Mr. Hanbury


INTRODUCTION: Galileo once noted, that “Physics, is a science, spoken in the language of mathematics.” We must, therefore, use mathematics to communicate our findings with each other. Physicists apply mathematics to the universe, in the hope of simplifying its nature. The end results are very simple laws and principles, which if understood, reveal the order and disorder of the physical universe.

With this in mind, we shall begin what may be a fascinating year of experiences and thought training, by exploring the world around us and the physical laws that govern it, and then again ......


1. Be on time to class!! Don't make me assign detentions.

2. Please do not chew gum in class as it is annoying and makes for very sticky chairs and lab equipment.

3. No Cell Phones – set to silent operation and must not be used in class to text or read texts in class. This is pretty basic courtesy – if there is an emergency, let me know and I’ll be understanding, but obviously emergencies don’t happen frequently.

4. Be courteous to others in class and your instructor by limiting you conversations to asking and answering a questions. In this way, we are all on the same page.

5. Keep your books covered at all times. Periodic spot checks will be given.

6. Bathroom passesshould be requested at the beginning of class - don't interrupt during class.

EQUIPMENT: Bring every day to class.

1. You might consider a loose-leaf notebook as you will receive some handouts.

2. Everyone should own a Scientific Calculator with Scientific Notation (Exponential Notation), Trigonometric Functions (sine,cosine & tangent), Square Root Function, and Inverse Function. This is not optional, since sharing calculators is N.G. (no good). Don’t spend more than $20 !

3. Conversion Table (provided by me)

4. Covered, Physics Textbook.

5. Formula Sheet


TESTS...... 50 This means ANNOUNCED QUIZZES...... 20 that a test LABS...... 15 is worth about 2 1/2

MINILABS ...... 6-12 times a quiz! Get it? Presentations …………………………. 20

These do not add to 100; they are not % !

All of your individual grades are averaged on this scale using Power School. The grade, arrived at by this method, is adjusted with any Extra Credit and Homework adjustments (see homework section) to compute your final grade.

MAKE-UP TESTS AND QUIZZES: If you miss a test or quiz , for any valid reason, you will be allowed to make-up the missed exam, in class, the day following the missed test or quiz. If your absence extends more than one day, you may make up the test or quiz at our mutual convenience, however you must make arrangements to do so within 5 school days of your return.* (Exceptions to this rule: "I died", "I have Mono and will be asleep for 8 weeks," or "I'm leaving school to become a monk and have taken a vow of silence."*)

QUIZ RETAKE: You may retake any quiz on which you score less than 80. The retake will have a maximum value of 90 points and be different than the original. The retake grade is the official grade regardless of how poorly you perform. Any quiz may be retaken once, so every quiz could potentially be retaken. Must be done after school.

MISSED WORK: In the event that you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make arrangements to make up missing work. I will not badger you to make up missed work - following the “I’m not your Mother” doctrine. If you are in school, but miss class, you are not excused from that day’s assigned homework. Stop by before you leave school or visit the Edmodo website to find out what you missed.

EXTRA CREDIT: You might do some extra research on a topic and present it to the class, or demonstrate some physical phenomenon. A video of some physics phenomena is always welcomed. If you are skilled at carpentry or metalworking, you might build some physical apparatus for us. If you are a computer wiz, you might consider writing a computer program for us. In all cases, see the instructor for approval before you begin and don't wait until the end of the term! (Don't just show up and say "give me some extra credit project". If you can't put a little research into a topic then you don't want the points that badly!) N.B. Extra Credit is Extra!( i.e. above the completed requirements) Don't ask for extra credit if you have missing work!

HOMEWORK: Homework is considered part of the course requirements. As such, missing homework constitutes incomplete work and will be penalized. Problem Sets will be assigned regularly and collected in class. Time for questions on the homework will be set aside in class. It is OK to work in groups on the homework, in fact, it’s encouraged! ! Warning: It is one thing to write an answer down; it is quite another to understand it!! As such, problem sets will be graded on a √-, √, √+ basis. The homework is not averaged into your grade, per se, but it can help or hurt your final grade depending upon whether you regularly do well or frequently miss assignments. Homework average is one of the factors that affect your chances of making a 78 into an 80. However, each missing assignment will lower your quarter grade by 1 point. Read the last sentence again!!!!! In addition, three days unprepared homework (that is homework not done before the start of class) during a quarter also carries a mandatory one point penalty. Homework will be posted on Edmodo daily.

Disclaimer: Homework, itself, does not add points to your grade!!!

LATE HOMEWORK: Late homework assignments will be accepted up to the day of the unit exam and not later. Late homework is marked down 1/2 √ and will not count against you except in the event that it is your third time that you do not have homework done before class starts.

LABORATORY (not lavatory): Physics is a lab-oriented science. Most of the lab equipment that we will use this year is expensive and some is pointy. Lab discipline must be tighter than usual, i.e. no fooling around. If you cannot abide by lab rules, you will be asked to make-up the lab on your own time.

LAB REPORTS: Lab reports will be turned in 3 (three) school days after your lab is completed and discussed. Lab reports are graded on a scale of 1 to 10, based on accuracy of data, organization of report, quality of conclusion, and neatness (a sample lab is available for you to peruse). Late labs are accepted, but one point is deducted for each week they are late. (Think about this . . . . really 10 points per week!)

Mini LABS: Mini labs are only mini in the write-up. Labs designated as MiniLabs require you to hand in a report that is more like a worksheet, which questions to answer and data to calculate.

MISSED LABS: If you are absent on lab day, for any valid reason, you may make up the lab after school. Arrangements to make up labs should be made with the instructor within 1 week of your return. (Incidentally, this is a real pain; try not to miss lab days) Unfortunately lab day could be any day of the week but most likely on your lab day.

PRESENTATIONS: This year, you will be required to present something to the class. This topic will be yours to choose from a general listing of topics. The presentation may consist of video, either original or gathered from other sources, audio, music, or personal demonstration. It must also include visuals that assist the class to better understand your topic. Adequate resources (high speed camera, computers, video and audio production software, microphones, radar gun, scientific apparatus, etc) exist in the classroom to create these reports. Basically, you are supposed to TEACH the class something.

SUMMARY: With all this in mind, remember that Physics is Fun and that I will try to make it as interesting as possible. In return I ask for a little cooperation and respect for myself and my things. With your cooperation this can be a fairly enjoyable course, without it, we’re in for a long year. If all goes well, by the end of the course you should be able to answer the nagging question that has baffled cartoon historians for a year: Why is Shaggy always Hungry? and what is in Scooby Snacks that he likes them so much (they are, after all, dog biscuits)? If you are in the AP class more advanced questions like: “why is there a beach in Bikini Bottom” may be answered.