The Trial of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette:

Combining the two Euro classes, we will conduct a joint trial of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette (although they were really tried and executed separately)

Both Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette have been accused of treason. The tribunal (the class) must decide guilt or innocence; if guilty, will the punishment be prison or the guillotine? Remember executing a monarch carries large implications.

Block E will be the prosecution and Block F will be the defense

Prosecution ( 5 lawyers):

Defense Team ( 5 lawyers)

Red: Mike Ortega by Sunday 12:00p.m.

Blue: Gwen

Orange: Adam

Green: Catherine

Purple: Andrew

Opening and Closing Statement.

Witnesses for the Defense

  1. King Louis XVI
  2. Queen Marie Antoinette
  3. Marie-Therese Charlotte de France (their daughter)
  4. Edmund Burke
  5. Clergy member
  6. Francis II, Austrian leader
  7. A moderate Gironde:
  8. Charlotte Corday

Witnesses for the Prosecution

  1. Robespierre
  2. Abbe Sieyes
  3. artisan from Paris
  4. Woman who marched to Versailles
  5. Butcher from Paris
  6. Peasant
  7. Olympe de Gouges
  8. royal carriage driver

Lawyers: Lawyers should create at least 5 questions for cross examination. The lawyers (with input from the team) will write an introductory speech, which outlines: the witnesses they will call, the weaknesses of the opposing side and the major arguments of their own.

Witnesses: Each witness (either real or fictitious) must prepare a summary of their character, which includes their general beliefs. (One paragraph) Witnesses must also create at least 5 questions their legal team can use and 3 questions you anticipate during cross-examination

Judge: You are responsible for conducting the trial and making sure all participants are following proper procedure. You will also develop the criteria that the entire class will use to decide on the verdict at the end of the trial

Due Wednesday, December 19: All pre-work and final newspaper article due

The final assignment is the creation of a newspaper article that summarizes the major developments in the trial. The newspaper should include the following:

  • Headline
  • The outcome of the trial
  • Pick four witnesses that you think were critical throughout the trial and indicate why their testimony was so important
  • Any other facts or events that are important to the reader’s understanding

The article should be typed and at least 3-4 fully developed paragraphs

Participation/Presentation/Creativity: positive and active participation, working on task, working well with others, demonstrates originality and creativity,prepared, organized, rehearsed and ready for assigned role, understands content and viewpoint of role, listens and reacts to others’ ideas / 60%
Final Written assignment of trial: final summary statement (at the conclusion of trial) and pre work due / 40%


Trial Format

Opening the Trial

  • Entry of the prisoners
  • Judge will read charges against Louis and Marie
  • Plea of the prisoner
  • Opening statements for prosecution and defense

The case for the prosecution

  • Examination of the prosecution witnesses, with cross examination
  • The cross examination of witnesses
  • Rebuttal if needed

The case for the defense

  • The examination of the defense witnesses, with cross examination
  • The cross examination of witnesses
  • Rebuttal if needed

Final Summations by lawyers

The Verdict