1.  Being unable to concentrate on what your mother is saying because you are upset about something that happened with a friend is an example of:

a. external noise
b. psychological noise
c. physiological noise
d. static
e. none of the above

2.  The dynamic process that involves participants decoding and encoding messages is called:

a. environment
b. noise
c. transactional
d. context
e. none of the above

3.  An example of physiological noise is:

a. anger
b. poor sound
c. insecurity
d. headache
e. none of the above

4.  An important element of ______is stereotyping.

a. high-context culture
b. prejudice
c. intercultural incompetence
d. power distance
e. uncertainty avoidance

5.  When a college instructor pauses during a lecture and looks at students who are talking in order to communicate that they should be quiet, what function is being fulfilled by the nonverbal message?

a.  Accenting

b.  Complementing

c.  Substituting

d.  Contradicting

6.  Which of the following is NOT an aspect of paralanguage?

a.  Facial expression

b.  Rate of speech

c.  Pitch of voice

d.  Volume of voice

7.  Compared to all other types of adornment, clothing gives the largest number of cues about a wearer. Which of the following areas is NOT likely to be judged, based on clothing?

a.  Intelligence

b.  Education level

c.  Level of success

d.  Moral character.

8.  According to Edward Hall, North Americans use four distance zones when they communicate with others. Which of the four is incorrectly described?

a.  It is impossible to control intimate distance because it is easily violated.

b.  Personal distance is used in casual conversations.

c.  Social distance is observed in a conversation between two people who do not know each other very well.

d.  Public distance is the most formal use of distance.

9.  In many culture, lack of eye contact may be considered a sign of honesty and credibility.

a.  True

b.  False

10.  Racial → Individuals portrays him or her

a.  True

b.  False

11.  Definition of Cultural diversity

a.  A sense of egotism and selfishness about a persons own culture whereby his or her culture is elevated in importance obove others.

b.  Poses potential barriers, Impoverished intercultural communication is costly.
The work place is growing in cultural diversity.

c.  Organizations thrive best when everyone know as much as possible relevant to that persons role.

d.  Gender and international culture differences influence the communication expectations in some social situations.

1.  C

2.  C

3.  C

4.  C

5.  C

6.  A

7.  A

8.  A

9.  B

10.  B

11.  D