Chapter 10: Databases and Information Management

Data and Information

How are data and information related?

· Computers process data into information

· Data is raw facts; information is data that is organized and meaningful

What is a database?

· Collection of data organized so you can access, retrieve, and use it

· Database software allows you to

o Create database

o Add, change, and delete data

o Sort and query database

· Database software also is called database management system (DBMS)

What is data integrity?

· Degree to which data is correct

· When database contains errors, it loses integrity

o Garbage in, garbage out

o (GIGO)

o Cannot create correct information from incorrect data

The Hierarchy of Data

What is a field?

· Combination of one or more characters

· Smallest unit of data user accesses

· Field name uniquely identifies each field

What are characteristics of a field?

· Data type

o Text – letters, numbers, special characters

o Numeric – numbers only

o Currency – dollar and cent amounts or numbers containing decimal values

o Date – month, day, year, and sometimes time

o Memo – lengthy text entries

o Yes/No – only the values Yes or No

o Hyperlink – Web address linking to a Web page

o Object – picture, audio, video or document created in other application

· Field size

What is a record?

· Group of related fields

· Must have key field

o Uniquely identifies each record in file

o Also called primary key

What is a data file?

· Collection of related records stored on disk

· Each record in file contains same fields

· Each field contains different data

· Database usually composed of group of related data files

Maintaining Data

What is file maintenance?

· Procedure that keeps data current

o Adding records

o Changing records

o Deleting records

What is validation?

· Validity check - analyzes entered data to help ensure it is correct

o Alphabetic Check

o Numeric Check

· Range Check – determines whether a number is within a specified limit

· Consistency Check – tests if the data in two or more associated fields is logical

· Completeness Check – certifies that all required data is present

What is a completeness check?

· Error message displays stating which required fields are blank

What is a check digit?

· Number(s) or character(s) appended to or inserted into primary key value

· Used to confirm accuracy of primary key value

File Processing Versus Databases

What is a file processing system?

· Each department or area within organization has own set of files

· Weaknesses

o Redundant data

o Isolated data

· Records in one file often do not relate to records in other files

o Problem: same customer may have different name or address in each file

What is the database approach?

· Many programs and users can share data in database

· Secures data so only authorized users can access certain data items

What are the strengths of the database approach?

· Reduced data redundancy

· Improved data integrity

· Shared data

· Reduced development time

· Easier reporting

What are the weaknesses of the database approach?

· Greater complexity

· Increased vulnerability

How do a database application and a file processing application differ in the way they might store data?

Database Management Systems

What is a database management system (DBMS)?

· Software that allows you to create, access, and manage a database

o Microsoft Access

o IBM’s DB2

o Oracle

What is a data dictionary?

· Contains data about each file in database and each field within those files

· Called “metadata”

What is a query language?

· Simple, English-like statements that allow you to retrieve data to display, print, or store

What is a query by example (QBE)?

· Program retrieves records that match criteria entered in form fields

What is a form?

· Window on screen that provides areas for entering or changing data in database

· E-form is similar, but used on Web

What is a report generator?

· Generates formatted report without user’s knowledge of programming

o Page numbers and dates

o Titles and column headings

o Subtotals and totals

· Comes with a database

What is data security?

· DBMS provides means to ensure only authorized users can access data with specified privileges

· Access privileges

· Define activities that specific user or group of users can perform

o Read-only privileges

§ User can retrieve data, but cannot change it

o Full-update privileges

§ User can retrieve and change the data

What is a log?

· Listing of activities that change database contents

· For every change, DBMS places three items in log file

o Before image

o Changed data

o After image

What is a recovery utility?

· Uses log file and/or backups to restore database when it is damaged or destroyed

o Rollforward

§ DBMS uses log to re-enter changes made to database since last save or backup

§ Also called forward recovery

o Rollback

§ DBMS uses log to undo any changes made to database during a certain period of time

§ Also called backward recovery

Relational, Object-Oriented and Multidimensional Databases

What is a data model?

· Every database and DBMS based on specific data model

· Composed of rules and standards

o Relational Databases

o Object-oriented and Object-relational Databases

o Multidimensional Databases

What is a relational database?

· Stores data in tables that consist of rows and columns

o Each row has primary key

o Each column has a unique name

What is normalization?

· Process designed to ensure data within relations (tables) contains least amount of duplication

What is relational algebra?

· Uses variables and operations to build new relations

· Used to manipulate and retrieve data

What is Structured Query Language (SQL)?

· Allows you to manage, update, and retrieve data

· Uses relational algebra

· Has special keywords and rules included in SQL statements

What is an object-oriented database (OODB)?

· Stores data in objects

o Object

§ Item that can contain both data and activities that read or process data

o Object query language (OQL)

§ Manipulates and retrieves object-oriented and object-relational data

· Advantages

o Can store more types of data

o Can access data faster

What are examples of applications appropriate for an object-oriented database?

· Multimedia databases

· Groupware databases

· Computer-aided design (CAD) databases

· Hypertext databases

· Hypermedia databases

What is a multidimensional database (MDDB)?

· Stores data in dimensions

· Advantage

o Can consolidate data much faster than relational database

What is a web database?

· Resides on a database server

· CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script

o Program

o Manages sending and receiving of data

o Between “front end” (usually a search engine)

o And database server

Database Administration

What is the role of the database analyst and administrator?

· Database analyst (DA)

o Focuses on meaning and usage of data

o Decides proper placement of fields, defines relationships among data, and identifies users’ access privileges

· Database administrator (DBA)

o Creates and maintains data dictionary, manages database security, monitors database performance, and checks backup and recovery procedures

What is the role of the employee as a user?

· Employee should learn how to utilize data in database

· Take part in designing database that will help achieve company’s overall goals

What are guidelines for developing a database?

· Determine the purpose

· Design the tables

· Design the fields

· Determine the relationships

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