Match (A) with (B) :
1-Chinese ( ) football,basketball,tennis
2-10:30 ( ) English,Arabic,History
3-Saudi Arabia ( ) teacher,doctor,chef
4-It's seven o'clock ( ) It's quarter to three
5-02:45 ( ) 07:00
6-jobs ( ) country
7-school subjects ( ) It's half past ten
8-sports ( ) nationality
Write the correct word under the picture :
police officer - chef - swimming - volleyball - Maths - Geography
Underline the right word :
1-This is Nancy. ( She - They - We ) is a nurse.
2-( Is - Are - Am ) they from Saudi Arabia ?
3-She's a doctor. ( His - Her - Our ) name is Reema.
4-That's Jhon. He is 11 years old . ( Their - Its - His ) mother is a housewife.
5-( What's - Where's - Who's ) your favourite sport?
6-( What's - Where's - Who's ) your favourite teacher?
Do as shown between the brackets :
1-Are you a student ? Yes,...... ( complete the answer )
2- She is from Saudi Arabia . ( change to negative )
3-...... is your favourite colour ? ( use Who or What )
4-A:...... is that ? ( use Who or What )
B: My brother.
5-We are sisters...... surname's Aziz. ( add a possessive adjective )
6- ...... am from Egypt. ( add a personal pronoun )
Choose the correct spelling :
1- Ialty Italy yItal 2- aiterw retiaw waiter
3- tennis sinnet netsin 4- oryHist History yrotsiH
5- ciences ecneics Science 5- Chinese inesech esenihc
Choose the correct letter :
1- doct-r ( t - b - o ) 2- ho-sewife (u - m - x )
3- afte - noon ( j - a - r ) 4- bas- etball ( z - k - i )
5- En - lish ( l - g - e ) 5- nig-t ( h - o - q )
Complete the spelling :