StaticWorxRubberVinylProducts‐Installation Instructions

1 Handling & Storage


1 Check deliveries for compliancewith orders.

2 Do not mix different batchesof a colorwithin the same area.

3StaticWorx flooring products, all adhesives, and accessories must be site conditioned at room temperature for two (2) days prior to installation. Temperature shall be68°F+ 5°F and

drainage and incorporated aneffective moisture vapor retarder.

BelowGrade– An acceptable belowgrade floor is a concrete substratein directcontactwiththe ground. Properlyconstructed, the concrete slabwill be suitablyprotected from moisture penetration byplannedwaterdrainage and incorporated an effective moisture vapor retarder.

B Wood Subfloor Recommendations


7 Do not stack boxes more than 20 high.

8StaticWorx rollsshould be stored standing on end and secured to prevent falling. Store rolls so thatthe labelsare

facing up to ensure theycanbe easily read.

2 Subfloor Recommendations

A Subfloor Grade Levels

IMPORTANT NOTE: Moisture testing as per ASTM F 1869 and/orASTMF2170 is mandatory.

Thefollowingexampledisplaysthethreetypesofsubfloorgrade levels:

Above Grade – An acceptable above grade floor is a concrete or wood substrate.

Suspended – An acceptable suspended floor is a concrete or wood substratewitha minimum of 18” (460mm) ofwell-ventilated air space below.It is recommended that aneffective moisture

vapor retarderbe placed upon the ground beneath the airspace.

plywood shallbe used and installed according to EWA


NOTE: Not recommendedwood subfloors: tempered hardboard,untemperedhardboard, particle board,wafer board,strand board,fire retardedplywoodand board.


StaticWorx rubber flooring shall not be laid onwood subfloors that are directlyin contactwith concrete subfloorson or belowgrade, even if built onsleepers. All suspendedwood floors shouldhave adequate under floor ventilation. It is recommended that an effective moisture vapor retarder be placedon the ground beneath the air space.


1If an underlayment is not used,the surface of the suspended wood floor shall be clean frompaint,wax, varnish, oil or old adhesive.

2If youwant to install an underlayment over afloorwith paint, wax, varnish, oil or old adhesive, a layer of 10 mil polyethylene sheeting shall be installedbetween the subfloor and thenewunderlayment being installed.

3 All floors shallbe prepared for smoothnessbysanding.

4 All nails shall be countersunkor removed.

5 Loose boardsshallbe naileddownor removed and replaced.

6 All gaps and uneven places shallbe filled.


Allresponsibilityforwarranties andperformance restswith the plywood manufacturer

C Concrete Subfloor Recommendations


Manydifferent types of concrete subfloors exist, the only recommended concrete subfloor is American Concrete Institute “ACI” 302 Class 4, 5, & 6.

3 3

On Grade – An acceptable on grade floor isa concrete substrate partiallyor completelyin contactwith the ground. Properly constructed, the concrete slabwill be suitablyprotected from

Lightweightconcrete,lessthan 115 lb/ft(1841 kg/m), mayhave

suchlowstrengththatitisunsuitable for coveringwithresilient flooring unless1 in. (25 mm) or more ofstandardweightconcrete,

3 3

moisture penetration byplannedwater

generally140 lb/ft(2241 kg/m ) or more, is used as a topping.

NOTE: Lightweight concretecan take a lot longer to dry.

A permanent effective vapor retarderwith a lowpermanence (less than 0.1) having a minimum thickness of 10mils (ACI 302),shall be placed directlyunderneath the concrete slab.





The slab temperature of concrete subfloors shallbe between 68°F

+ 5°F. Slab temperature is critical to the set-up time of adhesive. A slab temperature below68°Fwill slowdownthe initial tack of the adhesive, making it necessarytore-roll the flooring at 60 minutes, and again at 90 minutes. A slab temperatureabove 75°Fwill increase the initial tack of the adhesive, making it necessaryto re- roll the flooringwithin 3045 minutes rather than the recommended

60 minutes.

An acceptable concrete subfloor shall also meet the following requirements:

1. All concrete subfloors shall bedry,clean, smooth and


Subfloors shallbe testedusing bothofthe followingmethods:

2.Testing for moisture using a HumidityProbeand Digital Meter (ASTMF2170StandardTestMethod forDetermining Relative HumidityinConcrete FloorSlabs Usinginsitu Probes)will require 3 tests for the first 1,000 sq. ft., and at least one additional test for each 1,000 sq. ft. thereafter. Maximum allowable readingshallbe 75% RH.

and at least one additionaltestforeach1,000sq.ft. thereafter. Maximum allowable reading shallbe 3 lbs. per

1,000sq.ft. ContactStaticWorxforCalciumChloride Test kits.

4.An on or below grade concrete floor shall have an effective moisture vaporretarder, according to industrystandards. Ifno

moisture vaporretarder is present, then one must be installed. Contact StaticWorx for information.

5.The concrete subfloor must be flat to a tolerance of 3/16” in ten linear feet.

6.All steel troweled (slick) finished concrete floors need to be properlyroughened up (usingBlastrac, Diamond Grinder-vac or similar mechanical equipment) to ensure adhesion.

WARNING! Materials shouldnotbe installedover building expansionjoints.

NOTE: The aforementionedrecommendationsconcern only the bondingcharacteristics ofStaticWorxflooring products to concrete subfloors.The performance ofthe subfloors should be establishedaccordingtoindustrystandards (American Concrete Institute “ACI” 302Class 4, 5 & 6).


If the subfloor surface is noticeablyuneven orout of level, then it should be properlyleveled byan experienced underlayment contractor. The leveling materials must be portland cementbased and should provide a minimum 3,500 PSI compressive strength (ASTMC 109) and sufficient bond to existingsubfloor surface (i.e. Ardex, Laticrete, Duralox, Mapei, or equivalent) and shall be installed asperthe manufacturer’s instructions.


All concrete subfloors shall beprepared according toASTMF710

StandardPractice for PreparingConcrete Floors to Receive


1.Patching cracks, depressions,and concretecontrol joints should be thoroughly cleanedand filled using StaticWorxPU adhesive, or one of the above mentioned underlayment (leveling compound) according to the manufacturer's specifications.

2.Concrete floorsshall be dry,clean, smooth, level, and structurallysound.Theyshould befreeofdust,solvent,paint, wax,oil, grease, asphalt, sealing compounds, old adhesive, and other extraneous materials.

3.Allcuring,hardening,andbondbreakingcompounds mustberemoved. Onlymechanicalmethods for removal are acceptable (i.e. Blastrac, Grinder-Vac or similar equipment). Donotuse chemicals for removal.

4. Donotusewaxoroil basedsweepingcompounds.

This is recommended to determine the compatibilityof the
3. / Testing for moisture using a Calcium Chloride test kit (ASTMF
1869 StandardTest Method for Measuring Vapour
EmissionRate ofConcrete SubfloorUsingAnhydrous
CalciumChloride)will require3testsforthefirst1,000sq.ft. / adhesive to thepre-prepared subfloor and can be auseful
indicator if the moisture results are marginal.Use the specified flooring and recommended adhesive, installfull tiles or 3'x 3'sheet
product in thenormal recommendedway,

approximately50'apart throughout the area. Areas next to walls or other light traffic areas should be selectedfor the bond test. Tape down theperimeter of the flooring to prevent drying ofthe adhesiveat the edges. After a minimum period of 72 hours the flooring should be pulled from the subfloor. If an unusual amount of force is required, the bondcould be considered sufficient.

NOTE: If the subfloor is radiant heated, contact StaticWorx, Inc. for correct installationrecommendations.

3 Adhesive Recommendations

D Steel Subfloor Recommendations

For informationabout acceptability and preparation of steel subfloors, please contact StaticWorx, Inc. Technical Department at 617.923.2000.

E Existing Subfloor Recommendations


Terrazzo,QuarryTile,CeramicTiles, Marble


•MudCementSetting-This isa suitable bonding agent for permanent floors. Applicationmaybe made over such a subfloor.

• EpoxyUrethane Coatings -This can be a suitable subfloor.

The bond mustbe carefullychecked. Look for loose areas and check for proper bond. If an Epoxy coatinghas failed, please contactStaticWorx,Inc.

•Thin Set-This is not a suitable bonding agent. Remove tiles and clean the surface.


1. All glazed or uneven ceramictiles, quarrytile, terrazzo,

marble, and epoxyor urethane coatings shall be Blastracedor sanded for a rough and level surface.

2.All paint,wax,varnish, old adhesive, etc., shall be mechanicallyremoved.

3.All sealers andtopical coatingsshall be mechanically removed.

4. An adhesive bond test should be performed, refer to

“Concrete Subfloor Preparation.”

5.Level all grout joints and depressionswith 2-Part Acrylic adhesiveor a proven underlayment, according to manufacturer’sspecifications.


NOTE: TheseARENOTacceptable subfloors. Theyarenot permanent,andbondingisdifficult.Anyinstallation over these floors becomestheresponsibilityoftheowner.

VinylAsbestos Tile(VAT),VinylComposition Tiles(VCT), AsphaltTile, VinylTile &SheetGoods.

CAUTION: Existing floor covering may contain asbestos

(federal, local andstate restrictions shallbe followed).


The open timewill varydepending upon temperature, air flowand humidity.

Statbondadhesive should have a minimumof 10 minutesopen time (V-notched).The ideal time to laythe flooring into the adhesive isbest described asfollows:

Semi-Wet Theadhesive mustbe able to transfer to your finger tipswith a lighttouch and just start to stringwhile the core of the serrations remainswet (resulting in full adhesive transfer).

NOTE: Thismethodcanonlybeusedonaporoussurface.

2-Partconductiveepoxy adhesive should have a minimum of 20 minutes open time.The ideal time to lay the flooring into the adhesive isbest described asfollows:

When the adhesive first startsto tack-up or becomes sticky.

4 Installation Checklist

Beforework isbegun, every site should be inspected for items listed below.


1. Electricityfor lights andpower shall be available.

2. Forklift service, if necessary, shallbe provided.

3. Proper ventilation shall be provided.

4.In all instances,adequate temperature shall be maintained where the material is to be stored and installed - recommended 68°F+ 5°F.This temperature shall be maintained for 48 hours before installation, during installation, and 72 hours after installation.

5.All subfloor conditions must be checked and corrected as per aforementioned instructions.


• StaticWorx adhesive (type anddate)

• knife/seam cutter (roll goods)

• Utilityknifewith straight blade (large hook blade, if required)

• Carpenter’s square

• Straight edge

• Chalk line and chalk

• Tape measure

• 100 lb. roller

• Weights,ifrequired

• Hand seam roller, if required

• Recommendedadhesive trowel, refer to table on page 5

5 Sheet Goods Installation

MaterialLayout/ FittingforSheetGoods

1. Vacuum theprepared subfloorarea to be installed.

2. Unroll the StaticWorx ECproducts and allowto relax (layflat)

before cuttingand fitting.

3.Locate the center of each endwall and connect the points by snapping a chalk linedown the middle of theroom.

4.With the room properlycentered,you can relocateyour lines for a convenient starting place, or just start in the center ofthe room.

5.Take care in planningand fitting to make sure there is a minimum ofwaste. If installation is to be overa plywood surface, take care to prevent seams from coincidingwith the joints of the plywood underneath.

6.StaticWorx ECrolls have direction arrowsprinted on the back of the flooring. Install the rolls sothatallarrowspointinthe same direction.

7.Cut to size the required lengths and place themin position. All seams shall have a minimum 1 1/4” (1.25”) overlap.

8.Be careful to insure the tapered edge/uncut edge is underneath.

9.Cut in the sidesof the areausing the scriber, suitable trimming tool, or free-hand. If preferred,you can also cut in the ends now,or after adhering.

10. All seams are to be double-cutusing one of the methods listed below. When cutting seams, bear in mind thatall seams shall have a neat fit (do not pressurefit), regardless ofwhether the seams are to beweldedor not.This shall bedone before adhering to thesubfloor.

CAUTION: If seams are notcut drybeforehand, peakedseams mayoccur from lack ofadhesive due toremoval ofsome adhesivewith the taperededge/waste.

NOTE: The flooring patterndoes notalways continuouslyflow into the taperededge, socheck before cuttingto removethe taperededge andbe sure tomaintainthe correctflowofthe flooring pattern.

1. When double cutting the seam, use a straight edgeas a

guide. Positionthe straight edge about 1/2” (0.5”) from the top edge. Cut through the top sheet andapproximately 3/4 of the

thickness of the bottom sheet using a utilityknife and a sharp

straight blade. When making the cut, hold the utility knife as vertical as possible

2.To remove the tapered edge use one of the two methods above [under Section MethodOne (6a. or 6b.)].



Be preparedtoprotect the flooringduring andafter the installation fromsun,moisture,andotherconstruction trade (at least untiladhesive hascured), if required, bycovering1-2 dayswithMasonite orplywood, insuringall joints are tapedto preventdebris frombecomingentrapped underneathand causingdamage.

CAUTION: Whenspreading the adhesive (after the seams havebeencut),it isvitallyimportantthatthematerialnot move. If necessary, placeweights on thematerial sothat no movementwill occur as youspreadadhesive. Overlappingthe adhesive maytelegraphthroughthe flooring.


1.Uplift aworkable area and vacuum the subfloor and back of the flooring to remove anydebris, make sureyour pants are free of anytrash including leveling compound.

2.Keepinga straight line of adhesive near thefold, applythe adhesive to thepre-prepared subfloor and allowthe appropriate open time. Opentimewill be aminimum of 10 minutes (V-notched). Open timeswill varyaccording to air temperature, subfloor temperature, concreteporosity, humidity and air circulation. The adhesivemust be able totransfer to yourfingertipswithalighttouchand just starttostring while the core ofthe serrations remains wet (resulting in full adhesive transfer). If theadhesive isdry to the touch, do not install the flooring - remove and replace the adhesive.

3.Carefully start to place the StaticWorx EC sheet goods intothe adhesiveand check thatyou have full adhesive transfer

before continuing. Make surethe seams aretogetherwithout stress(donotpressure orforce seams together). Continue

this process until the uplifted area is placed into the adhesive.

4. If you have notalreadydoneso, cut in the ends of the

adheredarea using the free hand method orsuitable trimming tool.

TOP TIP: Using carpet off-cuts and double sided tape,cover the roller to helpensure youremoveall air pockets from any dips inthe substrate,andavoida punch list.

5.Roll slowlywitha 100 lb. roller. Roll first fromthe center out so air does not get trapped underthe material, then roll lengthwise.

6.Onlyif required,hand -roll theseam area gentlywith ahand roller to smooth seam. Do notpress hardwith hand roller.

7.Onlyif required,applyweights to anylifting flooring until the adhesivehas cured to insurea good bond.

8. Repeat the procedure for thesecond half of this area.

9. After one hour, re-roll the entire area in bothdirectionswitha

100 lb. roller

10. Remove any fresh adhesive from the surfaceof the flooring withwater anda damp clean cloth. Dried adhesive should be

removedwith rubbingalcohol.

11. Repeat the process until all areas are completed.

ApplicationFollow Up

1. Permit no foot traffic for 6-12 hours.

2. Permit no heavy foot traffic for 24 hours.

3.Allowno heavy rolling loads for 72 hours, i.e. hospital beds, operating roomtables, and/or similar equipment.

4.Maintain recommended temperature (68°F± 5°F)during adhesive curing time (72 hours).

5.Avoid initial maintenance of finished floor for 72 hours to allow adhesivetofullycure.

6 Tile Goods Installation

NOTE: Materiallayoutshouldbedecided byArchitect, Designer, or enduser. However,we recommendthe tiles are installedpointtopoint (corner to corner).

MaterialLayout/ FittingforTiles

1.The drylayingmethod is recommended. Locate the centerof each endwalland connect these points bysnapping a chalk linedown themiddle of the room.

2.StaticWorxtiles have direction arrowsprinted on the back of thetiles.Installthetilessothatallarrowspointinthesame direction.

3.Locate the center of this lineand, using a carpenter'ssquare or the 3, 4, 5 method, drawaperpendicular line. On this perpendicular line, snapa chalk line connecting the two sidewalls. Theroomwill thenbe divided intoquarters. Check for square by using the 3, 4, 5method for small areas and 9,

12, 15 for largerareas.

4.With the room properlysquared,you can relocateyour lines for a convenient starting place, or just start in the center ofthe room.

5.Vacuum thepre-prepared area.Donotusewaxoroilbased sweepingcompounds.

6.It is recommended, in most situations, drylaying the installation completely, or the anticipated area to be installed that day. This allowsthe cutting-in of perimeter tiles to be a cleaner processwith moreworking time, as the adhesive can

1.Uplift aworkable area and vacuum the subfloor to removeany debris.

2.Using the correct notch trowel,keep the adhesive in a straight lineat the point itwill be continued later. Apply the adhesive, allowing the appropriate opentime (semi-wet). Open timewill be a minimumof 10 minutes (V-notched). Open timeswill vary according to air temperature,subfloor temperature, concrete porosity,humidityand air circulation. The adhesive must be able totransfer toyourfinger tipswith a light touch and just start tostring(resulting infull adhesivetransfer).If

the adhesive isdryto the touch, do not installthe floor covering - remove and replace the adhesive.

3.Check that theback of the tileis clean then install the StaticWorx tiles into the semi-wetadhesive, exactly the same astheyweredrylaid.

4. Periodicallycheck tiles for good adhesive transfer.


WARNING! Bepreparedtoprotect the flooringduringand afterthe installation fromsun,moisture, andother constructiontrade (at leastuntil adhesivehas cured), if required,bycovering1-2 dayswithMasonite or plywood, insuring all joints are tapedtopreventdebris frombecoming entrappedunderneathand causingdamage.

CAUTION: Overlappingthe adhesive maytelegraphthrough the flooring after the adhesivehas cured.

5. Roll slowlywitha 100 lb. roller. Roll in both directions and avoid trappingair.

6. If required, hand roll seam area gentlywith ahand roller to smooth seam. Do not press hardwith hand roller.

7. Remove any fresh adhesive fromthe surfaceof the flooring withwater anda damp, cleancloth. Removedried adhesive with rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth.

8. After one hour, re-roll the entire area in bothdirectionswitha

100 lb. roller.

9. Repeat steps until the installation is completed.

ApplicationFollow Up

1. Permit no foot traffic for 6-12 hours.

2. Permit no heavy foot traffic for 24 hours.

3.Allowno heavy rolling loads for 72 hours, i.e. hospital beds, operating roomtables, and/or similar equipment.

4.Maintain recommended temperature (68°F± 5°F)during adhesive curing time, (72 hours).

5.Avoid initial maintenance of finished floor for 72 hours to allow adhesivetofullycure.

7 Additional Installation Info

1.In rooms up to 1000 sq. ft. in size, a copper strip must be applied to the subfloor and extended to a predetermined grounding point (can be connected byyour flooring contractor or a qualified electrician). In rooms larger than 1,000 sq. ft. additional grounding points shall be defined and copper strips installed as mentioned above.

2.StaticWorx specified adhesivemust be usedfor the installation ofStaticWorxESD protection flooring, using recommended adhesiveand trowel serration,refer to page5.


StaticWorx flooring products have been developed for indoor installation. StaticWorx floorcoverings arenot recommended for installation in outdoor applications or in particularlywet areas such asshowers,swimmingpools,etc.