CA State Standard 5: The anatomy and physiology of animals illustrate the complementary nature of structure and function.
Name: ______Due Date: ______
The Human Body Brochure (40 points)
Essential Question: Which body system is the most important to body functions?
Task: In this project you will be creating a pair of brochures that highlight a body system that was covered this year. You will be making two brochures. You will have time in class, but time outside of class may also necessary. You can do it on the computer or by hand using construction paper.
You need to choose the two systems that you want to make brochures for. The options are:
o Chapter 9 The Musculoskeletal System pgs. 360-379
o Chapter 10 The Cardiopulmonary System pgs. 392-415
o Chapter 11 The Eye pgs. 428-459
o Chapter 12 The Ear pgs. 472-491
o Chapter 13 The Human Reproduction System (Male) pgs. 504-514
o Chapter 13 The Human Reproduction System (Female) pgs 504-514
You will identify:
1. The Body System
2. The jobs the system performs and why it is important
3. The main parts/organs in the system
4. The job of each main organ/part
5. The diseases or conditions that could affect the system
You will include:
· A drawing or diagram (hand written or printed out)
· The California Sate Standard that you are covering, which can be found in the front pages of your textbook pages xxii- xxiii
· A reference section with at least two references (one can be the textbook and the other source can be your choice- except Wikipedia)
How to break up the work:
You each need to participate in this project. There is no one person that is the researcher. You all will also research the facts to include in your brochure.
The jobs that you can discuss and delegate include:
Artist/Diagram Finder: Your job is to draw or print out the body system AND label all of the organs.
If you print a picture off of the internet, you MUST write down the website that you found it from, what date you printed it, the entire web address, and if it has a copyright date, then give this information to the Source Expert. If you draw the picture, you need to give all of the information about the book that you got the image from. This means you need the: author(s), name of book, page number, chapter title, copy write location and date etc.
Writer/Typer: Your job is to write or type the information onto the final copy of your brochure.
Disease Expert: Your job is to collect the information about the possible disease that could harm you system. You are in charge of researching what the name of the disease is called, what it does to the system, and how this is harmful to the system.
Source Expert: Your job is to keep track of where the information and pictures are coming from and create the Bibliography in alphabetical order.
Sample Example of setting up a bibliography for a book:
Author (last name first). Title of the book. City: Publisher, Date of publication.
Dahl, Roald. The BFG. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1982.
Anderson, Thomas H. and Bonnie B. Armsbruster. "Content Area Textbooks." Learning to Read in American Schools: Basal Readers and Content Texts. Hillsdale, NJ, L. Erlbaum Associates, 1984. 193-226.
Sample Example of setting up a bibliography for a website:
URL (Uniform Resource Locator or WWW address). author (or item's name, if mentioned), date.
EXAMPLE: (Boston Globe's www address) Today's News, August 1, 1996.
Each person in the group will receive the same grade. Each brochure is worth 20 points.
5 possible points for:
Accuracy of Content- this means all of your information is factual. You have clearly described and defended what your system does and how this makes it the most important.
Attractiveness and Organization- Does it look like quality work (or like you threw it together in 10 minutes)? Is it colorful and straight forward in describing the system? Is the brochure professional looking?
Graphics and Pictures- You need to include a diagram, which shows all of the organs within your body system. The organs should be in color and either labeled on that page, or described on the side.
Sources/Bibliography- As a professional brochure, you need to tell the world where your factual information AND pictures were taken from. You can use the handout, or go on the website for formatting information. The way you present your sources should be in the correct order and alphabetical.
Layout and Design for both sides:
o List the diseases with a brief description of the symptoms and affects on the body. / Back of Brochure:
o California State Standard being addressed
o References used that you got your facts from / Title Page:
o System Name
o Student Names and Numbers
o Optional picture
Left Inside
o Description about the system and its function within the body.
o Describe why it is the most important system and why. / Middle Inside
o Diagram or Picture identifying the different labeled parts. / Right Inside
o The job of each main part labeled on the diagram/ picture.
Optional: There is a format already done for you on Word if you go to “Business forms” and then “Brochures.” You can use construction paper, stickers, etc. Make your brochure stand out with color and design, but make sure you include all of the content.