List 30:

1.  Abbreviate – (v.) to shorten; to reduce in length

2.  Abstinence – (n.) self-restraint,

the state of being without something by choice.

3.  Adulation – (n.) devotion, flattery

4.  Adversity – (n.) a condition marked by

misfortune or distress

5.  Anachronistic - (adj.) describes something

or someone that does not fit with its correct

historical time

6.  Anecdote – (n.) a short account of an incident

or event.

7.  Antagonist – (n.) an opponent, an adversary.

8.  Censure – (v.) to criticize in a harsh manner.

9.  Circuitous – (adj.) roundabout; not direct

10. Clairvoyant – (adj.) having the power of

seeing objects or actions beyond natural vision.

Psychic, telepathic, visionary.