investigations and asset recovery for THB investigations / Course / 17,250 / Week 22 / 11,000 / Q3
10/2017 / Counterfeit goods / Course / 23,000 / Week 37 / 11,000 / Q2
11/2017 / Excise fraud / Course + Online Course / 17,250 / Week 24 / 11,000
12/2017 / Missing Trader Intra Community fraud (MTIC) / Course + Online Course / 17,250 / Week 38 / 11,000 / Q2
13/2017 / Fighting drug crime – strategic analysis / Course / 17,250 / Week 44 / 11,000 / Q3
14/2017 / Synthetic drugs / Course + Online Course / 17,250 / Week 14 / 11,000 / Q3
Set of activities 15/2017 and 16/2017 – to be awarded together
15/2017 / Illicit Laboratory Dismantling - advanced (joint action with Europol) / Course / 30,000 / Week 19 / n/a
16/2017 / Illicit laboratory dismantling - follow up (joint action with Europol) / Course / 17,250 / Week 40 / n/a
17/2017 / Cocaine smuggling / Course + Online Course / 17,250 / Week 27 / 11,000 / Q3
18/2017 / Heroin smuggling / Course + Online Course / 17,250 / Week 37 / 11,000 / Q2
19/2017 / Combating card fraud / Course / 17,250 / Week 17 / n/a
20/2017 / Child sexual exploitation on Internet - Undercover operations / Course / 23,000 / Week 26 / n/a
21/2017 / Child sexual exploitation - Victim identification / Course / 50,000 / Week 38 / n/a
22/2017 / Strategies in managing child sex offenders / Course / 17,250 / Week 43 / n/a
23/2017 / First responders and cyber forensic / Course / 17,250 / Week 13 / n/a
24/2017 / TOR and Darknet – Trafficking from law enforcement perspective / Course / 23,000 / Week 20 / n/a
25/2017 / Cybercrime - conducting forensic searches in various IT devices / Course / 17,250 / Week 28 / n/a
26/2017 / Cybercrime - advanced Windows file systemsforensics / Course / 17,250 / Week 37 / n/a
27/2017 / Crosscutting aspects of cyber investigations -Cybercrime & cybersecurity / Course / 17,250 / Week 42 / n/a
28/2017 / Firearms – Strategic aspects in law enforcement / Course / 17,250 / Week 14 / n/a
29/2017 / Firearms – cross-border investigations / Course / 17,250 / Week 26 / n/a
30/2017 / Tackling firearms trafficking at the EU external borders / Course / 23,000 / Week 36 / n/a
31/2017 / Organised property crime committed by mobile organised crime groups / Course / 17,250 / Week 39 / n/a
32/2017 / Investigating and preventing corruption / Course + Online Course / 23,000 / Week 21 / 11,000 / Q3
33/2017 / Identify and discover foreign fighters / Course / 23,000 / Week 35 / n/a
34/2017 / Radicalisation – Opportunities for prevention / Course / 23,000 / Week 43 / n/a
35/2017 / Radicalisation – Prevent maritime terrorist threat / Course / 23,000 / Week 21 / n/a
36/2017 / De-radicalization of foreign fighters / Course / 17,250 / Week 12 / n/a
37/2017 / Airport security: Airport soft target protection / Course / 17,250 / Week 28 / n/a
38/2017 / Explosive, security, equipment standards in different environments - rail and metro / Course / 23,000 / Week 19 / n/a
39/2017 / Preventing attacks on critical infrastructures / Course / 23,000 / Week 44 / n/a
40/2017 / Violent attacks against public (amok shootings) / Course / 17,250 / Week 18 / n/a
41/2017 / Pan-European football security (joint action with the EU Think Tank on football security) / Seminar + Online Course / 28,750 / Week 23 / 11,000 / Q3
Set of activities 42/2017 and 43/2017 – to be awarded together
42/2017 / Public order and crowd management (HOUSE-EUSEC) - Step 1 / Course / 23,000 / Week 19 / n/a
43/2017 / Public order – security during major events - PPP (HOUSE-EUSEC) - Step 2 / Course / 23,000 / Week 36 / n/a
44/2017 / Management of emergency situations / Course / 17,250 / Week 21 / n/a
45/2017 / CSDP/ FSJ nexus, structures and instruments / Course / 11,500 / Week 35 / n/a
46/2017 / European security sector reform (joint action with ESDC) / Course + Online Course / 17,250 / Week 46 / 11,000 / Q2
47/2017 / Mentoring, monitoring and advising / Course / 28,750 / Week 22 / n/a
48/2017 / EU missions and operations - Strategic planning / Course / 17,250 / Week 14 / n/a
49/2017 / Civilian crisis management mission - Train the trainers / Course / 23,000 / Week 25 / n/a
50/2017 / EU CSDP Police command and planning course (curriculum to follow) / Course / 50,000 / Week 40 / n/a
Set of activities 51/2016, 52/2017 and 53/2017 – to be awarded together
51/2017 / EU Law enforcement leadership - Police chiefs and deputies / Workshop / 25,000 / Week 21 / n/a
52/2017 / EU Law enforcement leadership - Future leaders - module 1 (curriculum to follow) / Course / 35,000 / Week 25 / n/a
53/2017 / EU Law enforcement leadership - Future leaders – module 2 (curriculum to follow) / Course / 35,000 / Week 37 / n/a
54/2017 / Language development - Instruments and systems of European police cooperation (English) / Course / 62,000 / Week 19-21 / n/a
55/2017 / Language development - Instruments and systems of European police cooperation (English) / Course / 62,000 / Week 40-42 / n/a
Set of activities 56/2017 and 57/2017 – to be awarded together
56/2017 / Train the Trainers - Step 1 / Course / 18,400 / Week 17 / n/a
57/2017 / Train the Trainers - Step 2 / Course / 18,400 / Week 26 / n/a
Set of activities 60/2017 and 61/2017 – to be awarded together
60/2017 / SIRENE Officers – level 1 / Course / 23,000 / Week 12 / n/a
61/2017 / SIRENE Officers – level 2 / Course / 23,000 / Week 38 / n/a
62/2017 / Train the trainers SIRENE / Course / 17,250 / Week 24 / n/a
63/2017 / SIS II for SIRENE staff with technical knowledge of SIS II / Course / 11,500 / Week 39 / 11,000 / Q3
64/2017 / Train the technical trainers – SIS II, VIS, EURODAC – IT operators / Course / 11,500 / Week 25 / 11,000 / Q3
65/2017 / Schengen evaluation - Police cooperation / Seminar / 23,000 / Week 20 / n/a
66/2017 / Schengen evaluation – SIS II and SIRENE / Course / 23,000 / Week 48 / n/a
67/2017 / Single point of contact – one stop shop / Course / 17,250 / Week 41 / n/a
68/2017 / Intelligence Led Policing (ILP) - Intelligence cycle / Course / 17,250 / Week 14 / n/a
69/2017 / Open sources intelligence / Course / 28,750 / Week 17 / n/a
70/2017 / Strategic intelligence analysis / Course / 28,750 / Week 39 / n/a
71/2017 / Operational intelligence analysis (in 2017 not as joint activity with Europol) / Course / 28,750 / Week 28 / n/a
72/2017 / Social network analysis / Course / 28,750 / Week 21 / n/a
73/2017 / Passenger Name Record (PNR) information analysis - Train the trainers / Course / 17,250 / Week 29 / n/a
Set of activities 74/2017, 75/2017, 76/2017 and 77/2017 – to be awarded together
74/2017 / Financial investigations / Course / 17,250 / Week 39 / n/a
75/2017 / Money laundering / Course / 28,750 / Week 17 / n/a
76/2017 / Asset recovery / Course / 23,000 / Week 26 / n/a
77/2017 / Financial intelligence and analysis of financial data / Course / 17,250 / Week 47 / n/a
78/2017 / European Explosive Ordnance Disposal Network (EEODN) (joint action with Europol) / Course / 51,520 / Week 27 / n/a
79/2017 / Quality control and assurance of the crime scene investigation/ examination (with ENFSI) / Course / 23,000 / Week 21 / n/a
80/2017 / Detect false documents /digital printing - “His Master`s eye” / Course / 23,000 / Week 24 / n/a
81/2017 / Witness Protection / Course / 28,750 / Week 25 / n/a
82/2017 / Informant handling – advanced / Course / 23,000 / Week 40 / n/a
83/2017 / Undercover operations / Course / 23,000 / Week 37 / n/a
84/2017 / Social Media - advanced - Implications in law enforcement / Course + Online Course / 28,750 / Week 40 / 11,000 / Q3
Set of activities 85/2017, 86/2017 and 87/2017 – to be awarded together
85/2017 / Joint Investigation Team – Implementation (with EJTN and Eurojust) / Seminar / 23,000 / Week 19 / n/a
86/2017 / Joint Investigation Team – Leadership (with EJTN and Eurojust) / Seminar / 23,000 / Week 40 / n/a
87/2017 / Joint Investigation Team - Western Balkans (with EJTN and Eurojust) / Seminar / 15,180 / Week 27 / n/a
88/2017 / ENFAST (European Network on Fugitive Active Search Teams) / Seminar / 17,250 / Week 42 / n/a
89/2017 / Disaster victim identification management (curriculum to be followed) / Course / 23,000 / Week 41 / n/a
Set of activities 90/2017and 91/2017– to be awarded together
90/2017 / Fundamental Rights and Police Ethics - Step 1 / Course / 23,000 / Week 22 / n/a
91/2017 / Management of Diversity - Step 2 / Course / 23,000 / Week 35 / n/a
92/2017 / European Police research and science conference / Conference / 69,000 / Week 24 / n/a
93/2017 / New trends, methods in crime prevention / Course / 23,000 / Week 38 / n/a
- Single or sets - for the following sets of activities please use sections 2.1-2.5 for each step or module of the set, by inserting these sections as many times as needed:
15-16/2017, 42-43/2017, 51-52-53/2017,
56-57/2017, 60-61/2017, 74-75-76-77/2017,
85-86-87/2017, 90-91/2017
- SUPPORT – some activities will be supported by CEPOL external partners, such as EU agencies and international organisations, based on their initiative. An overview will be distributed once confirmed by 1 September 2016. The successful applicant will be required to offer and ensure their involvement on their own costs after the grant is awarded, whereby this obligation will be incorporated in the specific agreement on a grant for action.
- JOINT ACTIVITIES with Europol or eu-LISA - For the following activities the experts and draft agenda will be provided by Europol or eu-LISA, therefore the applicant is asked not to complete the sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. Maximum number of points will be automatically allocated for these sections. The applicant is invited to provide information about the offered technical facilities relevant for the activity in section 2.6. At the stage of implementation the organiser will be expected to contribute to the finalisation of the course programme in close cooperation with Europol or eu-LISA:
15-16/2017, 71/2017, 78/2017, 81/2017, 82/2017 (Europol)
63/2017, 64/2017 (eu-LISA)
- EMPACT – as the following activities are EMPACT related and shallbecome CEPOL contribution to the Operational Action Plans 2017 a close coordination with Drivers of respective priorities is required: 1/2017 up to 31/2017
- CURRICULUM – as for the following activities the course curriculum has been approved by the CEPOL Governing Board, it is required that the applicant’s proposal of the activity in based on the approved course curriculum:
50/2017, 51-52-53/2017, 89/2017
- COOPERATION – as for the following activities the final agenda and identification of experts shall be done in close cooperation with CEPOL external partners, such as EJTN, ENFSI, ESDC, EU Think Tank, etc., the successful applicant is required to ensure sufficient involvement of the CEPOL external partner after the grant is awarded, whereby this obligation will be incorporated in the specific agreement on a grant for action:
7/2017, 8/2017, 9/2017, 10/2017, 13/2017,
21/2017, 26/2017, 27/2017, 41/2017, 46/2017,
79/2017, 85-86-87/2017
Activity number (please insert activity number)
2.1ACTIVITY CONCEPT (for both residential and online part)
Aim, target group, learning outcomes(max 20 points)
The Training Catalogue 2017 describes the basic expectations regarding the aim, target group and learning outcomes. Please, adjust these as appropriate (e.g. expand or narrow down) reflecting the recent developments in order to offer the best quality of the activity:
2.1.1. Please indicate the aim of the activity anddescribe your justification (motivation) for it (e.g. reasons linked to recent policy developments, change in operational situation regarding the crime area, etc.).5 points
2.1.2. Please indicate the target group of the activity and describe your justification (reasons) for it.5 points
Target groupJustification
2.1.3. Please list the learning outcomes of the activity based on the suggested aim and target group:10 points
Learning outcomes (LO) - upon completion of the activity the participants will be able to (please use the verbs following Bloom’s Taxonomy - see Application Guide – Annex ii)):
LO 1LO 2
LO 3
LO 4
LO 5
LO 6
Add more
2.2CONTENT DETAILS - residential part
Topics/sub-topics, expertise, delivery methods(max 40 points)
This section shall provide detailed and structured picture of the intentions of the applicant with regard to the interpretation of the overall aim and how the learning outcomes are intended to be achieved.
The applicant shall indicatehow the learning outcomes will be translated into the main topics of the activity (each learning outcome is expected to be addressed by at least one topic).
Each main topiccan be divided into a number of sub-topic andthe applicant shall demonstrate the intentions regarding the relevant expertise linked to each sub-topic (profile of the expert) and its source (country, institution, agency, etc.). Moreover, the applicant shall displays which delivery method(s) are intended to be used for delivery of each sub-topic.
Detailed description for the table below:
2.2.1. Learning outcome – please indicate to which learning outcome from the list in 2.1.3 as you proposed, are you referring. Please copy the table below as needed so that each learning outcome is addressed.
2.2.2Main topic – please indicate the main content topic linked to this learning outcome (please do not put here auxiliary subjects such as welcome, introduction, breaks, meals, closure, presentation of certificates and similar). Each main topic shall be further divided into sub-topics.
2.2.3.Sub-topic(s) – please indicate the content related sub-topic and its brief description describing what is supposed to be delivered here. Each main topic shall have one or more sub-topics.
2.2.4. Expertise – please describe here the profile and competences of the trainer/lecturer regarding the sub-topic to demonstrate the way will look for the expertise. Please indicate also your intentions with regard to the country or institution who could deliver the sub-topic (names are not expected). At least three countries are required to contribute with experts to ensure the European dimension of the agenda. Moreover, indicate the relevant agencies/organisations though it is not required to contact them to secure their involvement at this stage.
2.2.5. Delivery methods – please indicate for each sub-topic the suitable learning method(s) you would like to use, such as lectures, discussions, assignments, role play, group work, case study (presented by video, verbally or on paper), practical exercise, simulation, practical session at police premises, others (please specify) .
Learning outcome 1 (as in 2.1.3)Main topic
Sub-topic 1
Delivery method(s)
Sub-topic 2
Delivery method(s)
Learning outcome 2 (as in 2.1.3)
Main topic
Sub-topic 1
Delivery method(s)
Learning outcome 3 (as in 2.1.3)
Main topic
Sub-topic 1
Delivery method(s)
Sub-topic 2
Delivery method(s)
Sub-topic 3
Delivery method(s)
Please add tables and their rows as necessary
2.3CONTENT DETAILS – online part
Only if applicablein an online course is required as in the Overview of offered activities (list starting on page 5).
Topics, experts, delivery methods(max 10 points)
An online course is without face-to-face interactions, yet it follows the same concept as defined in section 2.1, thus it has the ambition to achieve the same aim, it is addressing the same target group and deliversthe same learning outcomes.However, its topics may differ, and in particular the expertise/training resources and online interactive delivery methods, too. Learning content, engagement activities and self-evaluation need to be well-balanced, where immediate feedback and reflection opportunities shall be provided to participants
Please describe your planning for the online part of the activity – how the learning outcomes described in previous section will be achieved via an online course.
Detailed description for the table below:
2.3.1. Learning outcome – please indicate to which learning outcome from the list in 2.1.3 are you referring. Please copy the table below as needed so that each learning outcome is addressed.
2.3.2Main topic – please indicate the main content topic linked to this learning outcome (please do not put here auxiliary subjects such as welcome, introduction, closure, and similar). Each main topic can be further divided into sub-topics, if necessary.
2.3.3.Sub-topic(s) – please indicate the content related sub-topic and its brief description indicating what is supposed to be delivered here. Each main topic shall have one or more sub-topics.
2.3.4. Expertise – please describe here the profile and competences of the trainer/lecturer regarding the sub-topic. It is expected to demonstrate the way the applicant will look for the expertise. Please indicate also your intentions with regard to the country or institution who could deliver the sub-topic (names are not expected). At least three countries are required to contribute with experts to ensure the European dimension of the agenda. Moreover, relevant agencies/organisations shall be indicated though it is not required to contact them to secure their involvement at this stage.
2.3.5. Interactive learning methods – please indicate for each sub-topic the suitable online learning method(s) you would like to use, such as the engaging interactive learning methods including e.g. video presentations, webinar presentations, group work via video, etc.).
Learning outcome 1 (as in 2.1.3)Main topic
Sub-topic 1
Interactive learning method(s)
Sub-topic 2
Interactive learning method(s)
Learning outcome 2 (as in 2.1.3)
Main topic
Sub-topic 1
Interactive learning method(s)
Please add tables and their rows as necessary
2.3.6. Specific requirementsfor the learning environment of online courses shall be described and planned. In particular any requirement towards e-Net for the online course needs to be in place by the time the preparations for the online course starts. Please indicate the relevant requirements: