Evidencing the use of the PE and Sport Premium funding: Action plan and Impact Review
The DfE Vision for the Primary PE and Sport PremiumALL pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
The funding has been provided to ensure impact against the following Objective and Indicators:
To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools.
We would expect indicators of such improvement to include:
- the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles
- the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
- increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- increased participation in competitive sport
It is important to emphasise that the focus of spending must be sustainable and leave a lasting legacy beyond the funding allocation.
It is a statutory requirement of Ofsted, under their Common Inspection Framework, to ensure that information on the use of the Primary PE and Sport Premium is available on the school website.
Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. You should not however use your funding to:
•employ coaches or specialist teachers to cover planning preparation and assessment (PPA) arrangements - these should come out of your core staffing budgets
•teach the minimum requirements of the national curriculum – including those specified for swimming
This template is designed to support you in your planning and reporting of the PE and Sport Premium funding for over an academic year.
Academic Year: / 2017-2018Total Funding Allocation: / £21,870
Actual Funding Spent:
PE and Sport Premium Action Plan
Indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestylesObjective / Key Actions / Allocated funding / Anticipated outcomes
To provide pupils with structured physical activities at break time/lunchtime. /
- Training for new TA’s/Play leaders
- Additional training for existing TA’s/play leaders
- Purchasing of additional playground equipment
- Leadership training for play leaders to support structured play opportunities at lunchtimes
These actions are sustainable as the play leaders, MDSAs and TAs will continue to develop and share skills using relevant resources.
- To introduce lunch time clubs run by school staff.
- Target particular children for a ‘Live well’ multi- skills lunchtime club (1Xks1 1Xks2)
- To introduce structured break times for KS2 children
- 5 minute daily vigorous walking/jogging at break time.
Indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
Objective / Key Actions / Allocated funding / Anticipated outcomes
To raise the profile of sport through the employment of specialist staff. /
- A proportion of JB’s wage to be paid
- JB to work alongside year groups in the development of the curriculum and delivery.
To provide pupils with structured activities at lunchtimes / See Indicator 1 / See Indicator 1 /
- Reduced incidences of misbehaviour at lunchtimes
- Children feel safe and secure at lunchtimes
To promote sport as part of the behaviour policy and provision. /
- Invest in support from PT Dennis exercise behaviour model and interventions.
- Target children across KS2
- Children understand consequences and success through a sports model
- Children are active and exert energy in a structured model
To continue to raise the profile and PE ethos across the school /
- To continue to develop ‘values’ displays throughout the school
- Development of TV screenson school grounds to showcase the pupils taking part in local competitions
- TV Screens promote healthy living and provides parents/children with useful information and tips.
- Promote monthly valuesin assemblies (shared with parents,pupils and staff).
- Celebration assemblies linked to sporting participation
£1000 /
- Greater awareness from pupils of the values of the school and how these values can help them to succeed not only in PE but in all they do.
- Parents watch the screens for healthy living advice and information and implement actions at home.
- Understanding of healthy living has a positive impact on children’s attendance.
To engage with parents so they strive to support their children to be more physically active. /
- Parent Workshops
- Information sent home to parents
- Parent fitness group.
Part of Active Education SLA /
- Physical activity increase for children at home.
- Parents are better informed of the benefits of healthy living and physical activity.
To develop the role of sports leaders to increase children’s leadership within school. /
- Enrol in ‘Sports Leaders’
- Stronger leadership skills of children.
- Leadership skills from children are passed onto others.
- Subject knowledge and skills of children continue to develop.
To continue to embed the House system within the ethos of the school. /
- Development of house competitions (sporting and non-sporting)
- Buy medals/certificates
- Establish house captains
- Children proud to be part of their house team and strive to earn house points
To introduce and participate in National Sports Week 25th-29th June /
- Visitor and activities arranged to enhance the children’s understanding of sport and key values.
- Children have engaged with new activities and sports.
- Increased subject knowledge of sport and the importance of physical activity.
- They have a greater understanding of a healthy living.
Indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching Physical Education and sport
Objective / Key Actions / Allocated funding / Anticipated outcomes
To develop CPD of school staff to ensure high-quality PE teaching across the school. / Purchase the Platinum SLA package from Active Education and allocate time for team teaching and staff training.
Team Teaching supported by LTFC. / £5830
£0 /
- Increased confidence of staff to teach PE
- Increased subject knowledge of staff in relation to teaching PE
- Pupils have access to high quality PE lessons
- 100% of teaching and learning within PE judged to be good or better when led by staff with QTS
- Staff continue to deliver high quality lessons and will team teach alongside any new staff/ student teachers.
To develop skills in KS1 and promote a love of physical activity. / LTFC to team teach with Y2 each week
(2 hours = 2 classes receiving HQ PE). / £1500 /
- An increase in engagement from the children in other sports as they move their way through the school. Fundamental skills are developed and secure at a younger age.
To develop the skills of our specialist PE team. /
- Attend the PE Network meetings
- JB to achieve Level 5 coaching qualification.
- Team members to network with staff with other school staff to share good practice
- Keep up to date for current policies and procedures.
Indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
Objective / Key Actions / Allocated funding / Anticipated outcomes
To offer a range of extra-curricular opportunities which provide children with new experiences. /
- Employment of additional qualified sports coaches to provide pupils with opportunities to participate in a variety of sports clubs both before and after school and at lunchtimes.
- Increased participation – more children taking part in the opportunities offered
Introduce a wider range of outdoor adventure activities for KS2 children. /
- Y5 Camping at school
- Y6 Dell Farm Residential visit
- Provide children with brand new experiences which are not necessarily offered at home.
- Children/staff develop the skills needed to deliver high quality OAA curriculum.
- More children want to engage in residentials.
Indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport
Objective / Key Actions / Allocated funding / Anticipated outcomes
To establish school teams to compete against other schools in the league. /
- Begin with an initial focus on Netball and Football teams and register with the relevant leagues.
- Run weekly clubs and training sessions.
- Get Netball court marked out.
- Children experience visiting other sporting venues/schools.
- They increase in confidence of fundamental skills.
- Skills learnt are transferable to other sports.
- The school is equipped to hold future fixtures and quality training facilities for children.
Provide opportunities for all children to participate in a L1 (intra school) competitive event /
- Establish a timetable for competitions that provides all classes/children with an opportunity to participate.
- Purchase event trophies/medals
- Delivery of competitive events throughout the year
- Ensure whole school involvement and competition during sports day.
- All children offered/participating in at least 1 school games event
- Raised profile of PE and Sport within the school
Provide more pupils with the opportunity to compete/participate in a L2 school games event /
- Support with transport costs provided to enable pupils to attend a range of L2 school games events opportunities.
- Run lunchtime clubs as necessary to prepare children for the competitions.
- More children participating in L2 games competitive sport
- Raised profile of PE and Sport within the school and raised profile of school within the town sports arena.
- Children have a greater awareness of the town’s sporting facilities and an increased confidence of competing against other schools.
To establish opportunities for ‘personal challenge’ . /
- Organise events e.g. athletic events/speed stack.
- Purchase any resources which are required.
- Record child’s score and then repeat after a period of time to record progress of particular skill.
(Sports Hall Athletics) /
- Children have an opportunity to challenge themselves and measure their success/progress.
- Children experience a wider range of physical activities.
- Children’s skills are developed with a clear focus.
PE and Sport Premium Impact Review
Indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestylesKey Actions taken / Actual Outcomes / Actual Cost / Impact (school, staff, pupils) with Evidence / Sustainability/next steps
Indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
Key Actions taken / Actual Outcomes / Actual Cost / Impact (school, staff, pupils) with Evidence / Sustainability/next steps
Indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching Physical Education and sport
Key Actions taken / Actual Outcomes / Actual Cost / Impact (school, staff, pupils) with Evidence / Sustainability/next steps
Indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
Key Actions taken / Actual Outcomes / Actual Cost / Impact (school, staff, pupils) with Evidence / Sustainability/next steps
Indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport
Key Actions taken / Actual Outcomes / Actual Cost / Impact (school, staff, pupils) with Evidence / Sustainability/next steps