47/15 Action Notes

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 29th September 2015 at 7.00pm at Skellingthorpe Village Office, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln

Present: Cllrs Goldson (Chair of meeting) Scott, Jackman , Snedden, Shaw, Bennett, Scarborough Cheeseman,

Pepper, Richardson, Pannell, Samms. Clerks: L. Skinner, M. Rouston

Cllr Reg Shore PCSO Jo Mackie

1. Apologies for absence and reasons given. Cllr Hauton

2. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.

There were no declarations of interest at this point.

3. To Inspect the Parish Council Insignia


4. Consider amendments to Standing Orders/Financial Regulations/Absence Policy

Details on these were discussed Amendments acceptance were proposed by Cllr Snedden and seconded by Councillor Jackman All in favour on show of hands

5. Chairmans remarks

Hub update

A meeting had been arranged with Malcom Smith of Navenby PC which gave interesting ideas on the structure. Councillors want the building to look atheistically pleasing. It was felt the next stage was to call on an Architect.


A letter from Wilkin Chapman regarding they cannot continue to be used as our solicitors in this case was discussed due to conflict of interest. Clerks have asked from other parish councils recommendations on solicitors

It was decided to call an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 7th October 2015 to discuss this matter further and discuss the Finance required regarding solicitors/architect fees.

Pavillion Refurbishment.

Cllr Goldson thanked those Councillors who took part in the Task Force with painting the Pavillion, although not finished they made good headway on the walls

6. Police Report

PCSO Jo Mackie informed the Council of activities for July to September 2015

3 reports of Anti Social Behaviour of Apples being thrown at properties and problems on the cycle path between horse riders and cyclists. 5 reported crimes of Burglary to Building Site – Jerusalem Road, Theft regarding Toy Diggers at Daisy Maid, Theft of Milk from Waterloo Lane, Criminal Damage to Motor Vehicle in Old Wood. Cllr Samms reported incidences in the Old Wood which the Police advised aware of. Also a letter from the residents of Almond Grove, regarding vehicle disturbance. PCSO left at 7.20pm Clerks to forward letter to Police

7. Clerks Report

Invitations to Remembrance Day Service required approval by Council. All agreed for Clerk to send out invites.

Refreshments to be Coffee/Tea Cakes/Biscuits and Orange juice. Clerks to liaise with Community Centre

Drapers had been contacted and wreaths were ordered.

Clerk had received an offer for A Sharpe for purchase of Pavilion railings. Cllr Scott proposed to accept the offer and Cllr Richardson seconded. 9 in favour and 3 abstentions. Carried on majority vote Clerks to Write

Clerk spoke about a letter received from a resident regarding footpath covered in grass and possibility of a pelican crossing. Letter to be forwarded to NKDC and Lincolnshire County Council Highways Clerks to Forward letter

Proposal of Christmas Dinner for Councillors, Clerks and Community Centre Committee to be held at Stones Arms

Clerks to Book

Letter from Community Centre Management Committee confirming they have agreed that they would ask the Council to consider taking on the lease or becoming the trustee for the Centre in preparation of the new Hub To be discussed further at Extraordinary Meeting

8. Approve minutes of Parish Council Meeting 20th August 2015

Cllr Jackman proposed to accept the minutes as a true record. Cllr Pepper seconded All agreed to be a true record by those at the meeting on the 20th August 2015.

9. District and County Council Reports

Cllr Pannell reported Good News from North Kesteven DC that they had been top of the poll for replacement of Houses being built to replace those sold by the Right to Buy Scheme by 2 being built for every 1 sold. Councils are not being awarded much in funds to replace housing stock.

Cllr Shore reported that he was unhappy with LCC Highways attitude regarding the Parish Councils proposed Speed signs and asked the council to email through the problems to him, so that he can look into the matter.

48/15 Action Notes

He advised that he was happy to be able to offer the Council a grant from him of £1000 to be used in conjunction with the Hub, possibly to use towards Architect fees.

10. Staffing UpGrades

Councillors were asked to consider the re-grading of Margaret Rouston from Clerical Assistant to Clerk, due to the fact she has taken on more responsibility, her role had changed and both clerks were sharing the responsibilities of the office. Cllr Scott Proposed the re-grading and Cllr Samms seconded. All in favour by show of hands.

Local Plans

Cllr Goldson advised on problems with the Local Plan within Skellingthorpe allowances, a strong plan is needed Councillor’s were asked if they wished him to draft a plan for Council to look at. Cllr Pannell endorsed his information. All in favour of drafting a plan.

SIDs Update

Cllr Scott reported on a meeting with Road Safety Partnerships and discussed the problems that are happening between Road Safety Partnership and LCC Highways regarding the siting of the SIDS on poles or Lamp posts and the associated problems. To consider writing to Karl McCartney. Cllr Shore gave his support in this matter

A resident suggested Wheelie Bin Stickers of 30mph. Clerks had looked into these, but the Council decided not to proceed with this idea as Clerks had looked into the costs, and the Council felt they were too prohibitive.

11. Approve Monthly Accounts September 2015

Cllr Scott went through the accounts, and advised that due to Lynda Skinners input the accounts were much clearer now. Accounts were all in Budget. Councillor Scott also updated Council on the revised Telephone contracts saving around £800 to £1,000 per annum. Cllr Snedden proposed to accept the accounts Cllr Samms seconded All in favour on show of hands

12. Bank Business Card

Cllr Scott advised that buying items for the Council had become problematic as suppliers do not accept payments from cheque or cash, and only accept Cards. Cllr Pannell proposed the application of the Business Card

Cllr Pepper seconded. All in Favour by show of hands. Clerk to Apply to Bank

13. Task Force

Request of Waste Bin Footpath 15

Councillors discussed the matter of the waste/refuse in this area, there has to be approval by the County Council., and it would cost approx £95 pa to empty said bin. It was suggested to monitor the area. Clerk to write to resident

Consider Electrical Work on War Memorial

It was reported that the floodlights and the outlet socket was not working. Cllr Pepper Proposed for electrician to be contacted Cllrs Cheeseman seconded. All in favour. Clerk to Contact electrician

14. Income Generation Update

Cllr Scarborough spoke about costings on the proposed Fun Run and gave details of a Website that can be used to pay for applications by the runners. To be brought to the next Events Committee meeting Councillors thanked Cllr Scarborough for her work on this event. Cllr Jackman spoke on the Beer Festival and the support for 2016. Cathedral Brewery would supply the bar 10 Sponsors are needed and once sponsors are confirmed Cllr Jackman will get posters printed. Cllr Goldson advised there was interest for the Village Auction to be held again in 2016.

15. Council Meeting Dates Jan to June 2016

Councillors were given a list of the proposed meeting dates.

Other Business

Councillors were advised on the ROSPA report on the Playground, and associated remarks They were advised on the instalment of the new play equipment, this week. Thanks were given to the Councillors past and present on this, and there would be an official opening later in the year. In the meantime a photo and article to be placed in the Chat magazine.

The Bowls club had put in a request for a Gate Key. Council has agreed the Bowls Club to have a key on a deposit. Clerk to write to the Bowls Club

11. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960. Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.

Proposed Cllr Scott seconded by Cllr Jackman and unanimously approved on a show of hands that council move into closed session.

There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.30pm

Chairman ………………………………………. Date…………………………………………..

MR - 30th September 2015

Closed Session Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 29th September 2015

a)  Confirm appointment of Responsible Finance Officer/Clerk – Lynda Skinner

Cllr Scott advised that Lynda Skinner has passed her formal probationary period and subsequent appraisal with no concerns and it was proposed by Cllr Scott that Council should confirm her position, Cllr Jackman seconded and all were in favour by a show of hands.

b)  Approve RFO/Clerk to be on Payscale Spine point 17

Cllr Scott proposed for this new payscale to be accepted Cllr Jackman seconded All in favour

c)  Approve Clerk to be on Payscale Spine point 15 due to change of position

Cllr Scott proposed for this new payscale to be accepted Cllr Snedden seconded 11 in Favour 1 Absention.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm


30th September 2015