The Alamo
True or False?
______1. In 1836 the inhabitants of Texas were Mexican citizens.
______2. Jim Bowie personally greets Houston.
______3. Houston tells Travis, “I’ve always liked you.”
______4. According to Bowie, Santa Ana has 7,000 troops.
______5. Bowie calls Travis a “damned fool.”
______6. Parson speaks of “no place to live, no place to die.”
______7. Crockett’s men aren’t interested in the cantina.
______8. Crockett tells Travis, “I don’t want to talk to you.”
______9. Crockett plays a game of “trading punches.”
_____ 10. Travis says that Crockett is an illiterate country bumpkin.
_____ 11. Crockett says he prays to the North Star.
_____ 12. The porter boy says, “Dinero.”
_____ 13. The boy doesn’t get a gratuity (tip).
_____ 14. Graciela de López (Mexican lady) calls Crockett, “My tall
_____ 15. Bowie won’t help Crockett in a street brawl.
_____ 16. Bowie says that Mexicans are “afraid to live, afraid to die.”
_____ 17. Graciela tells Crockett that gunpowder is hidden in the church.
_____ 18. Crockett doesn’t find any gunpowder in the church.
_____ 19. Graciela tells Crockett that “desayuno” means “breakfast.”
_____ 20. Graciela writes a letter in Spanish for Crockett.
_____ 21. Mrs. Dickinson has family from Tennessee.
_____ 22. Travis and Bowie agree on how to fight Santa Ana.
_____ 23. Graciela won’t read aloud the letter she wrote for Crockett.
_____ 24. Crockett admits he had the letter written.
_____ 25. Graciela (“Flaca”) asks Crockett what’s going to happen to “us.”
_____ 26. Crockett begs Graciela (“Flaca”) to stay.
_____ 27. Bowie wants a “cut, slash, and run” war.
_____ 28. Jocko voted for Crockett.
_____ 29. Santa Ana offers the Texans a chance to leave the Alamo.
_____ 30. The Texans’ first cannon shot kills an entire Mexican riding party.
_____ 31. The Texans steal a Mexican cannon and take it into the Alamo.
_____ 32. Travis says, “I have had just about enough insubordination.”
_____ 33. Travis asks Crockett to forgive his rudeness.
_____ 34. Crockett throw a bucket of water on Bowie.
_____ 35. A rock with a message is thrown into the Alamo.
_____ 36. Bowie says, “Travis, you can’t help being you.”
_____ 37. Due to theft, the Texans don’t have enough salt pork.
_____ 38. The Texans steal cattle from Santa Ana.
_____ 39. Bowie says he lives by “forgive and forget.”
_____ 40. Santa Ana’s army has been putting down revolts for two years.
_____ 41. Travis refuses to evacuate the non-combatants.
_____ 42. Jocko’s wife tells him to “get back up on that wall.”
_____ 43. The Mexican army plays drums just before the first attack.
_____ 44. No Alamo defender has anything good to say about the Mexicans.
_____ 45. Fannin’s men finally arrive to reinforce the Alamo defenders.
_____ 46. Travis gives the men permission to leave the Alamo.
_____ 47. Smitty (messenger boy) rests at Houston’s camp and eats frijoles.
_____ 48. Jocko says he believes in God.
_____ 49. After being freed by Bowie, Jethro leaves the Alamo at night.
_____ 50. Adelante is the Spanish word for forward.
_____ 51. Bowie is carried into the Alamo chapel.
_____ 52. The Mexicans have ladders to scale the Alamo walls.
_____ 53. Travis is hacked to death with a Mexican sword.
_____ 54. Crockett blows up the gunpowder store.
_____ 55. Mrs. Dickinson, her daughter, and a Negro boy leave the Alamo.