10 November 2011
At Barrett House, 6 Barret Place, Randwick
Meeting start time: 6.45 pm
Meeting end time: 8.30pm
Natacha Bernstein, Helene Zampetakis, Anne-Marie Giordano, Lily Murcutt, Pierre-Jean Daudibon, Christal George, Clotilde Stauffer
1. Approve minutes of last meeting
2. Reports from Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary
3. Date for next monthly meeting
Date for Christmas Party
Closing Christmas dates.
4. AGM reports and paperwork: to Fair Trade and to members
5. Bread workshop / Workshops in general
6. Insurance (expiring mid December)
7. Job manual / descriptions + hierarchy within jobs
8. Incentive for directors (annual membership waved + Paul)
9. Start discussion on point system of reward
10. Signs for Barrett House
11. Mixed box composition - one supplier vs many
- Approval of minutes from last meeting.
Natacha approved. Pierre seconded.
Lily suggested to email out a draft version of the minutes to all members so that it can be read during individual’s own time and approved quickly at the next meeting.
Action: It was agreed by consensus to have two directors give approval before a draft is emailed out.
- Reports from Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer
Chairperson’s report (Natacha): Good to see number of mixed boxes remaining steady and strong (>20 per week). New members are staying rather then leaving after a trial. Discussed Co-op Federation of NSW as they had their AGM today. Also discussed and Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) and will look into benefits of joining the groups to discuss in January meeting
Treasurer’s report (Anne-Marie): Reported difficulty with setup to access Bank of Australia accounts. Natacha has not yet paid Back to Eden for the last invoice (still current) due to issue with email servers and discussion regarding quality of some of the produce (namely the Spinach)
Bank of Australia: $3,857.76
Bendigo Bank: $373.28
Paypal: $2,649.81
Petty cash??
Secretary’s report (previously Helene): Helene has completed the paperwork for the annual report following the AGM. Rhubarb has 28 days following AGM to submit
- Date for next meeting / Christmas Party / Rhubarb opening days during holidays
It was agreed via consensus that the next monthly meeting be held on the same day as the Christmas Party, which will be on Sunday 11th December. A short monthly meeting will be held from 10.30am – 11.00am. Then the Christmas Party will follow from 11.00am to 2pm (or later?). It was agreed that Rhubarb will also invite other community groups that use Barrett House. Everyone to bring a plate.
The December meeting will be a short meeting to go over what needs to be done during the last two weeks of the year. It was decided that
Anne-Marie suggested that this Christmas Party format could work for a general open house day at Barrett House in the New Year.
The group discussed whether to have a divvy on the 22nd and 29th of December. Helene, Lily and Pierre advised they would not be around. Natacha wanted to have one, despite fewer volunteers. This was the same for 29 December. Anne-Marie suggested that Rhubarb take a two week break. If this were the case then it would be closed 29th Dec and 5th Jan.
Action: Natacha will check to see if Sandra is around to do the ordering. Pierre volunteered to do the ordering if Sandra was not available. This will be decided during the December meeting.
- AGM reports and paperwork: to Fair Trade and to members
AGM Minutes: Helene has provided some changes, still awaiting for updates from other Directors.
Financial reports – completed and need to be available to members by 18th November
Action: Lily to upload the minutes once two directors have approved the Draft. Lily to also upload the Financial reports. Then will communicate to active members.
- Bread workshop / Workshops in general
New workshop co-ordinator (Clotilde)
The Bread making workshop will be held on Saturday, 3rd of December
It will run from 9-12pm (3 hour minimum). Everything has been set up with the Baker and Rhubarb has purchased flour at a cost of $70. The Baker will take $250 for their services.
Action: After a discussion about different prices, it was agreed by general consensus that the price will be $15/10 non-members/members. The places will be sold via the online shop and no refunds are to be made. The council would also grant Rhubarb $400.
Crystal advised that the meeting reminder in the mixed box was effective. Lily is able to put these reminders in during the lunch divvy.
- Insurance (expiring mid December)
Action: Helene offered to look into options for Insurance
- Job manual / descriptions + hierarchy within jobs / Incentive for directors +Paul / start discussion on point system of reward
Natacha proposed that key jobs have a waiver of the membership fee.
All present agreed to this. This is likely to be implemented for the 2016/2017 year and will require agreement of which roles as well as an allowance made for IT time.
Also discussed the possibility of thankyou gifts to certain individuals.
Action: It was decided that a separate workshop is needed to look at the job manual and reward systems. A workshop date is to be decided during the January meeting for February. At this stage, the likely attendees will be Helene, Sandra and Natacha.
- Mixed box composition – using one supplier vs multiple
Natacha described a little about the process of what is chosen when ordering for the mixed box, such as seasonality. Those present agreed to the following small changes:
- Varying the lettuce weekly
- Not having the same item for 3/4/5 weeks in a row (like asparagus)
- Only having 1 at a time of either turmeric, chilli, garlic or ginger in a mixed box when in season
- Allowing Garlic, Turmeric, Chilli and Ginger to appear as an extra and kept in fridge to sell the following week.
Crystal suggested changing the words from “too much in your pantry” to “too much in your box” to increase the usage of the comments box when ordering.
Action: Lily will look at the order list and will make a note of what is in season when updating the weekly mixed box photo on FB. Lily will also add a note of how many FB views per week during her secretary report.
- Signs for Barrett House
Eva & Natacha creating signs for Barrett House. These were then updated by the relevant member during the meeting. Once these are finished they will be laminated and used during the respective divvy.
- IT matters
Paul provided a status update via email.
1) login page updated with new artwork.
2) The weekly orders are now running in parallel - they are being written both to filemaker and also to google. At midday on Saturday the systems sync, and we can check if there are any discrepancies (eg: stock levels, account balances, orders, and payments)
The following is work is outstanding:
1) all the printouts for the divvy
2) stock maintenance UI
3) order reconciliation UI
4) user maintenance UI
5) updating membership expiry when a membership payment is received.
To turn off filemaker, we need 1), 2) and 3) done. The remainder Paul can do manually the code is written
Pierre working through this with Paul. Pierre looking at Stock, Claire doing the reconciliation.
Action Items
1 / Look into benefits of joining Co-op Federation of NSW to discuss in January meeting / Natacha2 / Find out if Sandra is around to do ordering at the end of the year / Sandra/Natacha
3 / Request Paul for access to Rhubarb Web Page / Wordpress. Then upload AGM minutes and Financials / Lily
4 / Set up bread workshop on online shop, then communicate to members / Natacha / Lily
5 / Insurance comparison / Helene
6 / Change the wording from Pantry to Box on order page / Lily
7 / Start adding in seasonality comment to mixed box photo / Lily