1. Fuel Moisture Site Description Form

  1. Today’s Date ______
  2. Site Managers Name______
  3. Data Input Name ______
  4. Data Input E-mail ______
  5. Site Name ______
  6. Agency ______Unit Name ______
  7. Latitude (Deg/Min/Sec) ______Longitude(Deg/Min/Sec) ______
  8. Elevation (feet) ______
  9. Predominant Slope (%) ______
  10. Predominant Aspect ______
  11. What NFDRS Fuel Model predominates your site?______(i.e. A, L, B, O, H, R, K, J, etc)
  12. Is there an associated NFDRS or RAWS weather station? YES _____ NO ______
    If yes, enter Station Number ______
  13. Major Vegetation:
    a. Llist only those that will be monitored and to be entered in the NFMD
    b. Be specific in how you enter species. For example, if you enter Oak, enter as “ Oak, Gambel “ or “ Juniper, Oneseed “, or “ Bitterbush, Desert “, or “ Knapweed, Spotted “, etc
    See list of species currently in the NFMD:

    Tree Species 1: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Tree Species 2: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Tree Species 3: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Tree Species 4: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Shrub Species 1: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Shrub Species 2: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Shrub Species 3: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Forbs Species 1: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Forbs Species 2: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Forbs Species 3: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Grass Species 1: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Grass Species 2: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Grass Species 3: ______Percent Cover: ______
    Dead Fuels:1-hr ______10-HR ______100HR ______1000-HR ______
  14. Do you have prior year data for this site?YES ______NO ______
    If yes, would you like to input this data into the NFMD?YES ______NO ______
    If yes, you will be contacted about formatting of the data and where to send it.


When completed, please electronically forward to or postal to:

Jay Ellington

c/o Southwest Coordination Center (SWCC)

333 Broadway SE

Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 842-3427.

Instructions - Fuel Moisture Site Description Form

Instructions: Complete this site description form. Take digital photos of the area on the same day the site is described.

  1. Enter today’s date.
  2. Enter the Site Manager’sName.
  3. Enter the name of the person to input the data into the NFMD.
  4. Enter the E-Mail address for the Data Input Name.
  5. Enter the Site Name (ex. KNF Dry Park).
  6. Enter organizational Agency (ex. BLM) and Unit Name ( ex. Taos Field Office)
  7. Enter latitude and longitude in Degrees / Minutes / Seconds.
  8. Enter the site's elevation in feet.
  9. Enter the average or most predominant percent slope for the site.
  10. Enter the predominant aspect of the site as N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE.
  11. Enter the NFDRS Fuel Model that best represents the vegetation on the site.
  12. If associated, enter the NFDRS or RAWS weather station number(s) associated with the site.
  13. Enter the names of the species on the site that will be sampled and the approximate percent canopy cover of each for the following: trees, shrubs, forbs, and grasses. Select if you will be sample for dead fuel moisture.
  14. Enter the information related to historical records for the site.