____1.Boiling Point, Melting Point, and Density Are Some of an Element S

____1.Boiling Point, Melting Point, and Density Are Some of an Element S


Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Highlight the best answer.

____1.Boiling point, melting point, and density are some of an element’s

a. / nonreactive properties. / c. / chemical properties.
b. / physical properties. / d. / pure properties.

____2.The physical properties of compounds do NOT include

a. / melting point. / c. / reaction to light.
b. / density. / d. / color.

____3.Which compound does every living thing need in order to survive?

a. / salt / c. / water
b. / sugar / d. / carbon dioxide

____4.The flammability of a substance is

a. / a chemical property. / c. / a physical property.
b. / related to the density. / d. / changeable.

____5.What property of water helps regulate temperature and seasonal changes?

a. / adhesion / c. / cohesion
b. / specific heat capacity / d. / buoyant force

____6.Why can salt dissolve in water?

a. / Salt is the solvent. / c. / Salt is soluble.
b. / Salt is a solution. / d. / Salt is an element.

____7.How can a compound be broken down?

a. / by physical changes / c. / by crushing
b. / by chemical changes / d. / by cooling

____8.Which of the following is a chemical property?

a. / density / c. / boiling point
b. / reactivity with acid / d. / color

____9.What do atoms gain, lose, or share when they bond?

a. / protons / c. / electrons
b. / neutrons / d. / atoms

____10.Which of the following properties of metals means that it can be drawn into wires?

a. / electrical conductivity / c. / ductility
b. / malleability / d. / flexibility

____11.What do you call an interaction that holds two atoms together?

a. / chemical hold / c. / chemical interaction
b. / chemical bond / d. / bond of chemicals

____12.What are charged particles that form when atoms gain or lose electrons?

a. / particle atoms / c. / bonds
b. / atomic ions / d. / ions

____13.Matter that has the same composition and properties throughout is called a(n) ____.

a. / substance / c. / atom
b. / mixture / d. / isotope

____14.When two pure substances are combined so that each of the pure substances retains its own properties, the result is a(n) ____.

a. / compound / c. / element
b. / mixture / d. / isotope

____15.Which particles have almost the same mass?

a. / proton and electron / c. / electron and neutron
b. / proton and neutron / d. / all three particles

____16.Which item best represents Dalton’s mental image of an atom?

a. / a cork / c. / a marble
b. / a candy bar with nuts / d. / a balloon full of air


Complete each sentence or statement.

Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.

brittle / compound
metalloid / solution

17.If hydrogen peroxide is exposed to light, a ______will result.

18.The production of steel involves heating carbon, iron, and other elements to very high heats in order to form a ______.

19.A nonmetal would probably not be good for the frame of a bicycle because it would be too ______.

20.An element that conducts heat and is dull is probably a ______.

21.An unidentified substance is shiny and malleable. It is probably a ______.

Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.

solvent / solute
alloys / solution
mixture / suspensions
compound / metalloids

22.A pure substance made of two or more elements that are chemically combined is called a ______.

23.If a spoonful of salt is mixed in a glass of water, the salt is the ______.

24.Solid solutions of metals or nonmetals dissolved in metals are ______.

Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.

valence electron / ions
metallic bond / covalent bonds
chemical bond / molecule

25.An interaction that holds two atoms together is called a(n) ______.

26.An electron that is in the outermost shell of an atom is a(n) ______.

Use the terms from the following list to complete the sentences below.

valence electron / atomic number

27.The number of protons in an atom is its ______.

Short Answer

28.A student measured the boiling point of a liquid and found that it had two different boiling points. What is the best conclusion the student could draw?

29.How could you separate a mixture of three liquids according to their densities

30.Use the example of inflating a flat tire after a repair to explain why air is matter.


31.A student was testing out a substance to try to determine what it was. She pounded it, crumpled it, cut it into bits, found its melting point, and dissolved it in three different solvents. What could she learn about the substance from these tests? What couldn’t she learn? Explain your answers.

32.Most fresh water in Saudi Arabia is produced by removing salt from sea water. One method involves distillation. Explain how sea water could be purified by distillation, and tell whether it is a chemical or physical process.

33.Suppose you were given an unknown liquid and asked to determine if it was an element, a compound, or a mixture. What would you do? How would this help you find out what it was?