Introduction to Australian civilization
Fall semester
Instructor: Agnes Toth
Office:116/1 Main Bld.
Phone: 512 900/22152
Time and place of place: Friday 8,-.00-9.40 in Room 119 Main Bld.
The goals of this course are
- to introduce the history of Australian civilization from pre-European settlement myths and the culture of Indigenous Australians to the present;
- to provide an understanding of major currents of thought , issues and tensions leading from nation formation to multiculturalism and their problematization on the social, political and cultural terrain;
- to provide samples and illustrations for the issues outlined above (literary works, documents, paintings, films, etc.);
Class arrangement:
The discussion will be conducted by the instructor or a volunteering student. Detailes of the oral presentations will be discussed in class.
Writing assignments:
(1) End-term test: It will include a section of quiz questions and that of short essay questions. The end-term test will cover the material of the entire course including class discussions.
The date of the end-term test is fixed; make sure that you come and sit for it. No make-up papers will be offered. Those who fail the test will fail the course.
(2) A take-home essay (research papers) of (minimum) 10-12 pages long. Details to be discussed in class.
Class attendance:
It is very important that you attend each seminar. Should you miss three or more ones, I will have to consider the course incomplete and refuse your grade.
Late arrivals and early departures will not be tolerated.
Your grade will depend on your performance in the activities listed below:
(1) End-term test in class in writing; 100 minutes, 100 points. Parts of the test: (1) identifications (names, events, dates, etc.); (2) chronology; (3) definitions, (4) themes and concepts; (5) short essay questions. – 25%
(2) Mid-term paper in-class: evaluation or comparison of documents – 15%
(3) Student presentation – 5%
(4) Take-home research paper on a topic chosen by the student 25%
(5) Final grade heavily depends on class contribution – 30%
Proposed schedule:
(Week 1) / Introduction, orientation;“The nature of Australia” (DVD screening)
(Week 2) / Lecture:
Introducing Australia (Facts and Figures; the Australian political system;
Survey of basic Australian geography (illustrated with visual material) and history, etc.)
(Week 3) / Images of Australia 1:
(i) Pre-white settlement myths of Terra Australis Incognita;
(ii) Myths of the convict times;
AT: J. Rickard. “Immigrants” 18pp.
Students will chose a presentation topic
(Week 4) / From colony to federation
(i) Myths of the land.
(ii) Inventing Australian identity: the radical nationalism of the 1890s; The Sydney Bulletin and the Heilderberg School.
AT: White, Richard. “The National Type.” 21pp.
(Week 5) / Baptism through fire: Australia at war
AT: G. Seal. Inventing ANZAC. pp 1-35. 35 pp.
(Week 6) / Twentieth-century manifestations of the Bush legend:
AT: E. Hodges. “The Bushman Legend” 10pp.
J.B. Hirst “The Pioneer Legend” 22pp.
(Week 7) / Women and minorities in Australia
AT: K. Shaeffer. “The Bush and Women” 33pp.
Mid-term paper: in-class essay
(Week 8) / Challenges of cultural diversity: Divided loyalties, new identities;
The Heartbreak Kid (film)
(Week 9) / Australian Aboriginal culture from ancient times until today.
AT: J. Rickard. “Aborigines” 18pp.
(Week 10) / Images of Australia 2:
(i) Contemporary myths of Oz: the beach and the lifesaver
L. Huntsman. Sand in Our Souls. pp. 163-189 26pp.
(Week 11) / New Britannia or America under the Southern Cross?: Dilemmas of Australian-ness
C. Elder: Being Australian pp. 1-19 19pp.
(Week 12) / Marketing Australia for the rest of the world:
Contemporary Australian iconography
AT: Australia (film)
(Week 13) / A potpouri of everyday life in Australia:
public holidays; sport and sport heroes; car culture; world famous Australians;
Hungarians in Australia; Hungarian-Australian relations
Class based on 5-minute student presentations
(Week 14) / End-term test
Assigned texts:
Elder, Catriona. Being Australian: Narratives of National Identity. Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 2007, pp. 1-19.
Hirst, J. B. “The Pioneer Legend” Intruders in the Bush: The Australian Quest for Identity. (2nd ed.) Melbourne: Oxford UP Australia, 1982, pp 14-36.
Hodges, Elanor. “The Bushman Legend” John Carroll ed. Intruders in the Bush: The Australian Quest for Identity. (2nd ed.) Melbourne: Oxford UP Australia, 1982, pp 3-13.
Huntsman, Leone. Sand in Our Souls. Melbourne: Melbourne UP, 2001.
Rickard, John. “Aborigines.” Australia: A Cultural History. London: Longman, 1988. pp. 3-21.
Rickard, John. “Immigrants.” Australia: A Cultural History. London: Longman, 1988. pp. 22-40.
Seal, Graham. Inventing ANZAC: The digger and National Mythology. St. Lucia, Queensland: 2004, pp 1-35.
Shaeffer, Kay. “The Bush and Women” Franz Kuna and Graeme Turner eds. Studying Australian Culture: An Introductory Reader. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac, 1994, pp.193-224.