



To rescue your summer!

For Students entering 1st Grade


June 2015

Dear Parents,

Our students have had a busy year learning new Reading and Math skills. Mastery of all these skills is extremely important in order to develop a solid foundation. The Rhodes School is dedicated to assisting in this developmental process. We believe time spent learning and reinforcing these concepts will be very beneficial for your child. As you prepare for your summer schedule, please take a few minutes to schedule time for reading and math activities. Research is clear, students can experience “summer loss” that can be equivalent to three months of learning if they don’t practice learned skills throughout the summer.

Please see below for the specific instructions on how your child should complete their Summer Packet and what components they will be responsible to return on the first week of school.


Þ  Choose 3 activities each week to complete.

Þ  Provide a quiet, organized work space to help your student stay focused.

Þ  It’s ok if you or other adults provide assistance.

We expect your student to create something to reflect an activity from their Summer Math Packets to turn in to their math teacher the first week of school.


* In this packet, we are providing a story or novel to “jump start” your child’s summer reading activities.

Þ  Read 60 minutes a week (Pre-K4 through 2nd grade); 120 minutes a week (3rd – 6th grade)

Þ  Select four books from the suggested reading list.

Þ  Pick a different activity to go with each book.

Þ  In addition to reading, complete three leisure activities each week.

We expect your student to create something to reflect their book selection, to turn in to their reading teacher the first week of school.

Thank you for encouraging your student to grow as a Rhodes School Scholar over the summer!

If you have any questions, you may contact:

Rhodes School Staff


Grade 1 Mathematics Choice Board

Directions: Choose 3 learning activities from the menu to complete, each week.

Sort various 2 dimensional & 3 dimensional objects into two or three of your own categories. / Survey your family:
What is your favorite season?
Create a picture graph. / Empty a bank of coins and sort them by name.
Make a list of wants and a list of needs. Talk about the difference. / Talk about your favorite job: fireman, animal worker.
Talk about skills you think they need to work that job.
Make a list. / Collect 10 objects (example: spoons) and model all different ways to show 10.
[5 and 5,
3 and 7, etc]
Place hair gel or food coloring in a sealable gallon size zip-lock bag. Practice writing numerals through 20 on the bag. / Dump sugar or salt in an aluminum tray. Practice writing numerals to 20. Represent that number by placing that same number of rocks in the tray. / Collect a group of different objects (coins) and create a real object graph to show the amount of each object.

Grade 1 Mathematics Choice Board

Directions: Choose 3 learning activities from the menu to complete, each week.

Make a picture using 2 circles, 3 triangles, and some rectangles. Explain to a family member how you made it. / Sort the laundry (by color, size, item type or owner). Who in your family had the most socks in this load? / Keep track of the weather this week. How many sunny days? Rainy days? Cloudy days? How many more sunny days than rainy days?
Read “Inch by Inch” by Leo Leonni (see YouTube). What part of your body can you use to measure? A foot? Hand? Finger? / Collect a number of toys (no more than 20). Create a set of objects greater than/less than the amount of toys you collected. / Create a word problem using items (furniture: 2 couches, 1 chair) and demonstrate a sum up to 10. Draw a picture to represent your problem.
Count how many steps it takes to get from your room to the kitchen. Then try giant steps. How many more regular steps did it take? / Use an object (rocks, raisins) to make different 2 digit numbers (ie: 45) using tens and ones. / Take a walk outside with a parent. Record how many birds, insects, and animals you see. Create a bar graph from your data.

Grade 1 Mathematics Choice Board

Directions: Choose 3 learning activities from the menu to complete, each week.

Write your first and last name. How many letters in each? How many more letters in your long name than in your shorter one? / Make a list of all the 2D and 3D shapes you can think of. Go on a scavenger hunt looking for those shapes. Check off the shapes you find. / Collect three dimensional shapes at home (tissue box, ball, can good) and explain how they are similar to solids (spheres, rectangular prisms, cylinders)
Find coins around the house (or ask a family member for some). Sort the coins and make a poster describing each coin. / Look through newspapers and magazines for pictures of things with 2D shapes. Cut them out and sort them by shape, then glue them onto pages to make a shape book. / Find and identify shapes around your home. Or play “I Spy” with shapes. Describe the shape to play.
Count how many forks and spoons in your kitchen. How many do you have in all? Write a number sentence to express this. / Gather 5 different boxes of food. Compare the boxes to see which holds most/less. / Glue popsicle or craft sticks together to make a triangle, a square, a rectangle, a trapezoid, a parallelogram and hexagon. Which figures have four sides? Which figure has three sides? Which figure has 5 sides?

Grade 1 Reading Choice Board

Use the attached template to create a character from a book you read this summer. Draw and/or use materials to make the template look like the character. / Draw, paint, or create one of the settings from the story. Make sure to include details that the author has provided and images from your own imagination that fit the story. Write a sentence to explain your setting. / Use the attached template to give a summary of your book. Write what happened in the beginning, middle and end.
Use the attached template to create a story summary mini book. Make sure to add color to your book. / Use your imagination! Create your own craft to show the characters, setting, problem, and resolution of the book you read. / Use your five senses to give a book report write a book report. What does it look like, smell like, taste like, hear like and what does it feel like.
Make a puppet using the main character in the book. Make sure to use all of the details from the book, and the ones you imagined in your head. / Use index card to draw and write the order of events from your story. Draw and write one picture per card to see if your friends or family can put them in order. / Use the attached template to create a main character mini book. Make sure to add color to your book.