LO: To use multiplication to solve word problems

1)Cut out the question and stick it into your book.

2)Answer the question showing your working out.

  1. How many 5ml spoonfuls of medicine can I get from a 30ml bottle of medicine?

  1. It is 12 weeks to when we go on holiday. How many months is that?

  1. Kate has 38 toys cars. John has half as many. How many toy cars has John?

  1. A bottle of salad dressing holds 300ml. A tablespoon holds 10ml. How many tablespoons of dressing are in the bottle?

  1. A vegetable grower packs carrots into bags of 10.How many bags will he need to pack 250 carrots?

  1. I can buy 60 tulip bulbs of 4 different types in equal quantity. How many of each type will I get?

  1. A box has 36 biscuits arranged in rows of 6.How many rows are there?

  1. The recipe says I need 140ml of milk. I am making half the amount. How much milk do I need?

  1. In P.E. we have to get into groups of 4 to play our favourite game. Our class has 28 children in it. How many groups is that?

  1. Dave and Tom save 1p coins in a jar. It’s Tom’s job to sort them into bags of 50.This month, the jar had 300 coins in it. How many bags did he fill?

LO: To use multiplication to solve word problems

3)Cut out the question and stick it into your book.

4)Answer the question showing your working out.

  1. My Auntie has gone to Florida for 21 days. How many weeks is that?

  1. A school has bought 30 copies of ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ and wants to put them in bags of six for guided reading. How many bags will they need?

  1. I have 38 eggs. I want to pack them in boxes of 6. How many boxes will I need?

  1. A box has 36 biscuits arranged in rows of 6. How many rows are there?

  1. There are 35 children in Yr 4. Each child needs a pencil. The pencils come in boxes of 12. How many boxes of pencils will the teacher need?

  1. A box holds 30 CDs. I have 123 CD’s. How many boxes will I need to put all of my CDs in a box?

  1. My shampoo bottle holds 400ml of shampoo. If I use 20ml each time I wash my hair, how many washes will I get from the bottle?

  1. On school sports day, 72 children will need to be divided into 6 teams. How many children will be in each team?

  1. It is 21 days to my birthday. How many weeks is that?

  1. Thirty two children are going to school camp. Each tent can sleep four children. How many tents will they need?

LO: To use multiplication to solve word problems

1)Cut out the question and stick it into your book.

2)Answer the question showing your working out.

  1. There are 31 children in Year 4. In a packet there are 6 pencils. How many packets of pencils are needed for each child to have one pencil?

  1. We have sold 300 tickets for the school play. We are putting chairs out in rows of 6. How many rows is that?

  1. If there are 200 seats in the cinema and ¼ of them are empty, how many people are in the cinema?

  1. A set of 3 toy cars costs £42.How much does each car cost?

  1. Pencils come in boxes of nine. I need enough pencils for 50 children. How many boxes do I need to buy?

  1. 198 oranges are to be packed in nets, 6 in each net. How many nets will be needed?

  1. How many 50cm lengths of ribbon can I cut from a reel of 5 m?

These questions require more than one-step to find the answer. They might need addition, subtraction and multiplication sums.

  1. Pete the DJ has one box of CDs which contains 127 and another box with 64 CDs. His friend Dave borrows 54 CDs. How many has Pete got left?

  1. I think of a number, add 2, then multiply by 3. The answer is 15. What was my number?

  1. Bristol Rovers match day tickets cost £18 if bought on the day and £15 if bought in advance. I want to book 10 tickets for our club. How much will I save if I book in advance?

Extension Task: Write your own ‘word problem’ to test a partner.