Mrs. M. Laidlaw, Principal

phone: 857-4564 fax: 239-5964


410 6TH AVE. N.E.


R1N 0B4

June, 2017



1 backpack / 1 box large Ziplock bags
1 box Kleenex / 1 pair indoor non-marking shoes
(Please make sure your child can get them
off and on themselves)

1 extra set of clothing to leave at school (in a plastic bag with child’s name written on it)


Grade 1/2

1 backpack / 1 package Crayola crayons (24)
2 boxes Kleenex / 1 packages Crayola pencil crayons (24)
2 large UHU glue sticks (40 g) / 1 package erasers
20 pencils / 1 package of page protectors (30)
1 – 1” binder for portfolio (hard cover only) / 1 box small Ziplock bags
1 box large ziplock bags / 1 pair indoor non-marking shoes
(Please make sure they are easy to put on/take off)
1 pair of headphones
(Ear-bud type only – inexpensive is okay)

1 extra set of clothing to leave at school (in a plastic bag with child’s name written on it)


Grade 3/4

1 backpack / 2 boxes of Kleenex
1 box of Crayola pencil crayons (24) / 2 large UHU glue sticks (40 g)
1 package Crayola markers (8) / 1 - 1” binder
1 package page protectors / 4 packages of pencils
1 package of erasers / 1 box of small Ziplock bags
1 black Sharpie / 1 box of large Ziplock bags
1 set of headphones or ear buds

Gym Clothes: gym bag, t-shirt, shorts (cut above the knee) or sweats and non-marking gym shoes


Grade 5/6

1 backpack / 2 boxes Kleenex
2 highlighters / 2 large UHU glue sticks (40 g)
1 package erasers / 3 packages pencils (10)
2 package of 4 Hilroy scribblers / 1 – 1” binder
1 package clear page protectors (10) / 1 package of 200 loose leaf
1 set head/earphones for computers / 1 package large or small ziplock bags
1 geometry set

Gym Clothes: gym bag, t-shirt, shorts (cut above the knee) or sweats and non-marking indoor gym shoes

**Please place student’s name on all items**

**White out is not allowed at school**

First day of Classes – Wednesday, September 6th