255 Capitol St. NE / Child Nutrition Programs
Salem, OR 97310
New FDCHProvider Information and Site Application
Using the New FDCH form and Secretary of State Business Registry Search Website
Sponsor Technical Assistance Training
Questions and Answers
September 10, 2013
On August 14, 2013, the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) conducted Technical Assistance Training on using the New FDCH Provider Information and Site Applicationand the Secretary of State Business Registry Search website. The following questions and answers were compiled from the training.
- Will the FDCH Provider Information and Site Application form be translated?
Yes. The translated forms will be posted on the Oregon Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs (ODE CNP) webpage by September 13, 2013.
- Do Sponsors use the English version until ODE CNP distributes the translated versions?
- If the provider does not own the home, do we obtain the home owner information?
No. Sponsors will determine the owner(s) of the day care business not the owner of the physical location (home).
- Will the information presented in the training introduction be available as a resource?
Yes. Thetraining introduction is included in the recorded webinar posted on the website.
- Most Department of Human Services (DHS) providers do not register with Child Care Division (CCD). Does the provider still need to complete theBusiness Owner 1 Information and Business Owner 2 Information?
When filling out the form,the providerneeds to fill out all information concerning business owners regardless of whetherthe provider is registered with CCD or listed with DHS. Do not leave areas blank. If there is only one business owner, write “same as above” for business owner number two.
- If the provider is running the day care homeseparate from the business owner, will the provider be allowed to continue on the CACFP if the owner is on the National Disqualified List (NDL)?
Yes. ODE CNP is gathering the owner information to determine if the owner is on the NDL. The owner is a principle of the business and cannot participate in the CACFP if listed on the NDL.
- Do all the previous site applications need to be redone?
No. Sponsors are responsible to identify the provider that works as an employee or is a co-owner of the business, and have those providers completenew site applications.
- A few Montessori centersoperate certified homes. Is the Montessori name used as the owner eventhough Montessori is a non-profit and the provider is a registered or certified family day care?
If a non-profit organization, such as a child care center or Montessori, owns the family day care home, under Business Owner 1 Information include the name of the non-profit organization and the name and birthdate of the Executive Director of the non-profit organization. If other ownership situations not addressed during the webinar or in this Q and Aare encountered, please contact your assigned Specialist for assistance.
- What is the added value of the Secretary of State BusinessRegistry since we already know the provider name and the business name?
Sponsors can search the registry by the name of a business or an individual. The registry assists Sponsors in identifying other businesses associated with theprovider or the business owner. Example: a sponsor may find that the provider owns another family child care business or that a provider’s employer owns other family child care homes and is seriously deficient or disqualified.
An OregonSponsor had a situation where a provider was hired by the business owner and was participating on the CACFP. The business owner was on the NDL. However, the Sponsor and ODE CNPwere not aware of this information because the Provider Application did not collect all necessary information, and procedures were not established to research business ownership and the NDL. By using the Secretary of State BusinessRegistryODE CNPdiscovered that several child care homes were owned by the business owner. The added value is to have an additional tool to discover information concerning any day care home ownership that the provider does not tell you or may not know.
- Once the Business Registry is searched are we finished and absolved of any issues should there be something that is not on the registry?
The business registry search is currently not required. However, it is strongly recommended. It is a tool Sponsors can useto determine who the owners are and if they areon the NDL.
- Are we supposed to look at more than the Business Registry if they are not on the registry?
The registry is a tool for Sponsors to use to determine child care home ownership. Sponsors cannot allow persons on the NDL to participate in the CACFP and must make every reasonable effort to determine the day care home ownership. The registry is a recommended part of that effort.
- What if the provider refuses to include the name of the true owner on the form or if the provider indicates they are the day care home owner when they are not?
If the provider refuses to include the name of the owner, the form is incomplete. The Sponsor cannot approve the provider to operate the CACFP if the provider is withholding information. The provider’s signature and the Provider Certification statement, at the bottom of the site application, certifythe providerunderstands that all of the information included on the form is true and correct. Deliberate misrepresentation may subject the provider to CACFP termination and prosecution to the full extent of the law.