1- Ideal of mathematical literacy: Is not a clear, unique, abstract, concept:

• its relevance in a global world, in the European Union,

• its dependence on cultural context,

Working groups output:
Decide if it’s important to recap:

The idea of mathematical literacy on the tradition of each country.

The cultural context of mathematical literacy in the curriculum,

The meaning of mathematical literacy and how is understood by our colleagues or, even, our society.

Answers to: Can we/Should we jointly work towards a “European” idea of mathematical literacy? What could be the necessary steps to achieve? See precedents at “Reference Levels in School Mathematics Education in Europe”

2- Ideal of mathematical literacy: Are there important parts of mathematics that risk being left out in the consideration of mathematical literacy?

• e.g. mathematical reasoning, proofs.

Working groups output:

> Thinking of:

Is the mathematical literacy changing?

Are there hidden parts of mathematics, not traditionally consider in the curricula “fighting for an space in useful / cultural mathematics”, and so, configuring the idea of a new mathematical literacy?

Describing a list of traditional mathematical skills and concepts “at risk” because an oversimplified idea of mathematical literacy. Warning sign, at European level, for the educational authorities, community. Proposal of remedial actions.

3-Tests on mathematical literacy:

• current trend proliferation of internal / external tests

• political / social / curricular impact

• undesirable, unexpected consequences: eg. Teaching to the test instead teaching to achieve competence, focusing education on (students who can be) getting good grades, focusing lower Secondary education only on those students who are going to study upper Secondary and University etc.

Working groups output:

> Warning sign, listdescribing the potential risks of abusing on math literacy tests.

Warning sign, at European level, for the educational authorities, community. Proposal of remedial actions.

Are the math external tests measuring everything the student has to know to be competent?

4-Tests on mathematical literacy:

• current trend proliferation of internal / external tests

• relevance of so many interesting test items, for the curriculum design and for classroom practice

Working groups output:

> Proposal of a European open, free, structured library of shared items from math literacy tests (internal or external). Steps towards building up this library (eg. school etwinning experience of sharing items for classroom use). See precedents at

> Proposal of an European, open, free, structured library of shared good practices about the competences we think the students should achieve in the school at the ages in which they take de PISA tests. Define: what , how , when, with… as class tasks.