Ronda Johnson
Nominated by: Dawn Rude
1. Describe how your nominee has shown concern for humanity.
Ronda has a very caring heart. She has planned a benefit for a little girl that has terminal cancer. She participated in a family health fair representing the Emergency Department and got down to the kids level to talk about washing hands, "oiey's" and safety. She teaches children to ride horses and how to deal with animals. Ronda has a sensitive spot for people, providing "caring" care to the emergency patients and families that present to the ER.
2. What do you consider your nominee’s most significant contribution to the nursing profession:
Ronda has been empowered by the shared governance committee at Trinity. She is the chair of the Performance Improvement committee and is also the chairperson for the Coordinating Council which consists of member of all 4 committees making up our shared governance program ENGAGE. She is instrumental in revising and developing policy and procedures. All the “requests for action” come through the Performance Improvement committee and are delegated to the appropriate committee by that group. Ronda keeps the group on task and gets work done. Ronda was also instrumental in the “5” initiative which was a hospital wide program developed to improve patient satisfaction. The emergency department has maintained an overall satisfaction rate >90% most of the time since our new hospital opened 4 years ago.
3. Give an example of how your nominee has shown leadership through mentoring, or served as a role model for others.
Ronda has excellent nursing skills and is a preceptor for new nursing employees, high school students in the hospitals Health Initiatives Program, MA, EMS and medical students who spend time in the ER. She is very patient and encourages “hands on” learning. She is patient and instills confidence in those she is helping. Ronda also is a instructor for BLS & ACLS. She completed her BSN last year and has held her CEN for many years. Ronda also encourages the many patient care techs that work in the ER that are also attending school. She makes sure they are able to watch procedures that are good learning experiences and fosters a learning atmosphere.
4. Was there a specific event that prompted you to nominate this outstanding nurse? If so, please tell your story.
Ronda has a genuine concern for families and patients. She deals with children and their families on their level, carefully explaining procedures and calming children through the ordeal. She assists those that are from out of town or without transportation to find affordable lodging for the night or a ride home. She is very willing to help others.