Online Monitoring System

User Manual


1.Accessing the wash in schools Online monitoring System


1.2.Login Page

1.3.Main Page

2.Managing the User Account

2.1.Edit Password

2.2.Edit Contact Information


4.1.Entering Data for the Wash Survey

5.Generating reports

5.1.Accessing the Statistical Report Screen

5.2.Generating Region, Division and School District Reports Reports

5.3.Generating School Reports

6.Types of Reports

6.1.Three Star Reports

1.Accessing the wash in schools Online monitoring System


1.1.1.The DepED SBM WinS Online Monitoring System can be accessed at

1.1.2.The system is optimized for the Firefox browser. Firefox can be downloaded at

1.2.Login Page

1.2.1.The login page appears when the user accesses the SBM WinS website. Enter your username and password to access the system.


1.3.1.Entering the correct username and password will bring the user to the Main Page of the SBM WinS. The Main Menu found on the left side allows you to access the different functionalities of the system.

2.Managing the AccountProfile

2.1.Edit Password

2.1.1.The Edit Passwordcommand will bring you to the Edit Password Screen where the password can be changed. Simply enter your original password in the <Enter Password> box, then enter your new password in the <New Password> and <Retype Password> box, then click the <Editbutton to save the changes. It is important to change your password from the default password given by the administrator to ensure that unauthorized users will not be able to modify the data in your respective jurisdiction.

2.2.Edit Contact Information

2.2.1.The <Edit Contact Info> command will bring you to the Edit Contact Information Screen where you can enter your contact information. Simply enter your contact details then click the <Edit> button to save the data.

3.Managing the User Accounts

3.1.Creating New Users

3.1.1.The <Usercommand in the Main Menu allows you to manage the User Accounts that have access to the system. Clicking on the command will bring you to the Search User Screen. To create a new user, simply click on the <Click to Add New User> command. This will bring you to the Add User Screen. Enter the necessary data and click on <Add> to create a new user account. There system can create a user account that can access a whole division, school district or only a specific school depending on the Access Level that was selected. In the example below, the user account can only access one elementary school.

3.2.Editing Existing Users

3.2.1.In the Search User Screen, enter the user name of the account that you want to edit and click on search. This will list all the accounts matching the search criteria. Click on the letter <E> beside the Username to access the Edit User Screen. Simply revise the information in the Edit User Screen and click on the <Edit> button to save the data.

3.3.Deleting Existing Users

3.3.1.In the Search User Screen, enter the user name of the account that you want to edit and click on search. This will list all the accounts matching the search criteria. Click on the letter <D> beside the Username to access the Delete User Screen. Simply click on the <Delete> button to delete the user account.

4.Managing School Districts

4.1.Creating New School Districts

4.1.1.Moving your mouse on School Districtcommand in the Main Menu allows access the submenus for adding and editing a school district. Click on the <Add Sch. District> command to access the Add School District Screen. Simply enter the name of the new School District and click on the <Add> button.

4.2.Editing Existing School Districts

4.2.1.Click on the <Edit Sch. District> command to access the Select School District Screen. Select a particular school district and click on <Next> to access the Edit School District Screen. Make the necessary revisions in the District Name and click on <Edit> to save the changes in the database.

5.Managing SchoolS

5.1.Creating New Schools

5.1.1.Moving your mouse on Schoolcommand in the Main Menu allows access the submenus for adding and editing a school. Click on the <Add School> command to access the Add School Screen. Simply enter the required information for the new school and click on the <Add> button.

5.2.Editing Existing Schools

5.2.1.Click on the <Edit School> command to access the Select School Screen. Select a particular school and click on <Next> to access the Edit School Screen. Make the necessary revisions and click on <Edit> to save the changes in the database.

5.3.Opening/Closing Schools

5.3.1.Click on the <Open/Close Schools> command to access the Open/Close Existing School Screen. Enter the appropriate School Year and Level of Education to display the list of schools for the division. Put a check mark beside the name of all schools that are open then click on the <Submit> button found at the end of the page. Not putting a check would signify that the said school is closed for the school year specified.


6.1.Entering Data for the Wash Survey

6.1.1.The <Wash Surveycommand in the Main Menu allows you to enter the accomplish survey forms from the schools. Clicking on the command will bring you to the Wash Survey Form – Select School Screen. To enter data for a particular school simply fill up the School District, School Name and Survey Type then click on the <Next> button. The system can record data baseline and endline data as well as data from validation activities.

6.1.2.Clicking on the <Next> button will bring you to the Wash Survey Form – Enter School Survey Screen. The survey contains data on the School Profile, Water Access for Handwashing and Cleaning, Water Access for Drinking, Sanitation, Cleanliness of Surroundings, Hygiene, Menstrual Hygiene Management, Human Resource, IEC Materials, Operation and Maintenance, and Surveyor Data. Simply enter data into the appropriate fields then click on the <Submitbutton to update the database. If you want to make corrections, simply return to the survey and make the necessary changes then click on the <Submit button to save the revisions.

7.Generating reports

7.1.Accessing the Statistical Report Screen

7.1.1.The <Reports> link allows you to generate reports available in the SBM WinS System. Clicking on the link will bring you to the Statistical Report Screen. The dropdown buttons allow you to select which School Year, and Level will be processed for the report. They also allow you summarize the data by Region, Division, School District, Province, Municipality or School. The reports can be generated by clicking on the links below the Select Report section.

7.2.Generating Region, Division and School District Reports

7.2.1.Reports which summarize the data by Region, Division, and School District can be generated by setting the <Summarize by> dropdown to the appropriate option and the <Show Schools> dropdown to “No”. The settings below, for example, will generate a School District report for Balangiga-Lawaan in Eastern Samar. If the <School District> dropdown is left blank, the report will generate all the school districts for Eastern Samar.

7.3.Generating School Reports

7.3.1.School Reports can be generated by setting the <Show Schools> dropdown to “Yes”. The settings below will generate a School report for the district of Balangiga-Lawaan.

8.Types of Reports

8.1.Three Star Reports

8.1.1.Three Star Rating (Baseline/Endline). Generates a report that displays the Star rating of the selected area/s in terms of the various WinS categories. The report can be generated using baseline or endline data. The table above is an example of the Three Star Rating.

8.1.2.Three Star Profile (Baseline/Endline). Generates a report that displays the WinS profile of the selected area in terms of the three stars. The Profile is broken down into three sections. The first section shows the three star rating of the selected area broken down into the different WinS categories with remarks on what needs to be done to improve the rating. The second section uses a graph to show the three star rating from the baseline to the endline. In the example below, Sanitation improved from 2-stars in the baseline survey to 3-stars in the endline. The last section uses a graph that shows the number of schools in the area in terms of star rating. In the example below, there are 7 schools with 3-stars, 1 school with 2-stars, 1 school with 1-star, and 0 schools with 0-stars for column on Water for Handwashing.

8.1.3.Reports by WinS Category (Baseline/Endline). Generates reports that display the Percent of Schools by Star Rating depending on the type of WinS Category being generated. Reports can be generated for Water Access for Handwashing, Water Access for Drinking, Sanitation, Cleanliness of Surroundings, Hygiene Kits, IEC Materials, as well as Operation and Maintenance. The example below shows the baseline report for Water Access for Handwashing. In this example most of the schools in Guiuan East and Salcedo II are still 0-star in terms of water access for handwashing.

In order to download a chart to your computer, click on the three horizontal bars on the upper right side of the chart then select the appropriate format of the downloaded file.

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