Class Outlines

Preparing for Class and Standing Poses -

1.Behind chair – hands on chair – eyes closed for prayer.

2.Leader prays.

3.Mountain behind the chair (lifting tall, creating space in

the spine)

4. Half Standing Forward Bend - with hands on the back of

the chair. (To come up,lift head and look at thumbs and

step forward to the back of the chair.)

5.Cat /Cow while holding the back of the chair.

6.Empty Coat Sleeves (twists)

Seated Poses -

1. Seated with FOCUSED, breath.

2. Centering on the Word, read Scripture, such as:

Let the words fill your mind and heart as the breath fills

your body.”

3. Seated Mountain (lifting tall, while creating space in the


4. Extend legs and point toes on inhale and flex on exhale,

then pedal the feet.

5. Lower both legs. Then,

6. Extend the right leg, rotate the ankle in both directions,

while observing thebody's movement.

7. Sit tall, seated twists for 3 breaths, both sides.

8. Chin to chest (this is a good thyroid massage.)

9. Ear to shoulder, opposite arm hangs heavy and circles.

10.Interlace the hands out front and stretch. Then bring the

interlaced handsbehind the head, lift the chin slightly

and look up. Hold for 3 rounds of breath.

11.Sit tall and begin a seated forward fold. Each student

goes to his/hercomfortable fold for 3 breaths.

12.Come back to sitting. Close your eyes and observe the

body for 1 minute.

13.Sit tall. Open your eyes.

14.Airplane arms -

A. palms down, stretch as far back as possible away

from the mid-lineof the body.

B.Turns palm up, continuing to reach out and stretch

the hands open,stretching the skin on the palms of

the hands.

15.Bring arms to the front, open and close fists, rotate

wrists, interlace fingersand stretch forward. Shake

out the hands.

16.Shoulder rolls; forward and reverse, one shoulder at a

time, very deliberately, individually and together.

17.Draw shoulders up toward the ears, drop down and

back – 3 breaths.

Shake out the shoulders.

18.Hands on the hips; stir the bowl. Your body is the

spoon; rotate the torso to stir the pot ever so

slowly. After 3 rounds, reverse the direction.

19.Sit tall for Side Stretches. 3 breaths each side.

20.Eye Exercises –

A. Extend fist and look from thumb to end of nose

B.Relax the face

C.Gentle smile; blink 3 times, then squeeze the face.

D.Rub palms together to generate heat and put

palms over eyes. Relax.

21.Eagle arms – There are 3 options:

A. Hands on shoulders

B.Elbows together

C. Full wrap

22.Flow Worship the Son:

A.Arms to the sky, fold forward, rise halfway up, fold


B.Twist right then center.

C.Twist left then center, then back up.

D.Place hands to heart center. Do this full practice for

3 rounds.

Okay, now relax. Settle in. Close your eyes. Observe your heart. Listen to what your body is saying to you.

23.Warrior II

A.Using the belt around instep, stretch inner and

outer thighs; knees in and out.

24.Sitting Pigeon

A.Ankle to the knee (or ankle to shin.)

B. Sit tall.

C.Lead with the chest, bending at the hips to the

point of gentle tension.

D. Do this for 3 rounds of breath.

25. Taking one knee at a time, circle each knee, then bend

and straighten.

Standing behind the chair to prepare for Savasana

A.Toe lifts/ heel lifts.

B.March in place.

C.Tap toes, moving side to side

D.Hip rolls, moving from side to side

E.Tree pose.
