The Department provides guidelines for the installation, maintenance, and repair of pavement markings in the required references below. Theses specifications, construction details, and standards may be reviewed on-line at
Once on the GDOT web site, note a header toolbar; click on the Quick Link: Doing Business. Once linked, browse the electronic specification library.
A.To review Specifications: At the web site, click on The Source, once open notice there are several sub-links: Special Provisions, Standard Specifications, and Sampling, Testing & Inspection.
- For Special Provisions: click on the link:
a.Once it opens, look for the drop down box and click on the down arrow to bring up the menu.
b.Choose a broad category (select from Shelf Special Provisions, Reference Special Provisions, and Supplemental Specifications) to find desired Specification.
- For Standard Specifications: click on the link:
a.Once it opens, note the drop down box and click on the down arrow to bring up the menu.
b.Choose a broad category that includes the number of the Standard Specification required for review.
c.Example: Standard Specification 641 – Guardrail is needed. Select the section labeled, 581 – 725 Miscellaneous Items. Once it opens, scroll down and click on the specification number. It will open.
- For Construction Details and Standards: click on the link, Policies and Manuals. Under the sub-link R.O.A.D.S, click on the link: Construction Standards and Details link.
a.Select either English Standards or English Construction details
b.Once into the site, scroll down to the desired Standard or Detail.
- For Sampling, Testing, & Inspection: click on the link. Once it opens, look for the link to Qualified Products List (QPL) Table of Contents and go to the applicable item.
Required References:
1.01The Georgia Department of Transportation State of Georgia Standard Specifications Construction of Transportation System, 2001 Edition, Supplemental Specifications, and Special Provisions for this solicitation include:
- Section 100 - 109
- Section 150 - Traffic Control
- Section 652 - Painting Traffic Stripe
- Section 653 - Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe
- Section 654 - Raised Pavement Markers
- Section 655 - Pavement Arrow with Raised Reflectors
- Section 656 - Removal of Pavement Markings
- Section 657 - Preformed Plastic Pavement Markings
- Section 658 - Polyurea Traffic Stripe
- Section 868 - Bituminous Adhesive for Raised Pavement Markers
- Section 870 - Paint
- Section 919 - Raised Pavement Markers
1.02Special Provisions
- Section 652 - High Build Standard and Wet Weather Traffic Paint (Attached and made part of the Contract)
1.03Construction Details and Standards
A. Construction Details:
1. Details of Pavement Marking Placement on Non-Limited Access Roadway (T11a)
2. Details of Pavement Marking Placement on Limited Access Roadway (T11b)
3. Details of Pavement Marking Arrow Location (T12a)
4. Details of Pavement Markings - Arrow (T12b)
5. Details of Pavement Marking Words (Sheet 1 of 2) (T13a)
6. Details of Pavement Marking Words (Sheet 2 of 2) (T13b)
7. Details of Pavement Marking Words Placement (T13c)
8. Details of Pavement Marking Hatching (T14)
9. Details of Raised Pavement Marker Location Non-Limited Access Roadway (T15a)
10. Details of Raised Pavement Marker Location Limited Access Roadway (T15b)
11. Details of Raised Pavement Markers (T15c)
12. Details of Bicycle Lane Pavement Markings (T16)
13. Details of HOV Lane Pavement Markings (T17a)
14. Details of HOV Gore Area Pavement Markings (T17b)
15. Details of Handicapped Pavement Markings (T18)
B. Standards:
1. Railroad Grade Crossing Signs and Marking (9023A)
2. Railroad Grade Crossing - Railroad Signing and Marking at Crossing with RR Signals and/or Gates (9024A)
3. Railroad Crossing with 14 FT. Center Lane (9025A)
4. Traffic Control General Notes, Standard Legend, Miscellaneous Details (9100)
- Traffic Control Detail for Lane Closure on Two-lane Highway (9102)
- Traffic Control Detail for Lane Closure on Multi-lane Divided Highway (9106)
- Traffic Control Detail for Lane Closure on Multi-lane Undivided Highway (9107)
- Tapers, Signs, and Markings for Passing Lanes (9121)
1.04Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD), current edition
Note: When there is an occurrence of conflicting requirements between Specification Section 150 and the MUTCD, the more stringent requirement shall control.
2.01Installation, Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement
A. Striping: This work shall consist of the replacement of faded (non-reflective), missing, or damaged roadway and/or bridge striping. The removal of existing striping shall be in accordance with Section 656 of the Specifications. When removing tape from the existing surfaces of open graded friction course pavements, the Contractor shall utilize a high pressure water system to prevent damage to the asphalt mat. The removal methods for open graded friction course pavements shall be approved by the Engineer prior to the Contractor beginning work. All striping placed under this Contract shall be installed in accordance with applicable Standards, Construction Details, and Specifications. Unless requested by the Engineer, all materials are to be replaced with like materials: paint for paint, thermoplastic for thermoplastic, etc.”
B.Marking: This work shall consist of the replacement of faded (non-reflective), missing, or damaged roadway and/or bridge traffic markings such as words, symbols, and arrows. The removal of existing traffic markings shall be in accordance with Section 656 of the Specifications. All markings placed under this Contract shall be installed in accordance with applicable Standards, Construction Details, and Specifications. Unless requested by the Engineer, all materials are to be replaced with like materials: paint for paint, thermoplastic for thermoplastic, etc.
C. Raised Pavement Markers: This work shall consist of the replacement of faded
(non-reflective), missing, or damaged raised pavement markers (RPM). The removal of existing raised pavement markers shall be in accordance with Section 654 of the Specifications. All raised pavement markers placed under this Contract shall be installed in accordance with applicable Standards, Construction Details, and Specifications. Unless requested by the Engineer, all pavement markers are to be replaced with like pavement markers: type 1 for type 1, type 3 for type 3, etc. Type 1 RPM’s are two way, one color, yellow, for two way traffic and will be used on double yellow lines, single yellow skip lines, and two way turn lanes. Type 2 RPM’s are one way, one color, yellow, for one way traffic and will be used next to the solid line in a passing zone facing opposing traffic. Type 3 RPM’s are two way, two color, red and clear, and will be used on all multi lane and interstate lane lines, gore lines, and turn lanes. Type 11, 12, and 13 RPM’s are the 4 x 4 counterpart and may be used in place of Type 1, 2, and 3 RPM’s. The cost for removal of existing raised pavement markers shall be included in the bid prices for the installation of new raised pavement markers.”
The Engineer reserves the right to perform all sampling and testing in accordance with Section 106 of the Specifications. The Contractor shall furnish the applicable certifications and documentation for all materials as required by the Specifications. Material which is not properly certified will not be accepted. When required by the Specifications, Plans, Standards, or Details, the Contractor shall meet the materials requirements specified in the Department’s Qualified Products List (QPL).
Schedule all work to ensure the least inconvenience and the utmost in safety to the traveling public, the Contractor’s, and the Department’s forces.
A.Perform the Work during daylight hours if allowed in the approved Traffic Control Plan.
B.Move equipment or materials on or across a traveled way in a manner as not to unduly interfere with traffic.
- Suspend operations if weather conditions are such that maintenance operations cannot be carried out in an effective manner.
1.If such suspension occurs, notify the Engineer immediately and re-schedule that day’s uncompleted tasks for another day during that same week.
2.The Department reserves the right to restrict operations when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the continuance of the Work could seriously hinder facility operations or jeopardize safety.
ALane Closures: The Contractor shall complete the required work of installing, maintaining, and removing the traffic control devices for lane closures and restoring traffic to existing traffic pattern. For routine and non-functional work, the Contractor shall detail any required lane closures in the Traffic Control Plan for Engineer approval.
B.In addition, the Contractor shall not close or narrow a lane of traffic, detain and/or alter the traffic flow on or during holidays, holiday weekends, special events, or any other time when traffic is unusually heavy, including the following schedules:
1.New Year's Day, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. December 31st and 8:00 p.m. January 2nd.
If New Year's Day is on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday, then until 8:00 p.m. the following Tuesday
2.Memorial Day, between the hours of noon Friday and 9:00 a.m. Tuesday.
3.Independence Day, between the hours of noon the day before Independence Day and 8:00 a.m. the day after Independence Day.
If Independence Dayis on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday, then between the hours of noon the Thursday before Independence Day and 8:00 a.m. the Tuesday after Independence Day
4.Labor Day, between the hours of noon Friday and 9:00 a.m. Tuesday.
5.Thanksgiving Day, between the hours of noon Wednesday and 9:00 a.m. Monday.
6.Christmas, between the hours of noon Christmas Eve and 9 a.m. the day following the holiday.
C.Holidays and holiday weekends shall include New Years, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
D.The time of availability for the Work shall be the time the Contractor begins to install all traffic control devices for lane closures according to the time restrictions listed above, or in the Approved Traffic Control Plan.
E.The completion time for the Work shall be the time the Contractor is required to complete the removal of all traffic control devices for lane closures according to the time restrictions stated above, or in the Approved Traffic Control Plan, and place traffic in the existing traffic pattern.
F.Failure to remove the lane closures within the time restrictions above, or within the restrictions specified in the Approved Traffic Control Plan, will result in the assessment of liquidated damages against the Contractor. The liquidated damages will be assessed at the rate of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per fifteen minutes or portion thereof.
The Contractor shall maintain access to driveways for all residents and property owners throughout the life of the project. The Contractor shall not perform work for private citizens or agencies in conjunction with this project or within the project limits of this contract.
The Contractor shall maintain traffic during work activities and provide, install, and maintain all traffic control devices in accordance with these project guidelines, the Project Traffic Control Plans, the Project Special Provisions, Georgia Department of Transportation State of Georgia Standard Specifications for Construction of Transportation Systems, 2001 edition, Supplemental Specifications, and the current edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
A.The Contractor shall utilize complete and proper traffic controls and traffic control devices during all operations. All traffic control and traffic control devices required for any operation shall be functional and in place prior to the commencement of that operation. Signs for temporary operations shall be removed during periods of inactivity. The Contractor is required to leave the project in a manner that will be safe to the traveling public and which will not impede motorists.
B.The Contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations governing safety, health, and sanitation, and shall provide all safeguards, safety devices, and protective equipment, and shall take any other needed actions, on his own responsibility that are reasonably necessary to protect the life and health of employees on the job and the safety of the public, and to protect property in connection with the performance of the work covered by the contract.
C.Failure to comply with any of the requirements for safety and traffic control of this contract shall result in suspension of work as provided in Subsection 108.06 of the Specifications.
D.Parking trucks, vehicles, and other large equipment on grassed areas, under the drip line of existing trees, or in handicapped parking spaces, is prohibited.
Safety is the responsibility of the Contractor. Operate all equipment safely, as per manufacturer recommendations, and in accordance with all applicable codes, laws, ordinances, and regulations.
5.01Perform work in such a way to prevent damage to turf, trees, shrubs, groundcover, structures, site fixtures, and parked or moving vehicles.
5.02Be responsible for contacting and locating all utilities prior to digging. Any damage to utilities caused by the Contractor shall be corrected immediately by the Contractor at no expense to the Department.
A. Contractor shall comply with Georgia Law by ensuring buried utilities are properly marked. They may do so by contacting 811.
1. Web site:
2. Submitting a request on-line or by telephone.
B. Contractor shall perform no work until the site is marked, or that the Georgia811organization indicates that there are no buried utilities at the location.
5.03Verbally report any incidents that occur on site to the Engineer within one hour. Submit an incident report to the Department within 24 hours that describes the accident in full, names of those involved with contact phone numbers, extent of injuries, and damage.
For the purpose of inspection and control, the Department will monitor the Contractor’s progress and performance.
A.Rejected work and/or materials shall be immediately removed or corrected within twenty-four (24) hours of notification or as directed by the Engineer.
B.Non-refundable Deductions may be assessed for specification non-compliance and remain in effect until brought into compliance.
The Department reserves the right at any time to Contract for and perform other or additional work on or near the Work covered by the Contract.
If a road/parking lot/facility rehabilitation or improvement project is under construction or will be under construction where maintenance is scheduled, each contractor shall conduct the Work so as not to interfere with or hinder the progress or completion of the Work being performed by other Contractors. Contractors working on the same Project shall cooperate with each other.
Each Contractor involved shall assume all liability, financial or otherwise, in connection with this Contract and shall protect and save harmless the Department from any or all damages or claims that may arise because of inconvenience, delay, or loss experienced by him because of the presence and operations of other Contractors working within the limits of the same Project.
The Contractor shall arrange the Work and shall place and dispose of the materials being used so as not to interfere with the operations of the other contractors within the limits of the same Project. The Contractor shall join his work with that of the others in an acceptable manner and shall perform it in proper sequence to that of the others.
In the event that any damage occurs during and is caused by the Contractor’s operations, the Contractor shall be required to repair or replace the damaged item with a like item at the Contractor’s expense within eight (8) hours of the occurrence. If the said damage is not corrected in eight (8) hours and the damage has to be repaired or replaced utilizing Department property or personnel, the cost of the repair or replacement will be calculated and deducted from the Contractor’s payment.
The Contractor will be required to prosecute the Work in a continuous and uninterrupted manner from the time he begins the Work until completion and final acceptance of the Project. The Contractor will not be permitted to suspend his operations except for reasons beyond his control or except where the Engineer has authorized a suspension of the Contractor’s operations in writing.
Performance Requirements for Thermoplastic Striping
- Retroreflectivity:
At the time of installation, produce in-place markings with the minimum reflectance values shown below, as obtained with an LTL 2000 Retroreflectometer or equivalent. Maintain the retroreflectance values shown below for a minimum of 30 days from the time of placement of the traffic marking material.
White375 mcd/lux/m2
Yellow250 mcd/lux/m2
In addition, ensure in-place traffic markings meet the following reflectance values after 6 months, as obtained with an LTL 2000 Retroreflectometer or equivalent.
White325 mcd/lux/m2
Yellow200 mcd/lux/m2
During the 6 month evaluation period, ensure that the thermoplastic pavement marking material shows no signs of failure due to blistering, excessive cracking, chipping, bleeding, staining, discoloration, oil content of the pavement materials, smearing or spreading under heat, deterioration due to contact with grease deposits, oil, diesel fuel, or gasoline drippings, spilling, poor adhesion to the pavement materials, loss of reflectivity, vehicular damage, and normal wear. In the event that failures mentioned above occur, ensure that corrective work is completed by the contractor at no additional cost to the Department.
Performance Requiements for Paint Striping
At the time of installation, produce in-place markings with the minimum reflectance values shown below, as obtained with an LTL 2000 Retroreflectometer or equivalent. Maintain the retroreflectance values shown below for a minimum of 30 days from the time of placement of the traffic marking material.
White325 mcd/lux/m2
Yellow225 mcd/lux/m2
In addition, ensure in-place traffic markings meet the following reflectance values after 6 months, as obtained with an LTL 2000 Retroreflectometer or equivalent.